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I think were broken up


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Analyse this text. I take it as a break up text.


(back story )


He has dissapeared, hurt me, lied to me, broke my heart. His own parents are disgusted.


Text (deleted)




I then sent him loads of texts saying 'Is it over or what???' He WILL NOT answer me.


So what do you guys read into this text, other than I should leave him


He doesnt love me does he?


Im starting to think the great him is a lie?



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He's stringing you along. I've read a lot of your posts on this fella and he is so not worth your time or mental energy. I'm not sure why you are letting him do this to you. You are young and have so much life to look forward to, you don't need the stress this guy keeps putting on you.

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I've read some of your posts and I hate to sound harsh because I don't know the whole story but from what I've read and especially this text... my advice is leave this guy alone. He's obviously not got his stuff together. He is throwing himself a "pity me" party and looking for someone else to make him feel better. You state he's lied. Why would you want to be with someone like this? Don't you deserve more? Aren't you worthy of someone who will treat you with respect and not yank you around? I'm sure you do deserve that and are worthy of it and you're not going to get it from this guy.


Stop texting him. It is HARD believe me I know! Turn here...talk to us... turn your phone off, block his number whatever you have got to do to get past it but leave this guy alone. It is going to hurt. It's going to suck. You're going to feel awful. You WILL get through it and be better for it. Learn from it and move on. He is no good. Who breaks up with someone over a text?!?! And if he didn't break up then he'd answer your text with a phone call and tell you NO he didn't break up. He's ignoring your text messages. You deserve better!

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I got "I love you" (for the first time) with my second ex the day before he broke up with me.

And with my ex fiance, he was saying all kinds of things about our future until he dumped me too.


It makes sense in a way. I think what happens is that when they start talking about and focusing on serious things (commitment, love, marriage), guys start thinking, considering all the potential problems in the future for the first time. Before, it might have been all talk, but now that it's serious, they get freaked out. So I would advise people to pay special attention whenever a guy starts to get serious, because I have heard it's very common for guys to get cold feet and bail once they have said something serious like that. It happened to my sister too.

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He doesn't want to deal with saying the words. Too much drama involved, so he just wants you to say it or assume.


Thing is I said like 'just say it, for closures sake, so we can both move on' Its like he doesnt want me too


and to me it feels like out of nowhere.


How do you guys get over this. HOW?!

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Thing is I said like 'just say it, for closures sake, so we can both move on' Its like he doesnt want me too


and to me it feels like out of nowhere.


How do you guys get over this. HOW?!


By realizing that you are deserving of better treatment. This man has made you feel bad so much, and you keep going back for more. You need to stand up and say enough is enough. You are lovable and deserving of respect and if he can't do that for you (which obviously, he can't) then he needs to hit the road.

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I was in the same situation as you... his family adores me, his friends think I am the best thing that has happened to him, everyone saw him growing up and finally getting it together.... then he crashed and burned. I got the " i love you very much" the night of the breakup.... and he admitted that he wanted me to break up with him. So I called him out... 5 months later and he is still acting like a child.


Trust me, he is not changing anytime soon. Lose the dead weight.

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But why. I've never been anything but supportive. fine he wants it over (out of nowhere I may add) But why not say it?


he still wont talk to his family either


When he disappears can anyone reach him?


Could this guy have a problem you don't know about?

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me too its like he has two personalities.


Reading his texts/letters/emails from a few days before I never thought this would happen. It was great.


I cant breathe, or eat, this is THE worst hurt I ever felt. Im starting to think maybe its my fault maybe I broke it or broke him down by asking for too much

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I dont think its over, he feeds off this & all this drama. He will be back & I have a feeling Blue you will take him back. Then the cycle will repeat again and again....Until one day you finally had enough.


How can it NOT be over from that text and him ignoring 'is it over' does that not mean it is?!

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I dont think its over, he feeds off this & all this drama. He will be back & I have a feeling Blue you will take him back. Then the cycle will repeat again and again....Until one day you finally had enough.


I have to say I agree with this Blue. Until you are the one who decides you are finished with this then this cycle will go on and on. Your continuous texting is now crossing into an obsession which is extremely unhealthy.


The only closure you need is this guy is a selfish a-hole. You should know that already.

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How can it NOT be over from that text and him ignoring 'is it over' does that not mean it is?!


He didn't say in that text it was over! He is getting you all worked up like he does with the disappearing. Then when he feels like it, he will apologize & this will start again. He likes this drama way too much to leave.


You will have to be the one to end it. Please find the strength, he's a j*rk!

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