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How To Spend/Pass Time? Help.

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I feel like I am a zombie. I have stopped feeling much emotion. Nothing motivates me and nothing inspires me. Every night I go to sleep looking forward to nothing. Every morning I wake hoping it goes quickly. It never does. It drags on. Im not depressed, more like have lost direction. My body feels like lead, even tho I am underweight. My mind feels empty, even tho i try and soak up as many words/culture/movies as I can. My spirit feels souless even tho i know its there othwerwise I wouldn't be here.


I need advice on how to use the internet to pass my time. Ive tried posting things/thoughts on various forums but eventually it only begins to bore me or I end up getting banned. I have tried chatting in chatrooms, it only agravates me and people's lack of manners end up infuriating me. I started a twitter account, but to be honest i have no interest in telling cyber people what im up to (same goes for facebook/msn) and reading other tweets doesnt really motivate/inspire me either.


Ive tried singing, its the only thing which sometimes helps me pass the hours, I make up my own lyrics and tunes, I wouldnt let anyone hear though. My friends and family are good people and i like spending time with them when I can but I can't do that 24/7 as they have their own lives to lead.


All I have at the moment is the internet but I hav no idea how to use in useful ways which will benefit my mind, body and soul. I want to enrich myself and completely absorb myself in something which will make time fly by without it having a negative effect on me. Can anyone recommend any sites? Not just to read up on, but which will actually give me a meaning for being.



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There are more things than the Internet. You probably spend too much time on it.


Go outside on a walk. Open an account at the public library and read or rent movies. Reading a book takes up a few hours...


No I need to spend more time on it I specifically need advice on what type of things I should do using the Internet.


On a sidenote: I love walking, it helps me think clearly but sadly it does not help me much in keeping entertained or in passing time in a comfortable manner because I get cold easily and my ears end up hurting. I do visit the library often but get put off when I see lonely type people there who try and hit on you. I prefer buying my books anyways not borrowing. I can only read for an hour before I lose all concentration.

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It sounds like you've tried the typical things that most people on the internet do.


If it was me, I would download audiobooks off the internet that I was interested in (fiction and personal growth). Next, I would get a cute puppy and take walks with the puppy while I listened to the audiobooks.

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Hello Kinkz,


I agree that there are ways other than the internet to pass your time.

I'm sure you can find something you enjoy doing, that you find more fulfilling that surfing the internet.


I'm sorry to have to say but it sounds to me a lot like you are depressed.

Spending a lot of time on the internet is probably your way of dealing with feeling depressed, a place to hide from it. You could use the internet to read about depression to decide for yourself what is the best course of action to take.


Wishing you well x

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I think we've all been in your situation, a little lost for direction in our lives, lacking motivation and such. When I'm feeling like that, I try to motivate myself with something constructive, like playing an instrument or building something, at least then you have something to show for your time and you won't feel like you've wasted a day/week on scouring the Internet out of boredom.


Things inevitably get better. Something or someone will come along and motivate you. Watching films and reading books are great fun, but you might be better off doing something you love. Whatever that is.


Some sites I like are:







Hope that helps. Good luck.

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It sounds like you've tried the typical things that most people on the internet do.


If it was me, I would download audiobooks off the internet that I was interested in (fiction and personal growth). Next, I would get a cute puppy and take walks with the puppy while I listened to the audiobooks.


It sometimes feels like im missing out on something important, like everyone is doing something much better than me using the internets. Like sometimes I walk pass Internet cafe's- and I see people on their computers doing things and from the look on their faces they seem to be having a good time. I don't understand why though, why isnt it happening for me? What exactly are the 'typical things'? I must have left some out. I do sometimes email far away people and when i get replies, it does make me a little happy but replies are not always certain.


Ive actually burned a few audio books and listen to them as I fall asleep. Rgiht now Im on the The Chronicles of Narnia series. Looking after a puppy would be too much work for me, especially If im more concernered about trying to figure out ways on how to use the Internet in a more useful way.

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Hello Kinkz,


I agree that there are ways other than the internet to pass your time.

I'm sure you can find something you enjoy doing, that you find more fulfilling that surfing the internet.


I'm sorry to have to say but it sounds to me a lot like you are depressed.

Spending a lot of time on the internet is probably your way of dealing with feeling depressed, a place to hide from it. You could use the internet to read about depression to decide for yourself what is the best course of action to take.


