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Cute girl dresses like a bum in class? Doesn't want to meet guys?


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Don't falsely quote me and lie about what I said. I never said the OP said she looked dirty. I said this. Get your facts correct.


I clearly said dressing down looks nasty. I did not say this girl was nasty.


Secondly I did NOT say women must dress nice to please me or any man. I said she can dress anyway she wants to dress. Again do not lie about what I said.


I clearly said in this post that ANYONE CAN DRESS HOW THEY WANT TO. I simply said it looks nasty and lazy. I personally know people who dressed like they were homeless when they were not. They simply liked to dress down. That's their choice. They have every right to that. I will repeat myself again that to me it looks nasty.


Also some people do associate dressing down to duggeies. I never said they do drugs. I said people will think they do drugs because they dress like drug user stereotypes because drug user stereotypes are normally shown by the media as poorly dress as drug users are normally seen as poor people when in fact the majority of people who use drugs are middle to upper class people.


Never once I did I say people must follow my standards.


Next time when you want to quote me then speak the truth about what I actually said.

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Well then Mr. Franklin, you are just complaining and whining. It's not useful, it's not constructive. You're not even willing to confront said girl even though you seem to care how she looks so much. Quite honestly, I don't even know why you care. It would probably be just as useful to walk outside then run back inside, log in , and post a complaint online about how the sun shouldn't be so bright because it bothers your eyes when you look at it. Well do something about it or just shut up.

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I agree. You're just here saying that the girl looks nasty and how YOU don't like girls like that, blah blah.


My question: who cares? How does your preference help the OP at all? Answer: It doesn't.


Here's an idea, when you (as well as the OP) see a girl who dresses down, shush up, and leave her alone. Ok?


Don't tell her that she looks "nasty". That's just mean. Just leave girls alone who you don't want to date and stop forcing your preferences down everyone's throat.

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Don't falsely quote me and lie about what I said. I never said the OP said she looked dirty. I said this. Get your facts correct.


My facts are correct. Why did you bring hygiene into the question? I also never said you said the OP said she looked dirty. All I said was the OP never mentioned anything about being dirty, smelling bad, not bathing etc. I said this because you're bringing in the issue of hygiene when all this thread is, is about looks. You're trying to say that messy looks are equal to bad hygiene, and I disagree with this.


This thread is about a girl not looking as pretty as she could be. Anyone saying it isn't is delusional and trying to delude everyone in the process.


I clearly said dressing down looks nasty. I did not say this girl was nasty.


Secondly I did NOT say women must dress nice to please me or any man. I said she can dress anyway she wants to dress. Again do not lie about what I said.


This girl OP is talking about dresses down, hence she is nasty by your standards. I'm not lying about what you said. Saying someone can do what they want then still openly stating that they must be dirty, lazy or whatever for doing it, is technically not letting someone do what they want, because you're still criticizing them in the process, implying that they should change.


Example: A parent says to a kid: I'm fine with you going out, even if its a school night, its a dangerous setting and you can get hurt. The parent isn't fine with it at all.


What you're saying is pretty much the same thing. You're fine with women dressing however they wants, but you dont hesitate to say they look nasty in the process. And yes, saying it online is the same as saying it in person, people are online. Women are online, and God knows who is lurking just reading this entire thread.


I clearly said in this post that ANYONE CAN DRESS HOW THEY WANT TO. I simply said it looks nasty and lazy. I personally know people who dressed like they were homeless when they were not. They simply liked to dress down. That's their choice. They have every right to that. I will repeat myself again that to me it looks nasty.


Never once I did I say people must follow my standards.


Next time when you want to quote me then speak the truth about what I actually said.


I am not gay, but I judge people regardless of sex. Anyone can dress how they want to. I'm just saying it looks lazy, nasty, and trashy to dress like a slob. I bush my hair and dress casually everyday so I demand the same in return.


So you say that anyone can dress how they want, and not follow your standards, yet you demand that they brush their hair and dress casually like you? how does that work?

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Yeah I'm confused by those last two statements. Weird.


