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I've noticed that although break ups are terrible, this is defintely the worst for me, it does make me throughly grateful for the good parts of my life that have really shined through this difficult time. What are you thankful for?



  • I'm thankful for having great girlfriends I can rely on that will always pick up the phone for me or keep checking on m to see if I'm okay.
  • I'm thankful for my dogs. On days I don't want to get out of bed and have a pity party for myself, they force me to get up and take them to the bathroom. They also always love me when I keep thinking *he* doesn't.
  • I'm thankful for my family. I've always felt I had a strained relationship with many members. However, since I've become so out of it lately, certain members have really stepped up to the plate. I think this ordeal has strengthened some of my relationships.
  • I'm thankful what I have learned from previous breakups. While this is by far the worst break up emotionally(see my other post i.e. random crying in my car on my lunch break), I've done everything that I have control over to move on in a dignified manner.
  • I'm thankful that even my heart is broken, somehow my spirit is not. I think it's easy to get into the funk that this is it and maybe this is just going back to learning from previous break ups. I won't let this make me bitter, I won't let this one person take away my hope for finding happiness with someone at some point when the time is right.

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I am thankful for my family, despite their major flaws. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and clothes on my back. I am thankful for the beautiful music that so many artists have made for me to enjoy, to cry with, and to dance with. I am thankful for the rare passing moments when I meet and talk to a genuinely nice, good-hearted human being. I am thankful for websites like this.

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Amen to all that, I 2nd what you are thankful for M!!


I am thankful also for, even tho I have my very low moments, where I feel sad and so lonely, I also have my moments where I have the strength and fortitude to NOT TEXT, CALL, EMAIL, CYBERSTALK and delete his number, his texts full of sweetness from days ago, his pics, his email addy and my dating account, so that I dont go right into another messy situation because I know all I need right now is to get me BACK!


The feeling that there is still something good and wonderful meant for me...


That I can cry into my pillow and afterward feel relief and not just more grief...


That I can help put the pieces of my life back together one day at a time, thru controlling what I DO, and not giving into my moment of weak impulses...


That the best revenge is to live a good life anyway...so focusing on my education, my physique thru exercise and diet, to know I can look and feel the best I have in years in just a few short months and totally turn around what I have felt like this last year is within in my grasp...


That just because I dont have answers now, doesn't mean I won't see the meaning in all this once I focus on me and getting thru this time...


That this was truly his loss and not mine...


I'm thankful for music, journaling, blogging, friendships, family, the ocean and laughter!

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Yes BU's are terrible and this last one completely devastated my life...


However I am grateful that:


I'm not in jail

I'm not in hospital

I have my arms and legs

I have reasonably good health

I have amazing friends

I have hope

I can have Defcon NC

She left before we had the kids we planned

A host of other things


And oh yeh, I am grateful for ENA


Stay Up Everyone


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I'm thankful that my grandma allows us to have a cat. She is sitting on my bed right now keeping my company. I love animals and she's a great comfort to me.


I'm grateful that my mom bought me some kleenex at the grocery store without me even asking for any! She left it on my bookcase. That was thoughtful.


I'm happy that I'm taking an enjoyable course at my church which allows me to socialize with some people and get out of the house. Everyone is so nice and it's good to hear from people of different ages and backgrounds.


I'm grateful that my brother and I now get along. I never thought that day would come!


I'm thankful that my dad emailed me for my birthday. That is a start! He never used to initiate contact.


I'm grateful that I felt like God was speaking to me through the stars.


I'm thankful that I have even been in 4 relationships at the age of 30. Some people my age have had no relationships at all. I have been in love and been loved and have had some good experiences from it.


I'm glad that I don't hate all men even though right now I don't feel I can be attracted to any again. Hopefully it will change.


I'm grateful that we have fans for the heat. People in other countries have to suffer in the sun with no shade, fans, or air conditioners.


I'm grateful that my pastor always offers his services for free to people in church. He also accepts people into his home for the holidays.


I'm grateful for a nice man at my church who rides his bike home with me to make sure I'm safe.


I'm grateful for some people on ENA who have PM'd me to encourage me or ask me questions or just to even ask for advice. It is kind, sweet, and flattering.


