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Anyone else in NC and want to talk?

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Its hard. He wouldnt even break up with me, he drove me to do it...and all this by text. Couldnt even speak to me on the phone.


WHY do i give a monkeys about someone who dissapears, lies, lets me down


The answer to why is because you invested a whole lot of yourself into him and the relationship. It sucks and its hard, but its time to invest that energy back into yourself. Youll get past it, you know it.

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Its hard. He wouldnt even break up with me, he drove me to do it...and all this by text. Couldnt even speak to me on the phone.


WHY do i give a monkeys about someone who dissapears, lies, lets me down



Please for your own sake, dont ever go back to this guy.


He will come crawling back for sure, but how many times do you want to go through this again?

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It hurts so much


I feel like I loved a liar, and I knew that, and I knew he'd keep dissapearing but I never thought he would for good. It just feels surreal.


For a long time I thought I missed him, I didn't. What I missed was the me that wouldn't have given someone who treated me the way he did the time of day. The woman who knows her worth and suffers no fools.


You will be that woman (again, if you were before).

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It hurts so much


I feel like I loved a liar, and I knew that, and I knew he'd keep dissapearing but I never thought he would for good. It just feels surreal.


Awww honey! *hugs*


I know how much it sucks... It feels like you've given up EVERYTHING for one person only so they can throw it all back in your face and say, "Not good enough, sorry." You just feel so useless! But you're not useless, Blue! You are a wonderful, beautiful, kind-hearted woman who he doesn't deserve to hear from you again!


You are in my thoughts.

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Thank you that means a lot!


I know. I was patient, understanding, forgave him for so much, annoyingly we'd just agreed to move on from the past, we were geting on SO SO well and then...out of the blue hes gone.


Its just having no answers, and not even a break up from him, I had to do it.


Like how do look into someones eyes and tell them you love them one minute and then the next...nothing. Not even a phonecall...a flippin text throwing back everything in my face. 'I dont make you happy' is such a cop out, why would I have been so upset by the break up if i hated him and he made me unhappy.

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I'm in day 6 and I have my ups and downs. The downs really hurt. I have thoughts of us and the great times we shared and can't help to think that she is not thinking about it at all, I wish I could tell her how much I miss her. My mind understands that I have to lose her in order to gain myself but my heart won't accept that.

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