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Anyone here with social anxiety disorder?

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I feel that I definitely display the characteristics of this disorder, fear of critism, intense fear during social interactions with people I do not know, if I don't have anything to say when I'm in a group, I don't say anything at all, if I'm in a large group of people and I'm nervous I start to sweat at times. I've thought about seeing the doctor about this and asking to be put on a mediciation like paxil but at the same time I feel this might just be my personality. For people who have SAD, what steps did to take to correct this disorder? Did you feel that once on medication it merely covered up your disorder? When did you realize you had SAD? What do you do to cope in social situations?


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I have a definite tendency to be that way myself, and I suspect it's not all that uncommon. I've never considered myself as perhaps having a disorder, but I can't speak for the way you feel about yourself of course.


If you are unsure, then certainly talk to your doctor about it, and decide then if you actually should be on medication.


As for coping, I purposefully put myself into positions where I had to interact with people. I can't say it was at all pleasant the first time around, but pretty soon you start to see that there are people who accept you just as you are.


It's also important to understand that you will make mistakes on occasion, and you will feel uncomfortable too on occasion, but that's part of life, it does happen to everybody, and the upset and hurt does not last long at all.


Good luck.

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I to have all those symptoms and I have been debating for the past year to go to a doctor. I think what was said about putting yourself in situations where you interact with people does work. I am terrified of talking in front of groups, I think it has to do with fear of rejection and wanting everyone to like me.


I have recently joined a group and though I do not talk out loud during the group, I do talk to some of the women afterwards. I am a very reserved person when in a group of people but very outgoing once I know a person or if just with one person. I hope that made sense.


I also sweat almost all the time when I know I am going to be around people. Even in the car on the way there I have to put the air on myself. I have learned to live with it and I hope it goes away. I really dont want to get on any medication, so I guess I wear a lot of sleeveless shirts, in the summer at least.

I wish you well.



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