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HELP! my ex g/f gets engaged in 2 days

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My heart is broken, I miss her so much, she is (was) my flame that burned, my sun that shone,


She's getting engaged this Sunday 27/06 and I'm here crying. She knows that I love her, why did I screw up my only love that I have ever felt, I can't see myself getting pass her, she's in my dream and in my soul.




Every time I close my eyes she there. her face, her smell, her warmth, my heartbeats for her.


Do I wait for her to see that I love her, I can't leave her, I miss holding her, laughing together, talking about us and what we where going to do with our lives, why did she leave, why did I leave her and choose my sister, I want to die, my life is nothing with out her, god I miss her, I love her so much. No one will ever come close her.




I can't get over her, I cry so much, it been 6 month since I held in my arms telling her that I love her. Why did she not see that my sister shocked (she had an abortion and tried to kill her self) me so much, that I was not thinking, mentally drained and scared she was going to die, why did I leave her when she need me the most (her gran died in the same month) why does my life suck, what's the point?




How can I win her, how can I show her that I love her, and no matter what she does (i.e. gets engaged, I asked her if she was going to get married and she said No, doesn't want to get married. So why is she getting engaged?) I still love her. I feel her in my heart so much. I have tried the N/C but she still sends me emails asking me if I'm ok, and that I should enjoy life, she says that she does love me but only as a friend. How can she say that she loves me that hurts my soul so much, I love her and I want to be with her?




Why does this pain hurt so much, why did I have to fall in love, why?



I know she the one, no else in the world that I want to be with more that her.


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I understand that it is really difficult to move on after breaking up with someone that is compatible with you in so many ways. I know I'm posting this after the 27th, but just to let you know, you're not alone. No longer seeing her face, no longer feeling her warmth, no longer smelling her aroma, feels as if love has betrayed you. There's a reason for everything, and you choosing to be there for your sister in times of need doesn't mean that you are a terrible boyfriend. Don't add more of a burden to your shoulders by blaming yourself. Your sister trying to kill herself isn't something that can be taken lightly. It's good for you to let it all out, to post your feelings here and understand your situation more thoroughly. It's really difficult to move on because of the violation of the NC rule. Her E-mailing you her feelings about loving you keeps you in one spot. She has admitted of loving you as a friend, so the best thing to do is to enjoy your life. You love her, so you'll want to see her happy. If she is happy with the person whom she is with, and if she knows that she values your friendship, then let it be. Pursuade to yourself that you will move on, because you are going to move on. It really does hurt, but time heals all. Take as much time as you need to heal, as getting over her will not happen overnight. I hope I helped. Take care Mazxs.


It takes time to heal a physical wound... it also takes time to heal a broken heart.

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Ah.... I am sorry about what you are going through. I'm know the pain you feel. It can feel worse than physical pain sometimes... but wasn't it Garth Brooks who said "Thank God for unaswered prayers." I know that you don't see that now, but in time I know you are going to feel this way. It seems like a blessing to me that you are no longer with her. You are a good person. You will love again. There is not just ONE sould mate out there for you. There is a whole world out there for you. Hang in there.

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I can honestly understand how you feel, i am now married and have a child and i still have feelings for a ex of mine of ten years ago, i almost feel like i'm sick in a way to have such strong feelings with someone that i was with so long ago. kinda scary lol, but thats life theres always one person who touches your heart and usually its your first love and he was mine. My advice to you is to tell her how you feel, and leave it at that, dont push her ,give her her space and get on with your life because you will just be hurt while shes having fun or whatever, i would sit home and cry over my ex and he would be having the time of his life with his new girlfriend, but the best therapy is for y ou to do the same thing, but if you love her tell her this and then listen to her reply and if its not what you want to hear then you have to move on for u. I am happy now but it still hurts to this day and probably always will after all like i said your first love seems to be the strongest..good luck

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I feel your pain but you have got to get through this and believe me you will! My ex fiance ( this was years ago but still applies)and I broke up one year and within a year he was engaged and got married! That told me that he was just wanting to get married and my gut instinct was correct back then.


Sounds like she jumped into something as a rebound. You will get through the grief eventually. I know it's hard but would you really want someone that wants someone else? You can't make someone feel. If it blows up with her recent endeavors and you still love her maybe you can catch her when she falls but don't get used.


Again, as a women, I feel she has jumped in to something quite soon after a former love.

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