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What does this mean?!


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Update on my boyfriend and I who decided to take a break and not talk to each other for two weeks. The two weeks end on October 15th.


So last night on the 9th day of no contact, he texted me around 1 am in the morning asking if we could talk. I didn't respond because I turned my phone off!!! He called and left a voicemail:


"Hey [CAgirl]. Hopefully you get this message tonight. I was just calling because I wanted to talk. I miss you. Anyways give me a call back alright? Hopefully I'll talk to you tonight. Okay. Bye"


So that was the message word for word. I texted him this afternoon explaining I had my phone off until now and told him that I missed him too. He asked if he could call me after he got off work and of course I said yes.


I am really worried and going a little crazy. I am also caught off guard. I have no idea what he is going to say!!!


Is it a good thing that he called me after only 9 days?

Do you think that he just wants to break up sooner rather than later?

Is it good that he said he misses me?

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