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Cute girl dresses like a bum in class? Doesn't want to meet guys?


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I'm thinking about approaching this cute girl in class but think she could be taking due to the fact that she might have a boyfriend. The reason why I think she might have a boyfriend is because she never puts any effort in combing her hair or dress good. Granted our class is at 8am but still I think she should put some effort. However, she still manages to look cute! She dressed good like one time but other times she just in tight sweat pants but her hair is ratty as * * * * lol.


What do you guys think?

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When I have an early class, I often go with my hair not looking very good and dressed in whatever I can find. I am with someone now, but I did that when I was single too. I just didn't care. I'm not looking at guys at 8am.


She probably just doesn't care because it's an 8am class and she'd rather be back in bed. I had chem at 8am for a long time and EVERYONE showed up in their pjs. that was normal.


I don't think she "should" put effort into it just to please you, or anyone else for that matter. She is free to do what she wants.


I'd get to know her first to see if she has a bf and if she does, then back off. If she doesn't, then it's a green light, if she seems interested.

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LOL That girl sounds like me except I don't have a boyfriend anymore.


I say try to be her friend and find out.


It's a weekday. If it was the weekend or a fun night, then she definitely would dress up.


If this girl is like me, then she would dress up because she wants to and she doesn't need anyone's validation on her looks.

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If I were her and I knew what you were saying about the way I look, I wouldn't give you the time of day.


I'd re-think your attitude about her before approaching her.




OP, What really hit me was your sense of entitlement that she should "make an effort".


Buddy, we women aren't here to be cute. That's secondary.

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I think women weren't put on this earth just to look pretty for you. Whether you think she should put more effort into her appearance is irrelevant because it doesn't matter what you, or anyone else thinks. This is also an 8am class, not a night on the town.


Yea this reply sounds angry, but why are there still so many guys out there who think women should look dolled up all the time just to be eye candy for them. Do you look your best at all times? and in school? People go to school to learn first, everything else comes second. Take into consideration also that not all women do the girly girl thing. Some put more effort into their appearance, but others dont really care.


I'm with TwistOffate08, if I knew some guy was thinking this about me, I'd write him off as just another guy that thinks women were put on this earth to look good for them. Probably shoot him a few dirty looks in the process too.


edit: ha! by the time I sent this others got to it before me lol.

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Well, look on the bright side. You think she is cute even with no makeup and hair uncombed and just pulled together with whatever she found. Wouldn't you rather meet a girl like that than one who is overpolished and unrecognizable without the makeup? Anyway, I agree, its an 8 am class and when I had early classes, like one at 7:20 and one at 8:30 I usually showered after my second class, etc. because otherwise I wouldn't make it at all. It doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend or not - I wouldn't be peppy having been up studying the night before.

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I think you may have misunderstood this guy. I'm very much like him. If a girl always dresses down then she is not dating material. I am assuming he prefers a girl who dresses casual. Not a girl who dresses like she just woke up.


I'm going to college as well and there are girls who dress casual in 8am classes. In matter of fact I've had a lot of 8am classes. Some girls dressed casually and other dressed very poorly like they just woke up.


It is not to hard to ask for a girl to comb her hair. It does not have to be fancy. Just comb your hair. Don't go around looking like a slob and nasty. It is also not to hard to iron a pair of jeans and a nice clean shirt. Look presentable to people.


Would you want your boyfriend to not bush his hair and wear gym attire all of the time everywhere he goes?

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;] Aren't you quite feisty? Ha ha I definitely agree with you.


Hah, you bet


But really, I'm just being honest. abitbroken mentioned that it's good that the OP finds her "cute" even without makeup. That's definitely a positive, but he's basically saying, "She's cute, despite how nasty she looks most of the time." Ehhh .... Not my first choice of compliments.

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I do see what you're saying. Everyone has their preferences, right? The "nasty" girls you are referring to will be the ones you pass up. I guess that's understandable.


If the OP is looking for someone who puts effort into their appearance, then this may not be his ideal woman.




My boyfriend goes to class in gym clothes and a hat most of the time. He has more on his mind than his appearance, and I still think he looks fine anyway.

