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Has anybody had to "start again"?


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This is in relation to career / job, and will probably apply to the more mature members of this forum, but i am interested to hear about experiences where people have reached the age of 32+ and have been required to start again, in terms of retraining, a new career, and even a new lifestyle (with mostly new friends etc.)?


My situation is, i've been in the same career for so long (20) years and it has recently come to an end. I guess i defined myself through that particular vocation, and now i am a major cross-roads. I am not expecting to stay in touch with many of my former colleagues as the lifestyle of our job did not suit me anyway.


So, now i am feeling kind of 'lost in space' so as to speak. I am literally unemployed and am trying to etch out a decent resume! Which is difficult sometimes. I am also considering courses and a new vocation, although this is difficult too. I am attracted to teaching, but it has become really competitive where i live and i will need some work experience for my next years' application.


On the flip side, i am happy for what the future might hold. I am not overly excited, but a little relieved that my former "life" is almost over. I have also realised i am free to go on a holiday for a few weeks, which would be nice, although i'd have to go solo.


So, i'm kinda in this limbo... no incoming money (although i have savings, not willing to squander too much through) and will also be going through a change in peers... It's weird. On one hand i'm lonely, but on the other, i'm relieved.. Go figure.


Does anybody else have an experience of completely changing everything, in terms of job, lifestyle, or even changing states or countries? It'd be great to hear how you coped.


Thanks for your time

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Hi and I can relate to what you are talking about. I have had to reinvent my life and it is a challenge but very do-able. Have to be very philosophical about things, and find your spiritual direction. That being said, pay attention to the practicalitles of life, which it sounds like you are. Be realistic, yet optimistic. Be open to new friends, but be choosy because they will have a big impact on your day-to-day life and goal achievement. Watch your diet and exercise, work/school and rest schedules. Strive for balance. Help others out, its good for your soul and good for networking also.

Helen Keller said "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure."


Actually she is quite the inspiration, I suggest checking out this quotes page, I bet you'll find something worth remembering.

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All the best in your journey my sister.

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Oh my goodness CampingOnEarth, your post sent shivers up my spine! Good shivers, it was the part about life being an adventure and being open to change and finding your own spiritual connection


Earlier today i was thinking to myself that i have to remain open (and i'm taking care of the practicalities - changing diet, cutting down on things), my head is starting to become clearer and i have put it out to the Universe that i don't just want a job that i can earn money from (although in the short term this will suffice well), but that i want something that will satisfy me spiritually, as well as offer me long term security. We'll see what happens, come on Universe! I've also decided i need to go out more (instead of sitting at home on the couch)... I have been getting these impulses to go to weird and wonderful places lately, so we'll see what happens Oh yeah, and i've decided i want a honey to spend my life with and a good home to live in I'm not being greedy, just human.

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but that i want something that will satisfy me spiritually, as well as offer me long term security.


I can relate, although I'm not sure spirituality and security can go together. If spirituality requires courage, which I think it does, then that means there has to be fear to face, which means security can't really be part of the equation.


I'm 31 and I'm I guess you could say I'm in a similar position to starting over, except that I've never really started anything at all. I'm getting really tired of being stuck in the same place so clearly I need to change something in my approach. Or maybe I'm just not patient enough... who knows?

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I like that, CampingonEarth.


Helen Keller said "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure."


Mgirl: life is a journey of twists and turns, and the unexpected. Believe me. I have been there. And yes, in reply to the question on your thread.



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Well, i've got to keep thinking about the Hellen Keller quote. Should i choose adventure or security?


Woke up feeling lonely today. No one to talk to, i live on my own, no job so very little social interaction But, i've decided i will go to the gym tonight, even for some social interaction. Will be interesting to see who my real friends are. Have one job to apply for today and a series of phone calls to make.


IntotheWild, good luck on starting something, you should at least give it a go

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This is in relation to career / job, and will probably apply to the more mature members of this forum, but i am interested to hear about experiences where people have reached the age of 32+ and have been required to start again, in terms of retraining, a new career, and even a new lifestyle (with mostly new friends etc.)?


My situation is, i've been in the same career for so long (20) years and it has recently come to an end. I guess i defined myself through that particular vocation, and now i am a major cross-roads.


So, now i am feeling kind of 'lost in space' so as to speak. I am literally unemployed and am trying to etch out a decent resume!


Although I'm not in the age bracket you were perhaps looking for (I'm 27), I'm going through what you're describing to a T! I've been doing the same kind of work for the last 10 years but I've been unhappy in it for more than 5 years. I just don't know what to do as an alternative. I kinda put off thinking about it in the past 2 years because of some major life changes which knocked me for 6. But now I know I need to confront the issue and pick a different path. That of course will mean training but the biggest problem is not knowing what I wanna do. To make matters worse, a lot of my friends have moved away, gotten married and are having families so I'm feeling kinda adrift in a sea of uncertainty right now The rest of my peers have 'picked a path' but I haven't. If I had something in mind it'd be easier but I don't, so I'm lost!

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