I would expect to see this thread closed soon, anyway. OP was vague and entitled to begin with and now we have another guy in here saying that dressed-down people look "nasty" and not being helpful at all. Yeah it'll be closed soon.

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Well then Mr. Franklin, you are just complaining and whining. It's not useful, it's not constructive. You're not even willing to confront said girl even though you seem to care how she looks so much. Quite honestly, I don't even know why you care. It would probably be just as useful to walk outside then run back inside, log in , and post a complaint online about how the sun shouldn't be so bright because it bothers your eyes when you look at it. Well do something about it or just shut up.


I am not complaining. I stated my opinion about why I find girls who dress down to be unattractive.


I agree. You're just here saying that the girl looks nasty and how YOU don't like girls like that, blah blah.


My question: who cares? How does your preference help the OP at all? Answer: It doesn't.


Here's an idea, when you (as well as the OP) see a girl who dresses down, shush up, and leave her alone. Ok?


Don't tell her that she looks "nasty". That's just mean. Just leave girls alone who you don't want to date and stop forcing your preferences down everyone's throat.


I have not forced my preferences down anyone's throat. I stated my preferences just like everyone else. I don't see you questioning people who said they like people who do dress down. Why attack me?


Secondly I have not told a girl she looks nasty. Don't make false assumptions about me.


My facts are correct. Why did you bring hygiene into the question? I also never said you said the OP said she looked dirty. All I said was the OP never mentioned anything about being dirty, smelling bad, not bathing etc. I said this because you're bringing in the issue of hygiene when all this thread is, is about looks. You're trying to say that messy looks are equal to bad hygiene, and I disagree with this.


This thread is about a girl not looking as pretty as she could be. Anyone saying it isn't is delusional and trying to delude everyone in the process.




This girl OP is talking about dresses down, hence she is nasty by your standards. I'm not lying about what you said. Saying someone can do what they want then still openly stating that they must be dirty, lazy or whatever is technically not letting someone do what they want, because you're still criticizing them in the process, implying that they should change.






So you say that anyone can dress how they want, and not follow your standards, yet you demand that they brush their hair and dress casually like you? how does that work?


I did not say they should change. I said to me the "dress down look" looks nasty.


I don't understand your question at all. Again you are falsely quoting me. I never said I am willing to date someone who is dressed down. I said I don't dress down so I demand the same when looking for someone.

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Yeah I'm confused by those last two statements. Weird.


I would expect to see this thread closed soon, anyway. OP was vague and entitled to begin with and now we have another guy in here saying that dressed-down people look "nasty" and not being helpful at all. Yeah it'll be closed soon.


So I am not entitled to my opinion? I don't have the right to think people who dress down look nasty? When I see a girl with her hair not combed, and wearing dress down like clothes then to me it is nasty.


The OP's title states "Cute girl dresses like a bum in class?". When I think of bum then to me it sounds like the person looks nasty. I never seen someone who is said to be looking like bum and looks clean.

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I did not say they should change. I said to me the "dress down look" looks nasty.


I don't understand your question at all. Again you are falsely quoting me. I never said I am willing to date someone who is dressed down. I said I don't dress down so I demand the same when looking for someone.


HOW AM I FALSLEY QUOTING YOU? You stated numerous times, you dont like girls who dress down, it implies bad hygine, its gross, its this, its that. WHY did you not look at the last quote of yours I posted?


I am not gay, but I judge people regardless of sex. Anyone can dress how they want to. I'm just saying it looks lazy, nasty, and trashy to dress like a slob. I bush my hair and dress casually everyday so I demand the same in return.


You DEMAND the same in return. People who are okay with how others dress do not DEMAND they look the same as them, or meet their standards. If you truly did not care, if this was just a case of simple preference, you wouldn't make post after post about why you hate it so much! All I am trying to say, all I have been saying throughout this entire thread is that people aren't here to please others, so its wrong to hear people say they SHOULD look a certain way to please others.


And lets go back to your first post shall we?