Wishing you well x


Hi there redherring


Thats what I think my problem seems to be, I can't quite find anything which fulfills me or leaves me content. If anything, everything leaves me more puzzled than before. If I can find at least one thing on the internet which does give me some sort of contentment than I can move onto other things- like try to find enjoyment in other things unrelated to internert.


There was a time I did feel depressed, I didnt hide from it, I embraced it and worked my way through it. As I said in my first post, I feel nothing now. At least being depressed would bring some sort of feelings within me? I don't know. I will however, read up on depression and see where it takes me, if anywhere.


Thanks for well wishes.

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I think we've all been in your situation, a little lost for direction in our lives, lacking motivation and such. When I'm feeling like that, I try to motivate myself with something constructive, like playing an instrument or building something, at least then you have something to show for your time and you won't feel like you've wasted a day/week on scouring the Internet out of boredom.


Things inevitably get better. Something or someone will come along and motivate you. Watching films and reading books are great fun, but you might be better off doing something you love. Whatever that is.


Some sites I like are:







Hope that helps. Good luck.


Its comforting to know everyone has been in this situation. I like your thoughts on having something to show at the end of time. I think I will work on that. Yes, It is a postive feeling to see an end product. Maybe I will start an online blog, I can build on it every day and add things to it. (Im still thinking of using your example but applying it to something which is related to using the Internet). I did use to write poems/songs but gave up on it because it reminded me of that moment (whatever the moment may be at the time) and was just weird for me to revisit past again.


I do like watching movies, but sometimes I over do it - Like for example, Watching the same movie over and over again just to catch things which I might have missed the first time round. I did that with Avatar, I must have watched it more than eight times, the popcorn people gave me weird looks. I do have a DVD collection of LOSt and 24, which I will someday catch up on, maybe.


Thanks for the sites! I use them sometimes. I will have a look at the last one, havent heard of it before.

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People who are happy on the internet are happy with themselves. They have things they look up to make them laugh (interests), friends that they talk to that they hang out with (real friends).


Staying a lone on the internet using it for pleasure is the most depressing thing ever. Seriously it is. You said you like to hang out with friends but you can't do it 24/7 because they have their own lives to lead. Why not make some closer friends?


Everybody has to lead their own lives at some point, (like going to school or work) but when they are done you can be a part of their lives and them a part of yours. Make the effort to meet new people and go places with them. So then you can start using the internet for the right reasons. Like flooding your face book with pictures you take with your friends. Using the internet to look up neat places you can go on the weekends.


You sound depressed. All the things you wrote are symptoms of depression and sitting around on the internet all by yourself will make it worse and then 5 years from now you'll be doing the exact same thing....and still be depressed.


You don't want that....trust me. Get out there and use the internet as your guide.

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Happiness comes in different forms and different doses, I think some people find it more easier to be happy with the cards they are dealt with rather than be picky about things. I.e - they accept what they are given more readily and don't necessarily question it. I don't feel comfortable much by mixing my internet activities with real life friends. Mainly because I find it awkward. For example - like on facebook...when someone writes a comment about a picture of mine - I think to myself 'you could have just told me that when i saw you five minutes ago in the other room'. Or like when you're out with friends and something funny happens and you have the urge to say 'EL OH EL' because you're so used to saying LOL in text form. To put it short - No, I can't mix my offline friendships with online activities. They are and always will be separate for me.


I can't see myself using the Internet with my friends or anyone else sat next to me so I will be using it alone most of the times. I like peace and quiet. Its not so much pleasure which im looking for, but a way maybe to make my time on the Internet a bit more worthwhile for me, but im always worrying im not using it in the right way and the other issue is, trying to make time pass and I agree, spending it with friends is a good way to do that.



I have started using it as a guide, making this post was the first step.

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sometimes I walk pass Internet cafe's- and I see people on their computers doing things and from the look on their faces they seem to be having a good time. I don't understand why though, why isnt it happening for me?


Maybe the Internet just doesn't make you very happy? I love the Internet, but that doesn't mean everyone else is going to. Even I need a break from it sometimes. There are days when I don't even turn my computer on-it's rare though.


I hope you find something you like to do.

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  • 2 months later...
Maybe the Internet just doesn't make you very happy? I love the Internet, but that doesn't mean everyone else is going to. Even I need a break from it sometimes. There are days when I don't even turn my computer on-it's rare though.


I hope you find something you like to do.


Yeh I think its just not me. It causes me more trouble rather than be a release for my boredom/unhappiness etc.


Thanks, I think i've found something, am into painting these days.

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