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is this obbsession????


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I've been friends with this guy for 3 years now, when we first met we had just a really cool friendship we would text and talk on the phone alot. He made it very clear that he did not want a relationship at the time and neither did i bc i had just gotten out of one. He took me out to a mvie one night and back to his place. We watched another movie at his house and b4 u know it we where having sex. Now b4 u think im a hoer i knew this guy before we became friends we hung around the same crowd. After that night we continued to talk on the phone and text and about a month later all of a sudden i asked if he wanted to catch a movie and he said that i was demanding too much of his time like i was trying to be his girlfriend. We were intimate throughout the time we were talking so I thought that it would be a good idea to go out again just as friends though. I hadnt noticed that i was "demanding" so much of his time. Well we got into a very heated argument and that lead to us both saying some nasty things to each other. I forgot about him in the mean time. Maybe a couple of months later or maybe even a year he popped back up in my life we began to be intimate again then poof hes telling me im acting like i was b4. We have been off and on like this for 3 years I really did like him and respected that he did not want to commit b\c at the time i didnt either. I once told him i loved him and that night he made love to me and held me the whole night as if he didnt mind what i had just said. He didnt say it back and that didnt bother me b\c hes not the type to get all mushy about things like that. It seems as if everytime we get close he leaves me alone. My friends think he likes me but is afraid to tell me. I dnt know what to think. We often hang out at the same places and we know each others friends and my friends say if they go to those places without me hes always looking around as if hes looking for me. ??? Also when i do go and hes there he makes sure that i notice him he walks past me 100 times talks to other girls behind or next to me but he never says anything to me. Like i said i like him but i can live without him im having fun being single but im confused about this dude. I dont bother him when hes like this b\c he gets really moody its kinda funny to me b\c im the same way. We sometimes argue as if we are together which is even more confusing b\c all we have to do is stay away from each other. Right now hes going thru one of these periods like he just hates me or im getting on his nerves. I dont call but i sometimes txt just to see how hes doing b\c we where friends at one point and thats just what i do. He will not respond. I feel like im wasting my time in fact i know i am i guess i just want him to realize that im a good person and i love to be surrounded by friends and family all the time thats what keeps me happy and not to mention sane. He can be really nice and then he can be an * * * * * * * . I like the nice side guess thats why i still hang around b\c i know he has a good heart somewhere inside that chest of his just not sure why hes afraid to let me in.......

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No, this guy is not nice..his true personality is the one he is showing you where he takes sex from you and then ignores you afterwards and treats you like crap. The times he is nice to you..that's because he wants sex or something else from you. Decent people do not blow hot and cold like that..truly nice people do not consistently fluctuate between treating the other person nicely and then treating them like garbage.

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I don't really think it's obsession. It sounds to me like your male friend is wanting you for sex and that's it. He may make it seem like he wants you to be in his life and be his friend, but that may just be so his sex buddy won't leave.


If you really want to be friends with this guy, talk to him and tell him what you want in your relationship. If he won't give you the time to listen, or he gets all mad because you want to talk, just go find someone else. I mean, if he doesn't show you that he cares about the friendship, why try to make it work?

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