It is not to hard to ask for a girl to comb her hair. It does not have to be fancy. Just comb your hair. Don't go around looking like a slob and nasty. It is also not to hard to iron a pair of jeans and a nice clean shirt. Look presentable to people.


Again, you say people dont have to change, can dress how they want, just as long as they comb their hair and dont look like a slob?


I'm not falsely quoting you. You wrote these things, not me.


So I am not entitled to my opinion? I don't have the right to think people who dress down look nasty? When I see a girl with her hair not combed, and wearing dress down like clothes then to me it is nasty.


Then admit that you are judgmental about these things and dont pretend like you dont care how people dress. As much as I disagree with your opinion, I'd prefer that you just admit that dressing sloppy is something that you dont like and that you are openly critical about it, rather than contradicting yourself by saying people can do what they want.


And there's a difference between thinking someone looks like a slob, and posting or saying that they look like a slob and its gross and this is why you dont like it.

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So I am not entitled to my opinion? I don't have the right to think people who dress down look nasty? When I see a girl with her hair not combed, and wearing dress down like clothes then to me it is nasty.


The OP's title states "Cute girl dresses like a bum in class?". When I think of bum then to me it sounds like the person looks nasty. I never seen someone who is said to be looking like bum and looks clean.


You're entitled to your own opinion, I just don't see how spewing it around here is helping anyone.


I just take issue with the fact that the OP felt that she SHOULD dress up when really, she doesn't have to.


I don't care, frankly, if you like women who dress down or up, just don't criticize them for what they do. Just say you don't want a girl like that and move on. You don't have to insult them.


For example, you seem like you're into sports. I don't like sports guys. It's not my preference. But you don't see me going onto threads and saying "UGH he's into sports? What are you thinking? He's probably just a testosterone-filled macho meathead with nothing to offer you and the only people who give him hard-ons are the losers on ESPN."


When I see guys who are really into sports, YES, that is what I think of. Do I go around and say that, online or off? No. I'm just saying it now to make my point.


The original thread title had a swearword in it. A mod changed it to "bum".

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Again, you say people dont have to change, can dress how they want, just as long as they comb their hair and dont look like a slob?


Again I never said they must dress and groom themselves to the way I and the OP prefer. I just offered a suggestion for some people to think about it.



You DEMAND the same in return. People who are okay with how others dress do not DEMAND they look the same as them, or meet their standards If you truly did not care, if this was just a case of simple preference, you wouldn't make post after post about why you hate it so much! All I am trying to say, all I have been saying throughout this entire thread is that people aren't here to please others, so its wrong to hear people say they SHOULD look a certain way to please others.


You've taken things I have said completely out of context. I did say people can dress the way they want to because people have that sole right. I did not say I will date a girl who dresses any type of way. I clearly stated I do not dress down so I demand the same in return when looking for someone.


I'm not falsely quoting you.


Yes you did.

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Again I never said they must dress and groom themselves to the way I and the OP prefer. I just offered a suggestion for some people to think about it.





You've taken things I have said completely out of context. I did say people can dress the way they want to because people have that sole right. I did not say I will date a girl who dresses any type of way. I clearly stated I do not dress down so I demand the same in return when looking for someone.




Yes you did.


Ah, but you didn't, re-read your quote. You said you dress casually and brush your hair everyday so you demand the same in return. You did not say, I dress casually and brush my hair so I demand the same out when I look for someone. There are also other quotes that suggest you were talking about all women, that they should look presentable to people. I suggest re-reading what you said.


and yes, I and everyone else took things out of context. Whatever dude, you need to write things out better so they dont contradict each other. As I said numerous times before, If someone is truly fine with someone's looks, behavior, lifestyle, etc, they dont turn around and start criticizing it and stating their reasons why the dont like it.


This thread is getting nowhere. Goodbye.

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I don't know what the OP was trying to say in the thread title about the female. It obviously was offensive and not flattering because it was red-ed out for being a swear word. I really don't know. I saw it when it first came out.


Dating note to OP If you find yourself describing a potential interest as ****** (or whatever it was) then MAYBE, just MAYBE, you're not a good match. -_-

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I actually changed it to bum not a mod. I just didn't likethe swear word blocked off.


