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Does anybody get heat from friends for being single?


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I have less time than I did before I was a mom -- at the time my friends are available (at night) but more time during the day, when my single friends often are not available. I am still very reliable but in order to keep that up I make fewer social plans and I am very careful to explain that I might need to cancel if there's a child related issue. iI've never had to cancel. Maybe try to make plans when it's more convenient for them and then see if they can reciprocate?


I wish my now ex-friend had your mentality/reliability. I was fine with revolving our plans around her new married with kids schedule - I was even fine with her bringing the kids along. But not only would she cancel plans constantly (whether she or I made them), she just wouldn't show up at all. No miscommunication or anything - in fact, I'd confirm a couple days ahead of time and she'd STILL blow me off. Then she'd blame the blow-offs on having kids and too many things to do.


So now she's wondering why I don't return her calls.

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And that is completely understandable that you have less time as a mom. You have others relying on you and most likely schedules to keep. I usually let them decide what's a good time for them. I am single and don't have a real schedule to keep (other than work), I'm flexible. It just never seems to work out.


Relationship status should definitely have no bearing on friendships. I have seen single people choose not to hang out with couples because they feel like the odd man out, but I've never heard of couples saying you can't come cause you don't have a date. I think it's awful and very hurtful.

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My friends only started treating me this way recently, however they've been with their husbands much longer so that's what I can't understand. And neither of them have wonderful marriages, so I always have to bite my tongue when I'm around them and they start talking about me being single.


It's funny nobody around me seems to think me finding a job right now is more important than finding a man lol.


Don't get me wrong, I do hang out with them a lot, Im always invited to every party and holiday and we even have girls night outs once in a while. However when it comes to the weekends I'm usually excluded and told if I want, I can meet them for drinks after dinner (no, thanks). And if I do meet them for drinks after dinner, I have to hear how they were asking one of their other couple friends if they know anyone they can introduce me too.

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