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All who think of killing themself--PLEASE READ

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Hi... below are reasons not to kill yourself... please read them and think about them hopefull they will change your mind about Suicide...


Because your Heavenly Father created your life with awe, and made you valuable and precious. (Psalm 139)

Because Jesus has taken all your blame and shame upon Himself already. (Isaiah 53)


Because there is hope because of His promises, even though it doesn't feel like it right now. (Romans 5:5)


Because each time you confront despair and re-focus on Jesus Christ, you get stronger through His strength, and you will know victory. (Hebrews 12:1-3)


Because if you die today you will not be able to experience the good things which God is planning to work in your life (which He has promised to do, even through this painful situation). (Romans 8:28)


Because Jesus says, "Give Me your unbearably heavy weight of this circumstance and I will bear it for you; rest in My arms and let me carry you through this time." (Matthew 11:28-30)


Because God has promised you have already won through the victory of Jesus Christ. (1 John 5:4; 1 Corinthians 15:57)


Because the Lord's will is to work healing in your life, so let Him do just that. (Exodus 15:26; Psalm 147:3)


Because if you give up, then the enemy has won and there is no more hope for you. (1 Peter 4:12-13, 19)


Because you know this pain and suffering in ways that others can't know it, and He will use you to give others hope and comfort when they are enduring the same type of pain. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7)


Because Jesus has promised you His peace, not only for the future, but for now. (John 16:33)


because you deserve to live


because your life has value, whether or not you can see it,


because it was not your fault,


because you didn't choose to be battered and used,


because life itself is precious, because they were and are wrong,


because you are connected to each and every other abuse survivor, and

so your daily battle automatically gives others hope and strength.


because you will feel better, eventually,


because each time you confront despair you get stronger .. you can't know now what you will ultimately be able to do with this new morsel of strength, what future battles you will be able to win,


because if you die today you will never again feel love for another human being, or trust, or gratitude,


because you will never again see kindness and compassion in another's eyes


because if you die today you will never again see sunlight pouring through the leaves of a tree, or a bird take flight, or feel the quality of light in winter,


because the seconds do not cease their passing, because even if it feels like time has become an unbearably heavy stone, it has not, and you only have to endure,


because you have already won .. you have known the cleverness and resiliency and courage and stubborn will to make it this far, and no one can take that away,


because the will to live is not a cruel punishment, even if it feels like that at times: it is a priceless gift.


because your inner children need you, they have no one else and their need is so great, and because they deserve more than anyone to be healed and comforted, they are true heroes against impossible odds.


because you owe your inner children, they are the reason you are here. If you die today you will erase the meaning of their suffering and incredible endurance, and that is too great a loss,


because you already have the skills to find your healing path, you have proven this over and over again,


because we need more warriors against this evil,


because we need survivors to offer testament against this horror and despair,


because no one knows better than you the meaning of suffering, and the agony deepens the heart,


because you deserve the peace that will come after the battle is won, and it will be won, but only minute by minute - we must learn to let go of the unconquerable,


because we can all come together in later years to laugh in their faces,


because we will be able to show them that even though they had all the power and strength and ruthless cunning, even though we were only helpless, innocent dependent children, we will have beaten them at the game they so smugly thought they had mastered,


because I am furious that we have to suffer the pain of another's evil and filth


because you too will one day feel fury,


because it is critical that you survive.


Hopefully this helps...Please dont kill yourself because someone loves you!

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Sometimes there is nothing that is "enough". A lot of what was said in the first post was true. It was insightful, and inspiring, but appeals only to a certain audience.


I have a personal vindiction against the bible and christianity as a whole, but I imagine someone who was gung-ho God would really like the post and take it into consideration.


Words can never accurately express what we want to say, or what we need to hear... which is really too bad.

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Ya ive just gotten back from the emergency room and everything is alright.they said i took a big enough dose that could of been severely toxic on my liver but the charcoal broke it down.That charcoal stuff taste like crap it taste so bad.Im back and im alright and im kind of glad to be alive luckily i actually got kind of scared and did something bout it.

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I'm sorry but all these posts about religion helping make me sick to my stomach... Also, some of those things jsut make no sense and who is this "they" you keep referring to? Have you ever even been depressed? It isnt't always becuase someone is being mean to you, it can be self loathing too.

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