Anyway, the cute girl did look great today. Look if I wasn't about appearance then I should be getting girls no problem. I use to dress like a bum last semester because I got sick and tired dressing up. Not a single girl looked at me in fact I honestly thought they thought I was a poor Joe.


I started dressing up this semester and I'm getting more respect from my teachers and girls looks at me. Now this girl is cute so some how she could pull it off. I just feel that if I talk to her when she looks like a bum she's going to not try to get my attention. Today would have been good to talk to her because she looked decent. Its like teaching a dog a new trick. If you like what the dog does you give t a treat. If the cute girl dresses well then I'll talk to her and if she's interested shell know what to dress like to get my attention

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Ah, but you didn't, re-read your quote. You said you dress casually and brush your hair everyday so you demand the same in return. You did not say, I dress casually and brush my hair so I demand the same out when I look for someone. There are also other quotes that suggest you were talking about all women, that they should look presentable to people. I suggest re-reading what you said.


and yes, I and everyone else took things out of context. Whatever dude, you need to write things out better so they dont contradict each other. As I said numerous times before, If someone is truly fine with someone's looks, behavior, lifestyle, etc, they dont turn around and start criticizing it and stating their reasons why the dont like it.


This thread is getting nowhere. Goodbye.


I didn't contradict myself. Stating people can dress the way they want is a different subject than how a partner's style is. People are just humans in general and they have the right to dress that way. Saying I won't date someone because of her style then that is a whole other subject. You have not been able to comprehend what was said.




I actually changed it to bum not a mod. I just didn't likethe swear word blocked off.


Anyway, the cute girl did look great today. Look if I wasn't about appearance then I should be getting girls no problem. I use to dress like a bum last semester because I got sick and tired dressing up. Not a single girl looked at me in fact I honestly thought they thought I was a poor Joe.


I started dressing up this semester and I'm getting more respect from my teachers and girls looks at me. Now this girl is cute so some how she could pull it off. I just feel that if I talk to her when she looks like a bum she's going to not try to get my attention. Today would have been good to talk to her because she looked decent. Its like teaching a dog a new trick. If you like what the dog does you give t a treat. If the cute girl dresses well then I'll talk to her and if she's interested shell know what to dress like to get my attention


Dude like I said earlier don't worry about it. I've seen plenty of people dress up date people who do not dress up. Plenty of guys go up and talk to girls who dress down. I think she will take you seriously. Some guys like girls who are cute no matter how they dress.


Just go for it if you are really interested. Do it before someone else does. You don't want to question yourself later" why didn't I talk to her?".

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Sounds like you would like a bit more chase going on, then. Finding out if she is spoken for first might just settle the whole thing.


On a side note:


This thread is explosive, just reading from a big step back, it sounds like you were able to single handily create an uprising around here. LOL.


From way back here, it looks like people find your honesty and judgment threatening, and especially since your not defending anything, it is interesting to observe they have managed to communicate volumes, of personal social philosophy over the post. You have said very little in response to the tornado around you.... very interesting, from a sociological perspective.

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I haven't combed my hair in 3 months, and I really don't care if people think that's nasty.


I am not complaining. I stated my opinion about why I find girls who dress down to be unattractive.




I have not forced my preferences down anyone's throat. I stated my preferences just like everyone else. I don't see you questioning people who said they like people who do dress down.


The problem is that you keep on changing what you said. First you said that women who dress down look nasty, and you made some comments about how we should dress better. When you were called on it, you then said that it is your opinion that women who dress down look nasty. Honestly, I don't care one way or the other, just be consistent.

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Look when I use to have a girlfriend she use to go to school looking like a bum. I never told her anything because I accepted her. But the thing is, she was in a relationship. That's why I'm thinking to myself the reason why the cute girl is dressing like a bum is because she could be in a relationship. I also think she's new to the school cuz she looks lost all the time. I don't want to rush it because I have 16 weeks with this girl and it would be kinda awkward if she rejects me.

