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Why is there so many under age ppl having sex?

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If you just like the idea of waiting until marraige, thats fine, thats the best for you, and no one can argue with that. I don't think it is wrong or crazy for you to wait until marraige, but just because it is the best thing for you, doesn't mean its the best for everyone.


I'm not afraid at all. I have always been the most educated about sex amongst my friends. I know what I can get, and I know how to prevent it. I get tested, my partners get tested. I have no doubt in my mind that I won't get pregnant, what fear is there to have? If you have sex out of marraige you won't 100% for sure get a disease.

Knowing the parents of your spouse doesn't prevent STDs. Even if both people wait until marraige, you can still get an STD from oral sex, and just minor contact with an infected person. Hell, even kissing can give you herpes. So what was that about 100% sure of not having stds if you wait until marraige?

There may be LESS risk, but you still don't know where that person has been, and there isn't such thing as knowing everything there possibly is to know about another person.

You don't see abortions happening as much in marraige, but it does happen. Just because you are married doesn't mean you want the child. My ex just got married and his newlywed got pregnant, she couldn't even fathom having a child, so she had an abortion. It happens. Mairrage doesn't = maturity/stability/want for a child.


Just because you have sex out of wedlock, doesn't mean you don't know what love is.

There is a very messed up view of sex because of TV, but people grow out of it when they realize what they really want out of life. It may take some tough choices and some lessons, but not everyone only wants a quick F*ck.

Sex feels good. It isn't wrong to like it. It shouldn't be abused, but everytime you have sex, to have a child isn't going to be the one thing on your mind. (maybe when you start having sex you will understand this)

The ability for a dog to have other dogs is just PHENOMINAL! the ability for a bird to create another bird is just PHENOMINAL! The ability for a scientist to put a bunch of gasses and matter into a glass tube and zap it with lightening and get organic matter is just PHENOMINAL!


great we can have kids, I get it, but I know there is more to sex than that. It is also an expression of love. You will feel love more than just once in your life. When you feel love for another person and you want to put them before everything and you feel that this person was put on the planet for you, and you were put on the planet for them, it feels PHENOMINAL. It is the greatest feeling in the world. I had sex with that person for me last night, and it was more amazing then, then it was yesterday, and the week before and the year before. It only gets more amazing, and I thank my lucky stars every time that I get to experiance it with him.


For you to tell me that is wrong, is very ignorant of you consitering that you have never experianced a love or an act like that before.


Wait until you are married. From what you say, that will make it that much better for you. As for me and a million other people, we don't choose that path. And it doesn't make us wrong. Just as it isn't wrong for you to abstain.

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The problem mythical is that sex is illegal under 16 for a start (sorry, i keep talking like i abide to every law when i dont , but in terms of sex i agree with it). Secondly, u say that some 24 year olds are too immature for sex. The fact of the matter is that they are physically ready for it, legal by 8 years, and even tho might b immature, probably far more likely to know what they are doing.


Empty soul, u say u lost ur virginity at 14. So 2 years below the law limit. U say that u thought u were ready and everything, fair enough. In the future when u have children, would u b ok with the idea of ur 12 year old daugther having sex if she says the same sort of things u say??? And if not, y not? Would seem abit hippocritical to say no.


Im sorry but 16 year olds r young but i can see it being a fair enough age, but 14 year olds and unders just sounds sick.


Come on chavette join in m8ty

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Sex below 16 is not illegal. That is a broad overstatement of age of consent laws. In virtually all cases the ages of the two people are taken into account to determine whether the relationship is appropriate. There isn't anything illegal about two 14/15 year olds losing their virginity to each other in most places. However a 15 year old and a 40 year old is a totally different story.



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Sex below 16 is not illegal. That is a broad overstatement of age of consent laws. In virtually all cases the ages of the two people are taken into account to determine whether the relationship is appropriate. There isn't anything illegal about two 14/15 year olds losing their virginity to each other in most places. However a 15 year old and a 40 year old is a totally different story.




hmmm im pretty sure that it is illegal for a person 16 years of age in the UK link removed Plus it depends on what country it is. Anyway, Avman, would u be happy if your daughter or son was having sex at 14? Do u think it is an ok or too young?


Anyway, it is just my opinion. Nothing will change that, even if the guy or girlk is mature it doesnt make a difference to me, they are too young.

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Would I be happy if my son or daughter had sex at 14? Would it matter if I was happy about it? I mean, ordering them not to would be useless. Teens have a fabulous way of doing things their parents prohibit them to do. I would hope they would wait. But I'm not going to live in denial and assume that they will.


Certainly I would be more understanding of two 14/15 year olds exploring sex with each other. And I would want my child to come to me asking about birth control, sex, setting boundaries, etc. I would NOT be understanding of a 14 year old and a 30 year old however.


You should also understand that regardless of what the law states they do take the ages of the kids into account when deciding whether to prosecute. Its extremely rare that they prosecute a 15 year old for having sex with a 15 year old. Now if that 15 year old has sex with an 11 year old (or a 40 year old) - thats a whole different story.


And you are correct, it does vary widely by country. In fact it varies widely by regions within a country. My only point was that you seemed to be making a broad statement that sex under 16 is illegal everywhere - and thats simply not the case.

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JonnyG, first i don't know if i will ever want the responsibility of having a life in my care for so long, but if i do... if my child chooses to have sex at a young age all i have to say is i hope they only choose to do so because they are ready and are willing to deal with the consequences. it is their choice, and i will tell them all that i can from my experiences but it will still be up to them.



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