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My mommy passed away when I was 12 years old. Last month my father passed away, right before my 21st birthday. I am so young and I now have NO parents. Sometimes I get so jealous of other people's relationships with their Mother's & Father's. I've found myself on my own and I envy people that have parents that will help them through their difficult moments and be there for them always under every circumstance. I feel alone. Is this feeling valid?

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I'm sooo sorry for your loss... yes... I am thankful everyday I have both my mom and dad still.


What about grandparents? Is there any extended family that stepped in when your mother died?


Do you have any real close long term friends? Sometimes when you've those friends who have known you since were 10 and know your situation often step in as surrogate parents.


You can never replace parents lost but if I were in your shoes I would try spending time with Aunt Mary... if I felt comfortable with her and really bonded to her I'd sort of let her know that I appreciated what a "mom" she was to me. Look at those around you and create the bonds you are seeking - it can happen. And, you never know... you may meet prince charming and fall in love with his family and they could treat you like the daughter they always wanted. Family is what you make of it.


Big gigantic hugs!!!

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Thank you for all of the responses. I have no grandparents and my aunts and uncles have passed away too, accept for one aunt that lives in Mississippi and An uncle in Pennsylvania...I live in GA. I am currently staying with my older sister. It's a tough road. I feel like I never had a fair shot at love.

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IF they loved you when they were alive and showed you the kind of care which you have talked about then you do not need to feel too sad about being parentless.


There are a fair few people out there who have their parents but feel they were treated more like a boarder than one of their offspring.

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IF they loved you when they were alive and showed you the kind of care which you have talked about then you do not need to feel too sad about being parentless.


There are a fair few people out there who have their parents but feel they were treated more like a boarder than one of their offspring.


Well... i did have issues with them while they were alive too. Mostly my Dad. He married a lady in 1999 after he divorced my mom and she hated me! He never saw the magnitude of the situation. She would always put me down and make me feel inferior, we all lived in the same house when my dad died and after his funeral, she told me, "Its best that you go back to be with your family. It was a packaged deal when your dad was alive, now that he is not I am done with you." Before he died we moved to her hometown which is three hours away from where I was raised and we moved there because it was a more affordable city, closer to big cities so my dad had better healthcare doctors and I hada job but, she kicked me out. Everything is gone. I am now back in my hometown looking for jobs, living with my sister...trying to get my life back in order

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