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best way (besides online) 4 40+

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Well, I am in the same boat as you. But you wont meet people sitting at home. So I go to the gym for myself, if I meet someone there then I do, but Im giving myself the chance. There is also salsa dancing which is a great way to meet people. Girls at a salsa club want to dance. So go, take a few lessons, then dance. Eventually youll find a girl you like to dance with and as you dance you talk to her..

Go to a mall, shop, the beach or whatever. Instead of asking where to meet them. Do things to put you in a position to meet people. Go out..force yourself to interact, say hi to one stranger or two strangers a day. Build up your esteem, do what makes you happy. Eventually, youll meet someone.

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For me, it's much the same as being under 40, it's just that the form it takes changes. For example, when I was in my 20's, I was really into dancing; mainly jazz and ballet, and that's where a lot of my friends came from, and we'd go clubbing. These days I still love dancing, but am not so keen to wrap my left foot round my right ear as I used to be - so the dancing's mainly folk and ceroc. I agree with No1 that social dancing is a GREAT way to meet people. And it keeps you fit.


Other than that, what are your interests? If you like walking, join the Ramblers' Association; if there's something that you've always fancied - give it a go. Even if it's completely off the wall. In fact, especially if it's completely off the wall. Nothing will guarantee you a new partner, but you will be guaranteed lots of new interesting experiences which will make you a more rounded person when you DO meet that special someone ...

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Well.... a co-worker has someone that she wants to introduce me to and I'm a bit excited about that...


I think you just have to put yourself out there, possibly everywhere. But first and foremost, just get out and have fun doing things you enjoy.


I was going to do the online dating thing but I'm holding off. I'm going to let go of the reins and fill up my schedule with family and friends and fun and let come what may.


Maybe I'm meant for something greater than just to settle down and get married?

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Well, I am in the same boat as you. But you wont meet people sitting at home. So I go to the gym for myself, if I meet someone there then I do, but Im giving myself the chance. There is also salsa dancing which is a great way to meet people. Girls at a salsa club want to dance. So go, take a few lessons, then dance. Eventually youll find a girl you like to dance with and as you dance you talk to her..

Go to a mall, shop, the beach or whatever. Instead of asking where to meet them. Do things to put you in a position to meet people. Go out..force yourself to interact, say hi to one stranger or two strangers a day. Build up your esteem, do what makes you happy. Eventually, youll meet someone.


Thanks for putting this up.

I cannot imagine how revolting it must be. Show me ?

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get out there and slowly increase your social network......just keep meeting new people and they will eventually introduce you to new people. activities that interest you are great. For example, if you like cycling, join a cycling club, dancing is a great idea. Even art classes.


even if you don't meet the love of your life, at least you will be doing enjoyable stuff and meeting new friends.


you can still do the online dating thing, but instead of spending 4 days a week on it, just spend one night a week and get out and do stuff.

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Thanks for putting this up.

I cannot imagine how revolting it must be. Show me ?


Okay I think I am confused, What does your post mean? Revolting? Why would you use that word?


I wouldn't worry No1... a daft first post.


I like the online thing personally. I have fun and banter with people on it. I don't really message people but if someone sends me a message its a nice confidence booster all the same.

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When I went through the worst breakup of my life, I got a second job to take up some of the extra time. It's a healthy distraction, kept me active, and I earned some extra money. Also, my brother convinced me to join facebook if for no other reason than I could re-connect with some people I hadn't spoken to since HS.


Wound up meeting several people on facebook, and ultimately, my girlfriend, at the place i took the second job at. So you never know who you'll meet when you expand your world. Just don't try to date someone seriously too soon. You'll only feel like garbage and create another enotalone user in the process when you inevitably move on.

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Glad to see you're jumping back into the pool, Bung!


I'm not a fan of online dating. My rec. are:


1. Coffee shops---I've been asked out a lot in coffee shops. I've also seen many single women trolling in them.


2. Networking---tell everyone you know that you're single and looking. Let them fix you up.


3. Throw a party and invite everyone you know who's single. Ask them to bring single friends.


4. Get a dog and go to the park. Cute pets are chick magnets!

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I wouldn't worry No1... a daft first post.


I like the online thing personally. I have fun and banter with people on it. I don't really message people but if someone sends me a message its a nice confidence booster all the same.


Yeah, I dont see anything wrong with looking for someone online. It is widely accepted and no longer seem like the 'desparate' thing to do. Can go to link removed or other sites and explore, but the whole thing is, if you meet people initially online, you still need to go out of the house to actually meet these people.

Its all good. Who cares how you meet people as long as you get out and meet them. And most importantly, have a great time.

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Single women are often found:


1. Dance classes. Men are in the minority and you don't have to have a partner, lots of singles there to learn.


2. Film club at link removed


3. Book club - mostly women, if not all...oh, they'd LOVE it if a man showed up.


4. Volunteering for a non-profit.


5. Taking college classes at night. Could there be a new romance language in your future? Extension classes, too, especially cooking.


6. A matchmaker/introduction service.


7. A divorce support group! Check link removed. Parents Without Partners (don't adopt just to fit in, however).


Good luck!

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