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DREAMS about Ex Girlfriend,, WONT GO AWAY In Pain!

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Its been 4 days without a dream,, and I thought I was doing pretty good,, then 2 nights ago i had the most painful dream of them all.



I was laying in bed looking at ge clock, when i turned around, she way laying next to me in my arms, looking into my eyes..she was tellng me I love you and she's not letting me go and everyting will be okay?


It was like i was half awake and half asleep cause i started tearing up but still seemed to be dreming, when I was totally awake i was just crushed in tears and my heart was pounding,,it was so real. I couldnt sleep anymore cause my stomach was killing me.


has anyone experienced something like that? I trhought I was getting better than before,, i actually laughed and smiled yesterday with people i knew.. then this happens


Its Like, when you seem to start to get better,, somehting like this comes along to set you back,, does that make sense


I had another last night,, not as ingtense but she was still in it,,

I am trying to move on and stop thining about her,,but...trying to forget your best friend who was everything to you and then all of a sudden dor 2 months want nothing to do with you... its at the point that I dont care if we dont get back together,,,i just want me friend back ,,cant stop crying like a baby

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All the things your body and mind is going through is part of the healing process, Iam also going through "withdrawl symtoms" sleeping only for 4-5 hours, not being able to eat well, and just general disorientation like im living a nightmare. but it gets better day by day, yesturday i ate 2 times, and was able to get 5 and a half hours sleep.


You would like her back as a friends but you know deep inside that your not ready for that, you have to be completely free of those feelings for her before you can actually be "just friends". if a buddy of yours was to talk about his date last night, you would be happy for him, but if the girl of your dreams was to do the same, would you be happy for her the same way? I think not, and she, im sure knows this also, and doesnt want too hurt you, because she really is your friend. someday you may very well be friends again but time needs time.

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You have my sympathy!! The dreams where everything is great again are the WORST part of breaking up. For a few moments everything is fine and wonderful and as it should be, but when you wake up you have to go through it all over again. Just remember, your head is trying to heal your broken heart: it's methods are very painful, like re-breaking a bone in order to let it heal correctly, but it's a necessary evil to endure. If it helps at all (though, rarely, anything does), try to wake up from one of these dreams saying to yourself "I'm that much closer to feeling better..." Also, though I'm no expert, I've found that if you try to up your time taking in some excersize during the day and maybe going to bed later than you are right now; try to really exhaust yourself during the day, you might sleep deeper and have less dreams at night. Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Damn, you know i thought i was the only one going through this stuff. You guys have my deepest sympathies. I go throught the same stuff. What bothers me most is when does it stop. Its like the perfect storm... Cant get away from it.




"Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart"

Tylor Durden

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I am really sorry for what your going through. It may not help much but your not alone in what your experiencing. Its been 4 months since my ex walked away with no more reason than she wanted to find herself. I have had dreams also, so real I could almost feel her beside me. And the worst part is waking up & having that thought with you all day long. What we're going through is a real tough time & I wish for both of us that there was some way to stop those dreams. But there is no way we can control what our minds play out while we're asleep. It may be wishful thoughts from our heart that only time will help. How much time, I think everyone is different because no two people are the same. But know that its all part of the healing process that has to happen for you to come through this. Try to remember that it is not unusual to be going through this & what is happening is the normal process for you to come out of it all a better person. Let your feelings flow & you'll make it through this! We all will.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey!!! geezzz.....ur doing it tough. just reading your post makes me feel the same way all over again. Just two weeks ago my b/f of 2 yrs broke up with me. and like u i have dreams where he's with me again. and when u wake up...u dont even realise 4 a while that its not true, that they have really left 4 eva. like u, my ex and I were best friends, we went out 4 2 yrs and were insepertable. he likes some1 else...but he knows they wont get 2gether ???? i know...weird. i have 2 see him every day, and he rings me most nites 2 check im ok. he tells me we will b 2gether sometime, but right now he needs a break. do u and ur ex talk at all? i hope we can chat...it seems we r in the same position!!!!! its hurts so bad and nothing can fix it!

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Its been just weeks and i still dream of him. In my dreams, I'm lying in his arms. We are holding each other so tightly, and I knew he'd never let me go for the world! It is a most beautiful moment, lying asleep upon his chest, his arm around my waist and his hand stroking my hair. He whispers that he loves me.


Then the morning comes. I am alone on a cold bed with a pool of tears on my pillow... wishing I never woke up.


This happens almost every other night. I am afraid to go to sleep. Because I am afraid of all the pain and disappointment I'd feel when I wake up from such a beautiful dream.



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To all you that have those dreams, they do start to reduce with time. I had all those drams that you all describe. Espically the ones like that described by Stones. Often the rarer they are the harder they hit has they are unexpected. It hurts i know but as my mother does say "However bad you think your situation is, there is always someone worst off". It is very true.


Good Luck

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you jus tore up my heart, i am so sorry for what you are going through. i know breakups are hard to do, especially when you love the person, do u think you could try finding someone else?....try dating around, maybe one day she will come back to you, and maybe you will find that there is someone better right around the corner i wish u all the luck in the world, i am so sorry for what u r going through right now

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I am very sorry to hear that to I also have dreams about my ex that won't go away they are extremely painful because its all great in the dream until you wake up and know that person is not in your life anymore and all the happy thoughts you had in your dream turn into pain, sadness, and anger once the dream is over. I wish I could just fall asleep without thinking or dreaming about my ex but hopefully it will go away and I hope the same for you. If you ever want to talk you can reach my email, pm, im or yim I'm always available. I can only hope things go better for you, life just throws you for a loop sometimes.

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