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Is he interested or is it just his ego?


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Hi, there is this guy who I had feelings for, but he wasnt interested, so I moved and got over him and was doing really well. But the problem is, I work with him, and the doing really well was when we avoided eachother and werent talking, and he was in love with another girl.

Now, in the last few weeks, he has decided to be friendly with me and we have been talking, mostly him making the effort, and I am finding myself attracted to him again, and I'm scared I will fall again and go through the same pain I had before.


I can mostly do fine by telling myself he isnt interested, but he is making it harder tio me to think that. He will come round and make jokes to make me laugh, and whenever in a group and he makes a joke he always looks to me.

Even yesterday, he was making a joke to someone else when walking past me and had to actually turn around slightly to look at me.


I have been telling myself that he is only doing it for his ego, cos he knows I will laugh and it makes he feel good about himself and therefore builds his ego.


What do you guys think? I feel like I'm getting a complex.


Also I keep dreaming about him which is messing with my mind too.

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He's already crushed you, so he's probably stroking his ego. No need to feel bad, instead, just imagine he doesn't brush his teeth or wash his junk so that you can feel the need for distance. Think, "yeah, he's a funny guy! Too bad he smells.." at least thats my way of getting over crushes.

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3 varied answers, why am I not suprised? lol. thanx guys. What I have decided, is that Im am not going to think or worry about it, just carry on as I was before, I dont mind his friendship if thats what its about, and maybe see if he does anything else or not.

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