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Should I try to get girl who dresses really nice, consistently?


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There's this pretty girl in my class that dresses really nice(not * * * * ty, but nice) everytime, I guess you could say say she is preppy, I think. So, being that she dresses really nice, and looks great everyday I didn't really think of approaching her because I thought she's not my type of girl, because of her high maintenance, which to me means I would lose a lot of cash. Anyway, it was until we spoke face to face that, I found attraction in her, I mean I never noticed how pretty her face really was from up close, and how nice her voice sounded or how smart she was. I mean she seemed so down to earth it surprised me, never would I thought I would speak to her at all.


So, what I want to know is, if a girl dresses really nice for class, does it mean she is shallow and would only go for guys with a lot cash and a job? Because i'm not rich nor do I have a job, I am 19, but I feel incredibly immature when compared to a lot of people in school, I mean, I play video games and I watch Dragon Ball Z on the internet still, but mostly for nostalgia, haha. So what do you think should I bother?

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Uhhh... don't judge a book by its cover ^_^

The NUMBER ONE word men used to describe me ALL MY LIFE even now, has always been "intimidating" because of how I hold my shoulders back, I'm blunt, extremely intelligent and eloquent, I have a killer body and love being trendy; and I'm obviously (well at least HALF the time, quite confident in myself). But I'm also very sweet, kindhearted, sensitive and as open as they come.


Everyone is different. Give yourself a chance ^_^

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This is really funny because not to long ago there was a thread about a guy who was second guessing a girl because she dressed sloppy and not nice enough.


I think its stupid to make such assumptions about people based on what they wear, so yes I do think you should talk to her, what do you have to lose?


Also your interests dont dictate how mature you are. Maturity is being able to live life responsibly and handle situations rationally and intelligently. Besides, by your logic, I might as well be 10 years old *points at avatar*

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I'm wondering where you got this idea from?


Well, it's the case usually. When I first saw her, I thought she was arrogant and mean, but as I spoke to her my opinion of her changed, and I became attracted to her.


Also wouldn't the girl who dresses really nice want her man to provided for her so she van buy more clothes? It just seems to be the case more often with preppy girls.

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Well, it's the case usually. When I first saw her, I thought she was arrogant and mean, but as I spoke to her my opinion of her changed, and I became attracted to her.


Dressing nicely means you're high maintenance and possible a golddigger? Do you really think its impossible that this girl buys her own clothes like everyone else?


Why do so many guys have such low opinions of women, and all it takes is something as simple as the clothes she wears. I mean seriously...how do you come to this conclusion? And just like the last thread, the guy was making all these negative assumptions about the girl based on how she dressed.


If anything this should teach you to not be so judgmental.

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Well, it's the case usually. When I first saw her, I thought she was arrogant and mean, but as I spoke to her my opinion of her changed, and I became attracted to her.


I don't think it is usually the case. My core subject class is all girls from 20 to 26, of 32 only one of the girls acts that way and expects her boyfriend to spend money on her. And it is a design class, everyone dresses to a high standard every day.

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Dressing nicely means you're high maintenance and possible a golddigger? Do you really think its impossible that this girl buys her own clothes like everyone else?


Why do so many guys have such low opinions of women, and all it takes is something as simple as the clothes she wears. I mean seriously...how do you come to this conclusion? And just like the last thread, the guy was making all these negative assumptions about the girl based on how she dressed.


If anything this should teach you to not be so judgmental.

Well, high maintenance in a way, but not always a golddigger. I don't see all girls as golddiggers. However, preppy girls like I think she kind of is usually go for the guys with the most cash. You have to agree that is usually the case, and I can't help what I think of a girl when she dresses nice everytime for class. But I know I am wrong in doing so, and I think this girl proved my expectations of her wonrg.

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Well, it's the case usually. When I first saw her, I thought she was arrogant and mean, but as I spoke to her my opinion of her changed, and I became attracted to her.


Also wouldn't the girl who dresses really nice want her man to provided for her so she van buy more clothes? It just seems to be the case more often with preppy girls.


You are ruining your chances with a lot of really great girls yourself. You have very little experience with this type of women, but have jumped right to judging all women who dress nice. Yes, some are arrogant and mean, but most aren't.

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dressing nice or wearing high heels makes a girl feel confident about herself. not necessary she wants a man to buy those clothes.and at our age i dont think girls expect guys to be rich unless they are sons of CEOs.

however immarture sounds like a bigger problem.i know guys who enjoy anime and they are too immature for me. so try not to be like that.

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Well, high maintenance in a way, but not always a golddigger. I don't see all girls as golddiggers. However, preppy girls like I think she kind of is usually go for the guys with the most cash. You have to agree that is usually the case, and I can't help what I think of a girl when she dresses nice everytime for class. But I know I am wrong in doing so, and I think this girl proved my expectations of her wonrg.


