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All this potential totally wasted on me


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I'm OK. My eyes kinda hurt because I have pretty much been crying for two days.


Hmm.. I just noticed it could be PMS.


I just try to distract myself from the issues. If I start thinking about the problems it just spirals out of control.

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It will be interesting to see if you can implement more harmonizing in to your songs.

Maybe even make one which is predominantly harmonizing.


If your crying is PMS....that's some serious emotional changes!




Well I'm not eating chocolate either so. And I have nobody to cuddle or anything. And all these physical problems lately have just been frustrating so I'm a little grouchy XD


Oh yeah I watched lost today and this one part was making me feel so sad I thought I might die of sadness lol yeah so probably partly PMS.


This is why I was taking birth control that treats PMS.. I really should consider doing that again.

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I was thinking about switching my major to voice but I just don't know.. if. I could do that.


You should if you can


Speaking of chocolates, have you had French chocolate by Michel Cluizel? If you haven't you should try it...pricey but well worth it. Tastes better than Godiva as much as I love their chocolate as well.

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I buy blocks .. and I don't stop eating


I really love dark chocolate. Cadbury is good and all but being in Switzerland for a month spoiled me.


The Sprungli chocolate is very smooth as well. Perfect really. I went to the same Sprungli Einstein used to go to in Zurich on the bahnhofstrasse

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  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts,,, I would recommend some positive talk. If you have itunes, you can get free podcasts from motivational speaker: ZIG ZIGLAR. He has REAL life solutions that are down to earth and practical. Give it a try, it's changed my life in so many ways. Stay positive Suzy, you can do it!!

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