I'm grateful that I can read! I don't ever want to take that for granted. Many people I know struggle with reading.


I'm grateful that I asserted myself with my grandma for the first time yesterday and she actually responded positively!


I'm grateful that my mom seems to be feeling ok and not too sick.


I'm grateful that S helped me fix the handlebars on my bike!


I'm grateful that I have a bed to sleep in tonight. Millions don't!


I'm happy that a charity is coming at the end of the month to pick up donations. I enjoy donating things.


I'm glad that my ex offered to give back my book. I thought he might trash it.


I'm glad my ex (B) told his sister that he realizes his life is in shambles because he's chosen to put other things first besides God. That means a lot to me because his girlfriend is anti-Christian. That means he had to take a stand against spending time with her to come to church. For my ex, that is huge, and no matter what other feelings I feel, I am proud of him for that! I have been praying for him to come back to Jesus. I'm also proud that he's not smoking again. I'm grateful that he told our friend he didn't cheat on me and that I don't deserve to be treated like that.


I'm grateful that B told his ex wife how much he cared about me. His ex wife actually admitted this, and it made me feel good. I don't think our whole relationship was a lie. He was pretty proud of me because he posted pics of us as his profile pic and he says he did so many "new" things that he never did with his other exes like tell me everything and learn how to be open with. That means a lot to me.


I am grateful that, at one time, I could consider my exes my best friends. Problems and all, I am lucky that my exes enjoyed talking with me so much, even about nothing in particular. I am grateful that they put up with my demands (I didn't mean to be so demanding but I was) and that they tried new things for me. Also, that they taught me new things.


I'm so blessed to have two female best friends who I've been close with since middle and high school. We aren't the closest of the close, but we've been there for each other for many years and I appreciate that a lot.


I'm grateful that I have two living parents. Though they can be pills, they won't be around forever and I don't want to take that for granted.


I'm glad I have people from church calling me asking to get together! Just a couple years ago, I felt like no one cared and I didn't know how to reach out.


I'm glad we have a new cat that hangs out in the back.


I'm glad my church is close enough to walk to.


I'm glad the weather around here is fairly moderate.


I'm grateful that I have fresh new bed sheets and a quilt waiting for me in the closet that I will be using in the fall.


I'm grateful that my computer has been pretty faithful and hasn't broken down yet (knock on wood).


I'm grateful that I have a place to live while I am unemployed.


I'm grateful that I had any interviews at all, even though no job still.


I'm grateful I got to travel abroad this summer for the first time.


I'm glad my ex fiance and I are on good terms, although we don't talk.


I'm happy that I got my favorite TV series on DVD for my birthday.


I'm grateful that I have use of all my limbs and I'm in pretty good health!

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I'm thankful for the fact that I am still alive, breathing, reasonably healthy.


I'm thankful for the roof over my head (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and the food that's provided.


I'm thankful for my job, as stressful as it is, especially my co-workers.


I'm thankful for friends and family who are there to listen to me when I need them the most.


I'm thankful for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which has been helping me cope and helping me sleep at night.


I'm thankful for my sister especially, who will wander into my room just to say hi.


I'm thankful for my dog for being so happy to see me when I come home.


I'm thankful for my gym membership, which has been forcing me to get up and work out hard.

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I'm thankful for the fact that I am still alive, breathing, reasonably healthy.


I'm thankful for the roof over my head (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and the food that's provided.


I'm thankful for my job, as stressful as it is, especially my co-workers.


I'm thankful for friends and family who are there to listen to me when I need them the most.


I'm thankful for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which has been helping me cope and helping me sleep at night.


I'm thankful for my sister especially, who will wander into my room just to say hi.


I'm thankful for my dog for being so happy to see me when I come home.


I'm thankful for my gym membership, which has been forcing me to get up and work out hard.


I love your thankfuls.. The "fresh prince" one vey funny..and the rest are beautiful... animals are lovely hey.I love my cat and am staying with my parents a few days as I am not getting sleep at my new aprtment.. I need sleep as I have to work.So i am seeing my lovely cat


my job is stressful too but oh well some people don't have any job...

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