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Why can't someone just pay me to play my Bass? AKA The joys of Unemployment...


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Maybe you should so that when you land that great interview, you will be in tip top shape. You don't want to be in the middle of an important interview and sound like you are coughing up a hairball. LOL


I think it's starting to go away... Last night was the first night in a while that I've slept without the help of night time cough medicine.


I've slept a lot these last few days. Yesterday I spent most of the day asleep. Then today I woke up at 5am, stayed up for an hour or so watching TV, went back to bed, was up from 10 to 11, went back to bed and slept until 1.


I guess if there was a time to be out of work this would be it. Apparently my body is just needing a lot of rest right now and at least I can give it that.

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Sleeping more is always a good sign. I hardly ever sleep through the night when I'm sick.


Last night was awful... Every time I would lay down and get comfortable, the coughing fit would start. I was still awake at 5am. That's the last time I looked at the clock. I probably fell asleep close to 6. Then I didn't wake up until 11:30 and I hate that. I hate sleeping half the day away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a job in the paper that I want to apply for on Monday... I have to wait until Monday because they aren't there on the weekends. I wasn't exactly familiar with the area so I looked it up on Google maps. The address that's listed has nothing else near it. I switched to satellite view and there's not even a building there. There's a tree and that's it.


The newspaper probably printed the wrong address. Their classified department is clearly really competent.

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From out of static time has grown

Existence formed by substance unknown

Prelude to matter, shift of disorder

Completion of bonds between chaos and order


The era of seasons, the essence of being

The continuous process awakens the living

Absorber of every flickering sun

Arranging the pieces to vivid perfection


The stream of mortality flows uncontrolled

A boundless downward spiral to prospective void

Existence takes its toll, extinction unfolds

The Colossus falls back from it´s threshold


The cosmic grip so tight. Heed the celestial call

The rise, the voyage, the fall- tangled womb of mortal soil


Universal key of inception, pulled out of the grind

The growing seed of creation and time


Complex fusion, the bond of four- the nature´s core

Universal ritual, aesthetic beauty adored


The pendulum upholds the carnal deceit

Eternal, endless, indefinite


The paradox, render and the merge is complete

Nothing but the process is infinite


Nothing but the process is infinite

Eternal, endless, indefinite...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just found out I've been denied unemployment... I guess I can appeal my claim, but what's the point? They'll just deny it again.


I was just sitting here thinking about this... I know a lot of people who've lost their jobs in the last year. Not one person I know who lost their job actually got unemployment. So, I wonder what someone has to do to actually get it.


I have no idea how I will pay my share of the rent this month.

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Tonight is my last night at my temp job. I guess this is a good thing and a bad thing. It's a good thing because I no longer have to deal with my boss's strange behavior (standing right in plain view of me and pissing out the door being the most recent thing.) But it's a bad thing for obvious reasons... biggest one being no paycheck.


I think I spend so much time at home that I am starting to nest. (Which is a strange concept in itself, since I've lived in this house for years already.) Today I spent a lot of time cleaning my keyboard and my tower. I really went to town on it... I used a q-tip to clean in between every key. My keyboard looks brand new right now.


And I just spent the last hour washing all the walls in the bathroom. They haven't been washed the whole time I've lived here... so it took a lot to get them clean. I took a few breaks while I was doing this... Maybe I just don't clean enough.


I did all my follow up calls yesterday. The responses were a little better then last time. I also got myself registered with a different temp agency yesterday. Let's hope this one can actually find something for me.

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HF, I would appeal the denial. Sometimes, if you appeal it and give good reason, they will grant it.


And you deserve it. You paid into UI and you are now unemployed.


Good luck!


I wish you the best, HF. Hope you find something soon. Ridiculous how hard it is to find work anymore.


Thank you guys for replying... Ren I know I am late thanking you. Better late then never though.


ISH, I thought you disappeared. Good to see you here.

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Alright... I am really starting to get pissed. I call the "24 hour emergency Vet" last night, and I am told to call back this morning (at 8:00, to be more specific.) So, I call back at 8, I am told to call back at 8:15. I call back at 8:15, they tell me I have to call back at 9:00. What the hell are these people doing? Sitting around with their thumbs up their asses? My dog is dying in my bathroom here and no one will even talk to me.

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what's going on with your dog??


I don't know... he's obviously really sick though.


He won't eat, he won't drink, he can't even stand up. Last night he was laying on the bathroom floor whimpering and howling for most of the night. He's in a lot of pain.


He's quiet now. I don't know if the pain has stopped or if he's just so weak he can't make noise anymore.


Last time I went to check on him I had to feel his chest to see if he was breathing because I couldn't even tell if he was alive or not.

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can you take him to the emergency vet? I'd would have had them when he first started acting weird.


Your regular vet should open around 7:30 or so, right?


I called the emergency vet last night and they told me to call back at 8 this morning, then I was told too call back at 8:15, then 9...


I first called last night when I got home from work and he was laying on the bathroom floor.


Yesterday he seemed tired, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

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I got an email from one of my friends who works at the place that just fired me... Reading it mad me mad at the world, lol...


This guy has been nothing but loyal to the company for almost 7 years now. And they're doing to him exactly what they did to me. He's been on and off probation for the last six months or so. He was taken off probation two weeks ago... Then I guess last week on Friday they out him back on probation and told him this is his final warning, and he's got until March to "get his act together." Well, that basically translates into, "You have until March to find another job because we're firing your ass."


I know this is someone else's situation... But it still makes me mad. I went through the same thing so I know exactly how he feels. Except, I went through it after being with the company 2 years. He's been there 7 years so I can't imagine the level of frustration he's feeling.


He has asked twice in the passed two years to be moved to a different department. They won't move him. Their reason: That's not the way we do things here at this company. If you can't excel in one department, then we won't bother putting you somewhere else." That's exactly the same speech I got when I asked to move to another department.


Someone needs to sue these assklowns. I would like to think the world is a better place then this and a company can't get away making a game out of firing people like this. They're screwing up people's lives. But... I am becoming more and more cynical the older I get. And I realize now that a corporation can pretty much do whatever they want. They can afford the best lawyers and they can pay off all the right people. So, it doesn't matter if someone sues or not. It won't change anything.


Now, on to a completely different topic. Yesterday I buried my dog. That was rough...


The kitten I am fostering right now drove my roommate crazy last night I guess. She kept jumping up on his bad. And she would get right up in his face and do that thing cat's do where they rub the side of their face on stuff. She kept rubbing her face against his head last night.


Her sores are looking a little better today. I just out more stuff on them a little while ago.

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To the receptionist at the place I just applied at:


Obviously no one ever told you it's unprofessional to sit and feed your face at the front desk, and chew loudly with your mouth open while talking to people.


I am so sorry you had to put your loaded Subway lunch down for three seconds to hand me an application. How dare I? What was I thinking?

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