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This will have to be short as im at work. Been dating boyf of 7 months (LDR) he has a young son. I just know he wants to finish things but I think he is too nice and cant say the words to me. Ive had all the signs (less contact, "its not you its me" etc etc) but hes not actually said he wants to end our relationship. Things moved pretty quickly and I think he has got it in his head that I want more. I am happy with things as they are for the time being and love and care for him very much. What can I do to repair the relationship?

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Have you tried talking to him about your relationship? There could be a lot of things going on in his life right now, like his kid. Maybe he's just feeling stressed out right now. I don't think he wants to end things with you. I think if he wanted to end things with you, he would have made up some nice excuse instead of dragging you along. Just ask him if something has been bothering him because he hasn't been himself lately. Don't force him to talk to you about this right away, guys typically back off more when forced.

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It might be that he just wants to slow things down. I am recently out of a relationship and met someone new. Well before I knew it we were spending everyday together. It was too much too fast for me. I don't want to stop seeing him or even discuss it with him because it might hurt his feelings so I've just backed off. Make sense. I just want to slow some things down not remove them. It may take some getting use to but if you do want to be with him give him some space without making it an issue and see how things go. Find out if your comfortable with it and if he still wants to be there. Just a thought since I seem to be doing the same thing.

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Well, i have tried to give him space. I didnt contact him last night and he texted me but it wasnt all that inspiring.... I will see what happens today. I feel like im 2nd best in his life. I understand and am happy to be 2nd best to his son but when it comes to his ex (& mother of his child) i feel like he is treating her better than me and maybe he still has issues with her (although he denies this). I am not happy being 2nd best to his ex. In our last telephone conversation he said he had problems committing but told me that doesnt mean he doesnt want to be with me... I can just see the end coming and maybe it would be better all round if I broke up with him first. I love and respect him but he hasnt been treating me all that well over the last couple of weeks, coincidentally (or not!) his ex broke up with her boyf about the time things started to go wrong. Should i be the one to end it?

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