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Just Got Engaged

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I'm happy to say that my girlfriend and I are engaged! We'll be getting married sometime next year, probably next summer.


We met last November and started dating regularly by the end of January. After the first month, we both knew this was something special. By May, neither of us could believe, really, finally, that this was it, but we knew.. this.. was it.


The only way this worked out for me was because I didn't act like I once did in the past... selfishly. I finally undersand that a relationship is all about what you give to it. If you LOVE to care for someone, then you will find love.


My fiance is moving with me from Chicago to St. Louis, where I will attend Seminary (Lutheran). We then hope to get a nice condo and start our family.


I can go on about how my love for Christ showed me how to love another person, but I hope that my actions speak louder than my words.


God's Blessings to all of you.

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Hey congratulations...and its good to hear that love is going so well with someone!!.Im yet to get in the situation your at but hopefully my time will come..anyway take care and enjoy...and your right about relationships being about wanting to care for someone and being able to give them your love.Keep it up..and stay happy.

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C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!!!!

I wish you two the happiest times of your lives. There was an ebgagement between my uncle and a wonderful girl not too long ago. they were soo happy together, and i became vary close to her, her name was Aillie. we all loved her so much, but no one more than my uncle.

Sadly, she died last year, she went in for a surgery of some kind, and suffered from a blood clot afterwards. i think of her often and miss her.

i hope you experience the same care and love with your fiance as me and my family had with her.

Best Wishes.

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Wow.. great responses. Thank you so much.


I want to remind everyone that I suffered from depression (suicidal bouts) throughout my teens and 20's. I was in some very dark places. I want to give you assurance that you can beat it.


I don't believe in drugs for depression, but I'm not a doctor, so take that as NON-MEDICAL advice. You may need them, not sure, but I'm not a fan of people telling me I need a pill to feel better.


All I can say is that I refused to believe I needed drugs to make me feel normal and excited about life. My resolution to depression was found by standing up for myself and fighting for what is good and right. It is good and right for you to have a happy life and to feel loved. You must fight for it though!


My answer was found in assertiveness and focusing on my future, good things, and the cross of Christ. After my life turned around, I decided to give it to Christ for the rest of my life. I hope I can help others in a loving manner and show them how to beat depression.

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Its great to hear that you have got through so much, look where you are now! A while ago you suffered from depression and now you are engaged to the girl of your dreams!

Im sure you can provide lots of insight for other people who are in a simiar situation to what you were in.



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I agree you have come a long way and manage to overcome your obsticles and you now have everything that you want. It proves that you are alot stornger person than what you thought you were and now you have something special and you shouldn't let go of it.


As abcd1234 said it's something that will provide lots of insight for other people who are in a simiar situation to what you were in. Once again Congratulations and im glad for you that everything is going great for you.


I wish all the best


- whitefang

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  • 2 years later...

Wow. It's been a long time since I've posted. A lot has happened and I hope some of you who remember this post will bear with me as I give an update.


My fiance and I got married in fall of 2004, we moved to St. Louis where I started seminary. In May of 2005 we found out my wife was pregnant and we now have a 1 year old son! I'm now on Year 3 of seminary and will be ordained in April of 2008.


We are very happy - very healthy.


I also wanted to post to tell people - especially the depressed people or those who have chemical abuse problems - that there is a way out. I can remember in my 20's being suicidal. I never saught help. I never hurt myself, but I was "self-medicating" through alcohol. I thought I was on a treadmill that would never stop.


I want to tell you that if you can relate at all to what I was going through - if you are going through it yourself - or if you are lonely and unsure if you will ever find someone - my advice is to be what you want to meet.


Did I want to meet a drunk or marry someone who didn't care for themselves or spend my life with someone who had no goals? No. I put down the bottle (I have about 2 drinks per week now), I stopped listening to those (even family) who didn't support me in noble causes or self-improvement, and I got on with my life. I ended up meeting someone who could relate to my new-found self.


I urge you to never give up. I have problems day in and day out, the only difference now is that I know how to deal with them and staying away from people who supported and encouraged my bad habits was one of those important steps. This was not done by my own will an action (I don't think I'm that strong) but only after I humbly gave my life to Christ in my late 20's. Things slowly changed - but they changed for good!



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Congratulations on everything routerx. I remember you back when I first started here and how rough things were. And I was very happy when I heard of your engagement.


Thanks for coming back and updating us on things. You've got quite the little family going on there and you must be so proud.


Good luck to you in the future and I hope good fortune continues to smile upon you.



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