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U know that little voice within?? I can hear it! it says

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Hi, I have began to heal, after 2 months of turmoil, and 7 days of NC.... I know it sounds pretty recent, but I can honestly say that I have began to have closure, I have lost that last bit of hope that one day we we would re-unite, and those thoughts make my heart healthier and my soul at ease.

I have learned to think about the situation as a memory and not as sorrow, I have began to train my mind to believe that people are good, but some maybe not good for each other, and these are only stepping stones for that "one special being". I have began to believe that I will love again, and I will be happy again.

The reason for my fast road to recovery was because this was long coming, my heart was telling me all along but I wasn't listening, I was blind, deaf, dumb, stubborn, and all those bumps in this road that make the ride a lot more tough, but at the same time challenging.

I'm beginnig to have better days, and friends are noticing the difference, and it feels good, I have recently stopped comparing every soul to him, and looked deeper within their own individual beings, and that feels good too.... and so I have began to open new doors...

I have recently met a "nice guy" as oposed to my everlasting battle attraction to the "bad guys"...

Bad guys...what can I say, the story of my life... , but I'm not 18 anymore and bad guys don't look so attractive anymore, I can only thank them for one thing though.... THEY TOUGHT ME HOW TO APPRECIATE THE GOOD GUYS NOW!! and that feels even better. so thank you to all those who have hurt me.....


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Congratulations on being strong and hanging in there. Its wonderful that you enjoy the company of a "nice guy" as opposed to the bad boys you met in the past. And I hope you stick with it.


What struck a chord with me was saying how you are not 18 anymore and how things look different now. My ex-gf is almost 30 and she dumped me many months ago because she missed her wild, party all the time lifestyle she had when she was 18-19. Now she is back with her presious ex bf that she was with since she was 18 (a very long time) and living the party life once again although she says now things are different. I really can't compete with a lifestyle that you lived at that age.


All I can say it is nice to hear that someone out there can possibly change their perspective. I wish you the best of luck....

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Good for you Rosa.


Being a "good guy" myself, we eventually come out winning in the end. usually women start looking for "good guys" for themselfs, when they finally realize its better to be happy than try and impress others.


Some girls thing that because a guy cares for them, that they are somehow "needy" or "desperate" and are attracted to that guy thats full of confidence, well maybe it is confidence, but he dont care about you or whether he loses you or not,m and wont try and make a relationship work.

changes girls like he changes his socks.


But those "Nice Guys" will be there for you, you can actually talk to them and they listen!, they respect you, and do care whether you leave or not.

but since nice guys have feelings, they are like you, and need respect and love in return.

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Good for you for looking at the bright side of things. It's really hard to do and props to you for doing. Stick with the "nice guys." I went through the same bad boy stage that you have - and it just took one nice guy to never want a bad guy again. Take care of yourself.

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