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Need Some Opinions on This Please - Is this cause for concern?


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Ive been with my girlfriend for 4 months now, things are absolutely amazing, we spend everyday together, never fight, compatible in every department.


We have spoken about some of the people we have dated in the past, why it didnt work, etc. In particular there was a guy she date for 2 months or so, they didnt see each other frequently, and apparently he was shallow, didnt have the same values as her, partied alot, she didnt see herself with him. I dont know the details of their contact, intimacy etc..Not sure I want to know.


On Saturday she told me she saw this guy at the mall (where she works) and he was with his new girlfriend, she said she avoided him and avoided contact. She told me she cant believe that she dated him, thinking about how good she is with me and how she appreciates our relationship so much.


My gf has a facebook account and she just leaves her account open on my laptop, when I unlocked my laptop Tuesday, I saw that she had searched for this guy on facebook (she told me his name thats how I know its him) and she had looked at some of his pics and pics of his new gf. So she not only searched for him, but once she saw his gf tagged in pics, she searched for her after and looked at her pics. So I got curious, I snooped a little and didnt find anything else, correspondences, she's not even friends with him, no communication, nothing else.


Is this cause for concern that she searched for him and his gf and looked at some of his pics with his new gf? Or is this just something harmless?

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This is nothing at all. Women can be rather competitive deep down and even though she doesn't want him she wants to know all about this other girl. Actually seeing him with this girl may have triggered something for a moment that made him more desirable to her since he is now attached.

As humans we often don't want something if we can have it anytime we want, but if we suddenly can't have it or someone else has it then all of a sudden we can't live without it.

Don't worry it is nothing.

The snoopy thing is something you need to work on though.



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thank you for the responses, I do understand when you guys talk about being curious, I guess the reason I found this odd was because they only dated for 2 months, never her boyfriend, and she saw him saturday and only checked him up on Tuesday, which means she thought about this again later in the week. But I do understand the logic of here being curious to check it out, and she was forthcoming about her seeing him in Saturday she didnt even have to say anything.

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