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Breaking up with her tonight


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I think you shouldn't give her any reason at all. Just tell her it's over, no debate, no explanation, nothing. Ignore her questions why. Just tell her to look within herself for the answers.


This is what I would do too. If you give her your reasons she's only going to try to come up with excuses and possibly turn it around on you. Big waste of time. Let her wonder why.

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This is what I would do too. If you give her your reasons she's only going to try to come up with excuses and possibly turn it around on you. Big waste of time. Let her wonder why.


If we lived separately I might choose this route, but we're pretty much gonna have to see each other face to face every day, in an attempt to keep things peaceful at home I think she'll want an explanation.

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Think about this: The only time a cell phone is private is when somebody's trying to hide something. I caught my ex in a bunch of lies because of the cell phone bill (he always had his phone password protected). He was intelligent, but I'm more so.


Anyway, what are you going to tell her? Are you going to let her try to explain, if she can?

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Basically I'm going with the "this isn't working for either of us" and "stop doing this to yourself" approach. Clearly she is unhappy with the situation/with me. I do still care about her, so i"m actually gonna suggest what I honestly think is best for both of us.


She hates our new city, and wants to move to Portland. She's only here because of me and my school, and since she seems to prefer this guy to me and he lives there I'm gonna suggest she just move out there now . . . without me.


I don't want either of us to live a lie . . .


Strangely enough I'm not mad about the situation, just disappointed in her ability to be mature and handle her side of things. I told her MANY times that if she ever wanted out to just be honest . . . I wouldn't be happy, but I would understand. As is I've just lost my respect for her.


What do you guys think?

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