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ok here is my problem my ex boyfriend comes and sits wit me witch isn't a problem but here it is his touchs my leg and i push it off and stuff cuz i have a boyfriend but he doesn't care that he does that stuff but my friend goes nutts whenever a guy touchs me she threatens to tell my b/f and she always makes a big deal out of nothing.How do i confront her? or is she just jealous none of the guys make a move on her and they all make fun of her.Like yesterday she wasn't at school(thank god) bcause my ex hugged me like 2 million times and then he slapped my ass and so did some other guy.

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Hi unknown,

Hey your philosphy on how many people you are in a relationship at once is and how much you tell them about eachother is your own opinion. But i think that most likely it is a combantion of your friend's jealousy and her more mature outlook. You are young, but most girls would veiw letting an ex or any random guy that was not a prospect slap their a$$ or fondle them against their will as a lack of self respect, and sometimes sexual harrasement. So dont be too worried, your friend may be jealous i dont know, but if anything for better or for worse (for herself or for you, probably both) she doesnt want her friend to let guys feel her up any time they please. I have to say doing so aint gonna leave you with a great image.

- Fisch

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As someone who currently is feeling a little insecure b/c of my GF's relationship with her ex, I know that something like this could really hurt your BF. I know you think that it's nothing that he does this but your BF will....especially if its your ex thats doing this. I think your friend is just lookijng out for you.

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