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That's fine if you don't want to date girls who don't dress up but I think the OP in that case should just move on, not question her "why doesn't she make an effort". Because she doesn't have to.


I know a lot of guys prefer girls who dress up and ya know, I don't care. That doesn't make me want to put in effort.


And actually, no, I wouldn't mind if my boyfriend didn't comb his hair and wore old clothes all the time.


He doesn't comb his hair because he doesn't have much, and he wears old clothes a LOT because of the dogs and gardening.


So yeah....I don't care.

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His post sounded entitled. I dont go around writing on message boards that people "should" put effort into their appearance. I can have my preferences, but what a person does is their own business. I dont imply they should have to do something just because it doesn't conform to my standards.


Why should this girl even care if she doesn't meet your criteria for dating material, or OP's or whatever. You guys probably assume she gives a damn when she very well may not. Funny thing also, is that she's probably aware that she's not looking her best, and kudos to her for not caring. Her priorities are most likely in the right place, get to class in time like a responsible adult, even if I she didn't have time to comb her hair.


Lets face it. Women are the "pretty" ones. Women are the ones who have to look good. A man who looks sloppy will get away with it easier than a woman who looks sloppy. Yet another obnoxious double standard. Do you judge the guys for dressing poorly as you do the girls? Probably not. Preferences are fine, but dont imply that other people "should" meet them, or you will face people who'll tell you you have a bad attitude

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;] You go gurl.


honestly, I dont think I'm asking much here. I'm sure people are going to write me off as a * * * * * too, but at least I have the guts to say it


Funny thing to is I've defended both ends of the spectrum, girls who dress down and girls who dress up. For every guy that says girls should dress down, there's others that complain she looks too high maintenance. How about having your own preferences, but not being so openly critical of those that dont meet them? or telling them that they should or shouldn't look/be something. The fact that this girl is still cute even when looking like she rolled out of bed is great to begin with, so I dont know what OP's problem is. Many women would love to have that luxury. If OP finds her attractive, he should just talk to her and find a way to ask her if she's taken or not.


Personally, I like a guy who looks a little scruffy. Call me one of those girls who likes artsy types or something, I dont know. There's something for everyone. I'm all for looking put together too, but if someone doesn't have a problem with how they look, well that's their prerogative. Besides, its college. I'd of thought people were used to seeing guys and girls in their PJ's by now.


I'd give you rep randomgirl but I need to spread it around. Darn.


Lol, I got the same message for you too, Fudgie

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I enjoy your posts because you defend BOTH sides. I agree with you. And you're not afraid to speak your mind. That's awesome.


And I hate these stupid double standards, on both sides. We shouldn't be afraid to challenge them.


Thank you


Dating would be much easier for both sexes if double standards could disappear. Might take awhile though since there are still people out there who dont really care about them, or are happy with them so long as it doesn't affect them personally...

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Wow! I didn't think i was going to get this much of a response. I actually have a 8am Chem class with this cute girl. She shows up late everyday But really my question is since she dresses this way she's probably not seeking anyone. We have made eye contact several times I even made her laugh like twice but I haven't even introduced myself or anything yet. But I still think she looks cute and if she really dress up shell be really cute!


1more thing. I'm all for girls dressing in their pjs in fact I think it's hot. But they at least comb their hair etc. This cute girl just puts it up but you could tell it's ratty. I've seen her comb her hair and it's beautiful so I know the difference. I think if I do talk to her and she knows she looks like crap shell probably be shocked like wow he likes me like this which means shell never try to look good..

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Wow! I didn't think i was going to get this much of a response. I actually have a 8am Chem class with this cute girl. She shows up late everyday But really my question is since she dresses this way she's probably not seeking anyone. We have made eye contact several times I even made her laugh like twice but I haven't even introduced myself or anything yet. But I still think she looks cute and if she really dress up shell be really cute!


That's our point...maybe she doesn't dress up because she doesn't care, either she doesn't put much effort period OR she doesn't care at 8am.


She is under no obligation to dress up and be cute, no matter how much you or anyone else wants it.

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