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No Appetite ...

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Last Monday I had to go to an urgent care clinic because I had a really high fever and flu symptoms. I only went initially to get a Doctor's excuse for calling off that day. They diagnosed me with the Swine Flu and told me I couldn't return to work until the end of the week.


Now all my symptoms are gone and my fever is down. I went back to work on THrusday.


But, the problem is I still have no appetite at all. It's not just that food doesn't sound good, it's that even thinking about food makes me nauseous. I don't know what's causing this. I was told that Tamiflu will cause a loss of appetite but I haven't been taking tamiflu for four days now.


And I am starting to feel a little depressed. I know it's because I haven't eaten hardly at all in days. I've lost weight too... not sure how much because I don't own a scale, but I can just tell.


Has anyone else experienced anything like this. I am not sick anymore and not taking any medication. It just doesn't make sense.

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I have had a very bad head cold all week and for the last few days nothing I eat has any taste. You need to force yourself to eat some food even if it has no taste. You need to keep your strength up. If you don't eat you will feel weak. Try eating some protein..maybe some cheese. Also bananas, rice, toast, make sure to drink fluids be it water, juice, milk. You don't have to eat huge meals, just periodically grab something to eat. Right now look at food as something you need to have to keep up your strength. That's what I am doing right now. I eat a little bit at a time, everything tastes like absolutely nothing but I feel better once I have eaten something...stronger.

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Does the thought of all food make you ill?


I know when I had salmonella, I was sick for 18 days. Just the thought of finding something to keep down would make me ill. I started with something small like half a piece of toast. Then I wanted to take a bit further so I just started with tasting a tiny bit of applesauce on my lips and that left me wanting a tiny bit more. It took a couple days for me to actually not have that nausiating feeling when thinking about food.


Good luck

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Does the thought of all food make you ill?


Good luck


Yes... all food.


I have been drinking a lot of water and taking a lot of vitamins though. And it's not that I haven't eaten anything. I've forced myself a little here and there, but it hasn't been much.


It's the resulting depression that I am most concerned about. I am not a mentally healthy person. If I am not careful the slightest depression can turn into a crippling suicidal fit of depression in no time... It's happened before.

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It's ok. Your body feels hungry when it wants food. Your body feels nauseous when it is telling you that if you give it anything it is going to reject it. Your body feels iffy when you feel like eating but aren't really hungry yet. You feel kind of borderline like, you wouldn't want to eat if you cold be distracted enough to forget the feeling for a moment.


In those cases, I've taken the safe road, and not eaten anything, or eaten only neutral things like saltine crackers. When your body wants to resume eating, it will let you know.


If you are really sick and are afraid that lack of nutrients may impede your recovery, eat chicken soup with some carrots and celery. It's gentle on your stomach, it has protein and vitamin C and the warmth will make you feel sleepy which is good for healing if you are able to actually take a nap. Do what you body wants in this case. If you feel like a nap at 2pm after getting up at noon...DO IT!


I think my body knows what's good for me better than my mind does!

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