The reason it's not a good idea to make such generalizations is because you dont know about a person, who they are, what social status they come from, etc until you get to know them.


For example, preppy style clothing are available to pretty much anyone. People who are middle or even lower middle class can afford preppy clothes because an item of clothing can be preppy but doesn't necessarily have to come from an expensive clothing line. Even clothing from The Gap or Ralph Lauren (which are preppy lines) are affordable to regular folks. So by thinking that she automatically wants a rich guy just because of her preppy style wouldn't make sense, because the clothes she wears dont have to mean she comes from a rich, snotty background. Walmart even sells preppy style clothing. She could just like the style, and/or likes to look put together. Looking put together and attractive are considered positives in society, so that's probably why she does.


Now, if she is from a rich, country clubbing background, then yes, I'm more inclined to think she would want a guy with money, moreso because people usually date others who come from the same socioeconomic background. But again, you cant make assumptions until you talk to her. Also, I would think most rich people tend to go to elite schools, is your school elite?


This is why you cant say it's "usually the case" because you dont know the person. And even with all the above, there are always people who will surprise you.

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i think there is some truth to that, looking very nice everyday is being high maintenance. if i had the time, i'd look nice everyday too, but of course, i am crazy busy this year. i dress up whenever i can though, even if it's just for class so i'm not knocking it or anything but now that i have a crazy schedule, i do understand why people would view dressing stylishly everyday as high-maintenance.


anyway, it's just an image and if you're 19.. so is she so you guys probably have plenty of time to spend it however you want. she probably doesn't actually prioritize looking nice (in a shallow way) but rather prefers to look nice. there's a difference and as long as she's the latter and not the former, i think you should go for it!

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I think pinkelephant is on the right track. At that age, most girls spend a little extra time trying to look nice. They also have a little extra time compared to girls at later ages. That's also an age where people are finding themselves. So, she may dress differently and like different things now than she will 3 years from now.


Basically, you should see what her personality is like. See what her core is and what drives her. You may match, you may not, but you won't know until you give it a go. If she expects you to buy her nice things all of the time, then ditch her. Makes sure she values you and not possessions.

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Dressing nicely means you're high maintenance and possible a golddigger? Do you really think its impossible that this girl buys her own clothes like everyone else?


Why do so many guys have such low opinions of women, and all it takes is something as simple as the clothes she wears. I mean seriously...how do you come to this conclusion? And just like the last thread, the guy was making all these negative assumptions about the girl based on how she dressed.


If anything this should teach you to not be so judgmental.


At the heart of any assumption, you shall find the skeleton of a woman, who in the past bowled us over...all it takes is one bat to leave us cracked...

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At the heart of any assumption, you shall find the skeleton of a woman, who in the past bowled us over...all it takes is one bat to leave us cracked...


Get over it and use your brain, which should make it obvious to you that one bad experience with a woman doesn't dictate what the rest of women will do.


I love how this crap would never fly if we were dealing with race, but when it comes to them heathen females it's perfectly acceptable.

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Yeah, I'm very busy these days, as I tend to have to work 14 hours a day in different capacities, but my job requires me to look nice. So I wake up early every morning to do my hair and make-up and make myself look professional. It's not what I would do if I had a choice, but it is what it is, and I don't think it gives anyone any kind of insight into my personality or how I behave in a relationship.

"Dress up nice" also means something entirely different in college - when most girls are walking around in sweat pants and loose buns, a girl who's gotten up to shower, pick out a cute outfit and do her hair is going to stand out, even though that's a pretty reasonable degree of grooming once you leave college! At most I think you can conclude about her that she likes to look cute, and maybe is "fashionable". Don't see why she would expect you to buy her clothes since she a) already has them and b) has evidently been buying them for herself all along.

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I guess I'm an odd case then because I've always managed to find time to put on some make-up, casual but fashionable clothes and never left the house with a bed head when I was in college and when I was working. Not that I think anyone who doesn't do this is any worse or anything. Apparently that makes me high maintenance then (sue me for not being blessed with radiant natural beauty) I can tell you though I've never expected to have men buy things for me nor have I experienced that happening either.

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So, what I want to know is, if a girl dresses really nice for class, does it mean she is shallow and would only go for guys with a lot cash and a job? Because i'm not rich nor do I have a job, I am 19, but I feel incredibly immature when compared to a lot of people in school, I mean, I play video games and I watch Dragon Ball Z on the internet still, but mostly for nostalgia, haha. So what do you think should I bother?


Don't assume something like that based on how she's dressed. I'd understand if you said she wore dresses to class everyday and brought a designer hand bag with her, but wearing nice clothes doesn't make her rich and shallow. Something like that happened when I went to a gas station once. The female clerk said something about me being loaded based on my appearance, and I'm nowhere near rich. Maybe she just has good taste in clothes.

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