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Alright, so I am the problem... now what?

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This is my third week at my new job... I answered an ad for someone to scan photos and make minor adjustments in Photoshop. I know Photoshop pretty well, and I can operate a scanner, so I figured this was pretty idiot proof.


My first day there my boss wanted to see what I could do as a designer. I have no graphic design background or experience, but apparently I am good at it, so I was told I would also be expected to design things. Well, that's fine, no problem there.


Then... I was told it is my responsibility to take care of all the computer problems they have. They use Macs, so there aren't really a lot of problems to take care of.


By then end of my first week there I was also put into the role of receptionist and CSR. I am not experienced in customer service at all. I don't like dealing with people and would rather not do it. But I was suddenly given that responsibility and felt it was my obligation.


Now I am learning how to do all the billing and invoicing and all that... I have no accounting background, but I guess I am supposed to learn that too.


ANd after I tackle accounting, then they are also going to expect me to run the retail store up front and wait on any customers when they come in.


And... they also have plans to train me to do all the inventory control as well.


Ok... I am happy to be employed and all... But I signed up to scan and adjust photos... I didn't sign up to be a Scanner/IT worker/graphic designer/receptionist/csr/accountant/salesperson/inventory controller.


I do all this... and I only make minimum wage. I work more than forty hours a week... and once I go over that forty hour mark I don't get paid over time. And all this time (all few weeks) I've been pretty proud of myself for handling this as well as I have. I really thought I was doing very well for someone with the responsibility of at least three people in my lap. And today I get called in the office and yelled at.


I wonder if it's time to start job hunting again.


I can't even explain how worthless I feel right now. I bust my ass for these people. And it looks like this is going to turn out just like every other job I've had. I can't do it, and I eventually get fired.


So I can only deduce that the problem is me, not the work force.


So, as the title says... now what? I am apparently just not good at working for other people. I am wondering if I'll ever be alright in any kind of job situation. I was unemployed for six months... now I have a job again so I at leat have a paycheck coming in... but I am miserable there.


Any thoughts?

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HF, I don't think it's you. The way the economy is right now, it seems employers try to find ways to use the hell out of their employees and force them to do as much as possible and hold it over their heads that "at least you have a job" and "thousands of people out there wanting your job", all the while hoping you quit so they don't have to pay UI.

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HF, I don't think it's you. The way the economy is right now, it seems employers try to find ways to use the hell out of their employees and force them to do as much as possible and hold it over their heads that "at least you have a job" and "thousands of people out there wanting your job", all the while hoping you quit so they don't have to pay UI.


Maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself... I was told that shortly before I started there were some people upset that they weren't getting raises. There are people who have worked there two years that are still making minimum wage and still listed on the books as part time despite working 40+ hours a week.


They had a meeting explaining to everyone that they can't afford to give raises right now. Their 17 year old son drive a brand new Cadillac Escalade. Obviously they are doing pretty well for themselves.

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Maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself... I was told that shortly before I started there were some people upset that they weren't getting raises. There are people who have worked there two years that are still making minimum wage and still listed on the books as part time despite working 40+ hours a week.

Well, how much of a fuss do you want to kick up?


Where I work, it's been drilled into our heads that if we're part time, we absolutely cannot work more than 30 hours per week because if we routinely do, we are considered full time according to state law and the employer has to provide benefits. I'm sure the hourly full time folks hear the same admonitions about overtime and working more than 40 hours.


But I work for an employer that follows the state employment laws...you may not....or your state may have different laws. My previous employers in a different industry didn't give a crap, they just scheduled & paid people however they saw fit and figured no one would bother going after them about it...and they were right. No one did. Like I said, How much of a fuss do you want to kick up? Enough to research what the laws are in your state? Enough to bring it up if they're breaking the law?

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I don't know... if I start talking like that they'll just fire me and then what? I sit at home unemployed for another 6 months...


If memory serves correctly you live in the same state I do...


One other thing I just have to say to get it out of my system... How freaking dumb are some of my co workers that in almost three weeks there they still don't now my name? This is a small business. We all work in close proximity with each other. When my bosses hired me they went and told everyone after I left that they had this new guy that would be started and his name was *a name that is not my name.* And so now, despite three weeks of me correcting them, they all still call me the wrong name. A customer called the other day and asked for me and I was not at my desk so someone else answered the phone. The customer asked for me by name and the guy who answered the phone was like "I think you have the wrong number, no one by that name works here."


It's not an entitlement thing or an arogance thing... but hell, I at least expect people to call me by the right name. It kind of seems like the pot calling the kettle black in some small way. I get yelled at for not doing my 5 jobs right, but the people in charge can't even remember the names of their workers.

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Yikes Helly! ok..if you're not too concerned about losing this job, then I'd sit down with your boss and explain some things. First I would tell them that you were hired to perform **list of responsibilites** and that is what you are comfortable doing. You were also hird for 40 hours a week at *insert hourly wage* amount. So, you are willing to do what you were hired for, for 40 hours a week for this amount. If they would you to take on other repsonsibilities, which you would be agreeable to doing, then they should give you a raise and authorize overtime if needed. Otherwise, you are very happy to do your job and go home.

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Yeah, I'd definitely first do what Catdancer suggests; that's a good way to approach it.


If that doesn't work out, or they're not willing to play fair, then you have to gain some leverage, and I've found over the years that the best leverage you can have is to be irreplacable. Take on all these new duties, and get really good at them. Do them uncomplainingly for just a few weeks, volunteer some extra things even. And then hit them with the "it's been a great experience, I've learned a lot and I have a lot more to contribute, but now these other companies are interested in me, and other people doing all these jobs make way more than I do and you've been lucky to have me, but now things need to come to an end". At that point I suspect they'll get the message and make you a much more sensible offer.

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Scanner/IT worker/graphic designer/receptionist/csr/accountant/salesperson/inventory controller


These are good skills to have for running your own business someday. . .


If you think you'd like to be self-employed in the future, learn all you can on the job, and know that they don't own you.

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Until you decide to quit or are fired, try to figure out what you would like changed in your job situation, aside from making more money, which I doubt they will give you.


Break it down into specifics -


First quantify how many hours each set of task is taking you per day and per week. Write out a clear list.


Then, go through the list and identify which tasks you enjoy and are really good at.


Next, go through the list and figure out which tasks you could reasonably learn and would be willing to learn while you work there.


Then, identify the tasks that you feel you are truly in over your head on, tasks where you might actually create problems for this company if they entrust you with them.


Then, ask to sit down with your boss and show him the list. I think if you approach him in an objective manner, with your facts on hand, it will set the stage for him being open to reconsidering all the responsibilities that have been handed to you.


This would only be if you want to invest some more time working at this place.

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