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how do i wet the drying love sponge?

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heehee funny topic name...im in a loving relationship,or at least it has been,its coming up to our 1st anniversary of being together and things seem dull,boring,irritatable and weird,hes not being as romantic as usual,but this is because we havent been doing anything together because we both cant drive!! and we both dont have a clue what to do with ourselves! i'm kind of getting worried too because whilst we are apart i feel so in love with him,i look at his picture and i melt and i cant get him off my mind all day,but when he comes over,i give off the wrong impression,something like i didnt smile all that much when i answered the door and he will ask me whats wrong and i dont look very pleased to see him,then i get irritated with him because hes constantly asking whats up! so i go quiet on him feeling hes changed and dont love me as much and hes asking whats wrong im telling him i get depressed easily n iv not been myself,he tells me i need to see my mates or have some kidn of hobbie going on in my life,which is true but that sort of hurt me cos it never seemed to matter at the start,then he admits hes not been himself,and hes been bored,he doesnt want the sex to get boring and this ans that,i felt relived knowing this,but im still worried about how i feel and the atmosphere there is when we are together.

it used to be very good we were very romantic,i dont want things to fizz out,i love him so much,hes a rarity cos hes such a romantic and so right for me,i feel as if im nothign without him,i just want to know what to do how to sort things out,i want to stop the way things are feeling between us,seeing as its almost been a year,its not surprising im desperate for help in this matter,does anybody know what im to do to bring back the love and fun? we dont seem to of had much for a while please help!

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Yes, this was a great & creative topic name! Unfortunately, I can barely read your post. Too many commas, no spaces or paragraphs. I mention this only because the topic sentence was too good not to be followed up with an equally well-written post. I'm a stickler for good grammar, though, others may not care.

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