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"It's nice to meet someone normal for a change"


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So I had a date/first meeting tonight with someone I met online. We had a good time but there was no love connection (at least not on my part). At the end of the date I drove him to the train station, since he came all the way to my town to meet me, and when I dropped him off, we both agreed we had a nice time and he said...."it was nice to meet someone normal for a change" I thought that was an odd thing to say but I just laughed it off.


My question is has anybody else ever said had something like this said to them, or said this to someone?

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Something in the same vein. This was...oh....a long time ago...15+ years at this point. Met a guy from a newspaper personal. First words out of his mouth when we met for coffee were, "Oh my God....you look exactly like you said you looked!"


Seems he'd met a string of women who, um, embellished the truth about their appearance a bit.


Didn't go beyond that one meeting, but we did have an interesting discussion about the crazy stuff people do.

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I don't think it's that bad. When I met my boyfriend, he talked and he was like "Wow, I really like you'. You act the same here as you did over the phone. I'm glad you like me too! I was worried you wouldn't." and I was like "I'm glad you're not a creepy old man." and he said "oooo I don't know" and we both cracked up.

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I like that and I'd see it as a compliment - a male friend of mine tried online dating and said he met a variety of strange women so I'm sure he meant that he liked you really...definitely a good sign - and I'm not saying all women who online date are strange, or all men - I'm online dating myself!

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