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broke down and cried for ages, only just got myself together

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i dunno whats really up with me, i think a huge mixture of things,

I'm exhausted, i havent slept propery all week, Im just finishing my period so hormones are going, and just finished exams this week, which were a huge stress, but i think mi parents are getting me down the most. they're just really bugging me at the moment, nothing i do is good enough and none of them even notice ive not been myself, my dad didnt even realise id been cryin wen he saw me just a second ago, and i just feel so helpless, its like these reasons just dont seem enough really, and i feel so stupid cryin over lil things, its so not like me, i barely ever cry, i get frustated but dont cry. but just now i just broke down.

well thanx for listening, just needed to let it out.

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Don't get discouraged. Sometimes crying is the absolute best thing you can do. It is a great stress reliever! And, as a little side benefit, I've found if you cry enough it makes you really sleepy.


It sounds as though you have had one horrendous week. You need some good sleep, a good meal and some destress time. Try to get a little exercise outside. That will help relieve the stress too. And don't be too hard on your dad. Dad oftentimes are not nearly as observant as you wish they would be sometimes. I just don't think it's in their makeup.


Just try to remember you're overly sensitive to everything right now because of the hormones, exhaustion and stress. Try to give yourself and your parents a break. Get some sleep. Cry if you need to. I imagine it will look alot better tomorrow.


Take care.

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Hey, it's okay to cry. It can be a way to deal with difficult emotions. It's also far easier to start crying when you are tired. I suspect the fact that you're tired and worn out (two different things, I know) are huge factors in it.


You'd be surprised how observant some dads are of their daughters, but they think because perhaps it's a woman's issue, they aren't sure what to do, so they say nothing, and hope mom does something ... Dads are sometimes ill equipped experience wise to deal with things too. And they can make great big mistakes.


I know, I'm a dad. Remember that parents, particularly dads, do love their daughters very much, even if they don't show it all the time, or perhaps even ever.


I'm sure if you went and sat beside either of your parents on the couch, and just leaned against them, they'd give you a hug, and you wouldn't need to say a word. They will understand that things just got to be too much.


If you can just tell them you feel a bit overwhelmed, I think they'd help out. Perhaps they don't realize the pressure and stress they are putting you under by pressing you do to better. They want their kid to be the best, brightest, most noted kid around, and sometimes they need to be reminded that what's more important is they are simply proud of you for the way you are now. They need to remember there are things about you that are completely unique, and they should focus on that. And it's okay to remind them of that, somehow, even if it's only a hint.


One trick with your folks, ask them to tell you about that time when you were a little girl and such and such a thing happened, or what you were like as a baby, or the day you first walked. That's a great way to get your parents to switch to a different emotional track. Works every time, trust me. I'm a dad, and I have two daughters, and I always know when they're upset, even if I can't seem to help.

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