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Spit lubrication=Bacterial Vaginosis/Yeast Infections?

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This may sound ridiculous, but work with me here.


I used to have a lot of problems with yeast overgrowth, even getting yeast spots on my body from it. After changing my diet around, it improved greatly. However, it now seems that I get a lot of run-ins with BV. I know this is a common problem with women, but it recently hit me that me and my boyfriend's, er, source of lube could be a contributing factor. When we have sex, I usually lube him up with some spit (man, this feels like TMI). That is how it has been for the little over a year we have been together, with us having sex about four-five times a week.


The mouth is a nasty, bacteria-infested place, so could that be part of the problem with me and BV? Any input is appreciated.

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Yeah, use regular 'ole KY. Also I know that urinating after sex can help prevent UTI's; maybe it might also help prevent BV. You could take a shower after sex whenever it's convenient, rinse down there with water a bit & see if that makes a difference.


Also I look everything up on wikipedia. I would wikipedia BV & see if that has any tips for prevention.

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Thank you for the replies. I tried to google it before asking here, and only one source said that oral sex can sometimes cause yeast infections. I will try KY and see if that helps at all. I always go to the restroom after sex, because UTIs suck, but maybe a shower will help as well. I'll wiki BV and see what it has to say.


Thanks again.

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You are correct that it can cause infections. Usually your doctor will ask you if you give your partner oral before sex if you have a lot of infections. Some women freak a little until they know why the question was asked. You go down on him and then he is inside you all the way. This for some can cause problems.


Tell him more foreplay! If he gets you all worked up there won't be any reason for lube.


4 or 5 times a week! good for you



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I will try KY and see if that helps at all.

Oh BV, my nemesis!


If you have had problems with BV or yeast before, please don't try KY (or 'Wet' or Astroglide), remember to look at ingredients! Most contain glycerin or 'Polyquaternium 15' which cause reactions and often BV/yeast infections! Random link on bad stuff in lubes: link removed


Please take a look at this forum if you are ever having problems with BV: link removed


My advice is to use non irritant lube like O'my or Karma Sutra (these are the only two I've found other than silicone which costs a LOT), don't let him cum in you (sounds strange but it can be horrible for your vaginal PH balance & cause BV), pee after like you've been doing, and take cranberry pills. Also, the only thing that really helped me when I had full blown BV was the link removedI got from link removed, best $25 I ever spent.... coupon code LAZ615 for $5 off which pays for shipping, plus you get a BUNCH of free stuff!


Hope this helps!

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You are correct that it can cause infections. Usually your doctor will ask you if you give your partner oral before sex if you have a lot of infections. Some women freak a little until they know why the question was asked. You go down on him and then he is inside you all the way. This for some can cause problems.


Tell him more foreplay! If he gets you all worked up there won't be any reason for lube.


4 or 5 times a week! good for you




Yeah, I'm surprised I have never been asked this before by a doctor since it seems to be a leading cause.


There really shouldn't be any need for lube, actually. I think it's just something we started doing in the beginning and, since he likes routine, it sort of...stuck. Some more foreplay couldn't hurt, though!


Oh BV, my nemesis!


If you have had problems with BV or yeast before, please don't try KY (or 'Wet' or Astroglide), remember to look at ingredients! Most contain glycerin or 'Polyquaternium 15' which cause reactions and often BV/yeast infections! Random link on bad stuff in lubes: link removed



Please take a look at this forum if you are ever having problems with BV: link removed


My advice is to use non irritant lube like O'my or Karma Sutra (these are the only two I've found other than silicone which costs a LOT), don't let him cum in you (sounds strange but it can be horrible for your vaginal PH balance & cause BV), pee after like you've been doing, and take cranberry pills. Also, the only thing that really helped me when I had full blown BV was the link removedI got from link removed, best $25 I ever spent.... coupon code LAZ615 for $5 off which pays for shipping, plus you get a BUNCH of free stuff!


Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for all of your advice! I still have some problems with yeast infections, but anymore it seems it's BV, all of the time. It's chronic, and so annoying. I do the home remedies of yogurt and garlic and peroxide, which usually help, but sometimes they can make it worse before it gets better and I just don't want to deal with it anymore. I will definitely get me some of this Fem-D and go back to taking my cranberry pills and just being extra attentive to that area.



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