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Look when I use to have a girlfriend she use to go to school looking like a bum. I never told her anything because I accepted her. But the thing is, she was in a relationship. That's why I'm thinking to myself the reason why the cute girl is dressing like a bum is because she could be in a relationship. I also think she's new to the school cuz she looks lost all the time. I don't want to rush it because I have 16 weeks with this girl and it would be kinda awkward if she rejects me.




So what is the problem? Your ex girl dressed like a bum and you accepted her. Why are you having a problem accepting this other girl who also dresses like a bum? Dressing like a bum does not mean a person is in a relationship. Style does not define relationship status unless there is a wedding ring.

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I stopped when I saw "8am". I will NEVER take an 8am class again. I lived 10 minutes from college, and would seriously roll out of bed at 7:45, grab the first clothes I found, get in my car, and drive to school with one eye open and one eye closed. I didn't give a hell what people thought when they looked at me. At 8 am, I hate EVERYONE.


Check it out though, if she looks good when she looks like crap, then when she actually puts even effort, she's probably hot as hell. Ask her out, if she says no or has a boyfriend, oh well.

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I was consistent. Secondly I never said anyone should dress a certain way. Again don't take what I said out of context. No where in my posts did I use the word should.


Yet you did use "demand" and "dont" when discussing the sloppy appearances of others. You're telling people what they should do, but by using different words. Just because you didn't use the word "should" doesn't mean there aren't different ways of telling people they need to conform to your standards.


It is not to hard to ask for a girl to comb her hair. It does not have to be fancy. Just comb your hair. Don't go around looking like a slob and nasty. It is also not to hard to iron a pair of jeans and a nice clean shirt. Look presentable to people.


I am not gay, but I judge people regardless of sex. Anyone can dress how they want to. I'm just saying it looks lazy, nasty, and trashy to dress like a slob. I bush my hair and dress casually everyday so I demand the same in return. I'm not bringing home a girl who people may take is a druggy, homeless, nasty, trash, etc.


I put the parts you should focus on in bold. If you can't recognize in these quotes the implications that people should follow your "demands" then you need to examine how to form sentences and rethink the words you use. As Greywolf said, you aren't consistent in what you say and you contradict yourself in the process. If you aren't consistent and contradictory, how do you expect people to know what you really mean? You can tell me right now that you dont think anyone "should" dress a certain way and I'll accept it, but based on what you typed before, no I dont accept it for the reasons I mentioned.


And yes I realize we are debating semantics but you're really stubborn and so am I




So what is the problem? Your ex girl dressed like a bum and you accepted her. Why are you having a problem accepting this other girl who also dresses like a bum? Dressing like a bum does not mean a person is in a relationship. Style does not define relationship status unless there is a wedding ring.


Now this is something I can agree with. I'm starting to believe that the OP is now a troll.

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Not a troll. I am just stating the differences when my GF went out with me. she didn't dress up for school like she use to. actually we went to different schools but i didn't care because i know her already and we were together. However, when i did have a girlfriend going to the same school, she would have to dress causual or nice. She did dress good almost all the time so there were no complaints by me. why would i walk around with a girl in public looking like a slob?


on the other side of the spectrum


It's different when you are looking for someone and the person you find attractive is not showing any effort besides staring. It makes me believe that she might be in a relationship because of the way she's acting. Really the only way to find out is by asking her or talking to her.


I use to like this one girl in my class but she use to dress decent all the time. I use to come in with tore up warmup pants, my hair wasn't cut in like 5-6 months i wore a beany hat to cover it. i weighed in at 205 (muscle/fat like to workout) and i hardly shaved. She use to laugh at all my jokes etc she even gave me her number. she even wanted me to join her class for next semester. but evey time i try to flirt with her she would be unresponsive which lead me to believe she just wanted to be my friend. she will never text me first. I would have to do it and sometimes she won't even respond. now what if she saw me now the way i look? i'm 187 and i dress good. if girls don't lke it when a guy dresses down then a girl won't like it... it's all about first impression.

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