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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Today I was at the job interview.

I was speaking with the Senior Manager. I prepared myself very good.

He was very surprised with my approach.

I think that I have very good chances.


If I get the offer, I will have to make a decision whether to leave current job.

I need your advice here, but again you are not available for me anymore.


I know that you would be proud of me if you knew how good I was today at the interview.


I miss you....

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I still miss you from time to time but I'm moving on....


You were the one for me. I just wasn't you're one.


All the issues you had were things I couldn't fix. I knew this. I wanted to but my logical self told me that it would be a battle I couldn't win. I have told you that you have to learn to be happy within yourself. You always nodded your head and agreed but you never really got it. You don't know how to be happy with yourself. You think you're strong and you are in some ways but, emotionally, you're damaged. But I will always be rooting for your happiness. I will always hope that you take the steps to fix what's broken within you.


I'll be doing it from afar though. I have a place for you in my heart. Always.

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babe today I miss you so much. Life has been pretty miserable without you. The message you sent made me so happy, just for a moment! It sounds like you care but it was not what I wanted to hear. I wanted you to ask my back. Internally im still wishing and begging and pleading for you to have me back it's so punishing.

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I dreamt of you. We were about to have sex. I asked if someone will get mad at you.

You said 'my wife'. I thought i misheard you so i asked again. You said your wife.

I cried and hit you, asked how could you do this to me. Your face was full of guilt and sorrow.


I woke up. Maybe you do have someone else now. It's impossible for you not to be talking to someone else.

Im sure of it.

Im sorry. If ever you come back to me again, i wont accept you anymore.

I will never, ever, accept you anymore.

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I'm beginning to think, this is how it was always meant to be. I had a thought, look at how we started and look how we've ended up.


You put something up saying "I don't want anyone else to have you" because I put up something about having feelings for someone else. And you added "because you're mine" but I'm not yours, not anymore. I stopped being yours the day you broke my heart.

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You are a cold, selfish *****!!! I thought that I was falling for you and you for me... you tell me just a week ago you care about me more and more every day! and when you said it, I believe that you meant it, but you obviously changed your mind. I know it's because I interrupted your plans. All of a sudden I'm not that good anymore.


You were cold and nasty on Sunday. I asked if you wanted to end things and you say no. Then you are cold all week and I am still trying... it's to the point where I'm inviting myself over and having you reject me all the time.


Now I can't come over because some girl is coming over? Trying to make me jealous? What the f***? You are a complete and utter jerk and for the first time I don't fkn want you anymore!!! I wish I never told a soul about you! I wish I just kept you a secret from everyone because I'm ashamed of what has gone down between us.


I hate that I let you back in.

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Our entire relationship was summed up in that phone call!!


I say we're over you say you want to try, you want to change my mind. I say ok lets try, what will change? You: this isn't what I called to talk about.you've made it clear how you feel! Me: go to hell you stupid @$$!! You.only say you want to try when you think I don't! Go to hell! I cannot stand you!

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Today has been particularly bad. I've just felt sh*tty all day. I miss you. I won't even check my facebook notifications. What if there's no notifications from you..what if there is? Either way, I am left feeling confused and odd. What am I supposed to do when I feel this way? I just don't know. It's the strangest feeling. I wish it would just disappear.

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These last 2 months have been terrible I miss you so much, my lover, my bestfriend, my world How could you do this to me, and not leave me with any answers to anything and now your dating my old bestfriend not even 2 weeks after our breakup? is another stab in the heart I never thought you could be so heartless even through all this I look at you the same, I have forgiven you and I love you.

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I don't know what else to do but close off my heart to you. I've been so hurt and it's been a long time coming. The resentment kept building up, and at every turn I was hurt. All those nights that I sat alone. No calls or texts from you. I just stopped putting more energy into the relationship that never went anywhere. I'm so disappointed. I loved you so much. I wanted to spend so much more time with you, to be close to you, to build a life together. But I got none of that. And then I just stopped trying. I didn't want to feel the hurt and rejection anymore. I didn't want to care anymore. All those talks we had, none of it was helping. I didn't know what else to do but to turn away from you.

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I am making some online friends. Facebook groups are good for that. You know I have difficulty with in-person socialization. This really cute guy from the group added me. It is a support group, so I actually feel pretty good about joining. It is for a condition that I have. I guess you wouldn't understand. You're just anti-social, I guess.

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I'm glad we finally talked. It's nice to have some closure. I feel like you finally opened up to me a little bit but it was too late... I know there is no hope for us anymore. Even if all those little things could change, ultimately you don't want marriage or children. You don't want a future with me. And I know you say I'm being unfair because a future with just us is still a future and that's what you want... But I can't imagine a life where I give up on the hope of a family one day. And you're not open to discussion about it and neither am I, you've decided what you want and so have I.


I want you in my life and I love you, but we can't keep this up forever. I don't have the strength in me to turn you away with the way I feel for you, so do what you do and disappear again.

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Today I have been feeling particularly bad. I had the thought "I could just look at your facebook profile, and ease the pain."..and I haven't looked in about 5 weeks. Then I thought "What if I see something I don't want to see?", and so, that urge isn't going to play out. I wouldn't be able to handle it if you were flirting about with women on your wall. I just wouldn't. I don't know if it would be the case, but I just wouldn't be able to handle that.


I am going to be so happy when you finally decide to leave me alone. Then the suffering won't be so bad, at least..or that's what I would like to think.



I am just coming to the conclusion now, that you have to like the whole package. You can't just be emotionally and sexually attracted to me. You have to respect my mind also. So if you have a problem with that, then we aren't going to work. It's just the reality. I deserve that for myself.

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To NOT the abusive ex lol


I miss you and I think about you every second but I am not a girl who really gives second chances

And I am never going to be sloppy seconds either

I kind of smile to myself a little knowing how dumb you are, for real...I mean dumb.........that's the truth

I was perfect for you!! But you made your bed & now you have to lie in it. And I.............................................go on love.

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Also I learned so much about myself this time around...

I learned that my gut is right, that I should trust myself, I learned how smart and brilliant I am as horrible and prideful as that sounds..I was right from the beginning! I am so wise! that means I am getting old LOL

I learned thru your hate of kids that matched my own, that I suddenly changed and I think I do want more kids now, it's very weird. But meeting someone who hated kids as much as I did just made me realize how crazy I sounded!!! And now I think I do want kids. I just want a simple family to be happy with.


To the abusive ex..................

Listen, I know I hurt you and I am sorry, and I am sorry for making fun of you and talking crap to my friends. I got hurt too, and I remember how painful it is. But I can't forget babes, how badly you hurt me, how you destroyed me, you abused me!!! You expect me to just forget it and I cannot. I feel like you hexed me with your stupid voodoo crap

I hope you're happy with it if you did.

When you're away from someone so long, you do remember the good things and I do appreciate the good things you did, believe me. I do not love you anymore, I am not in love with you anymore though

But thank you for loving me even though you know I moved on, thank you for sharing songs with me even though you know I dated other men. I appreciate your willingness to love knowing these things. I appreciate that you never discarded me when I gained weight from my surgery n crap thanks W


To last ex, I love you unconditionally. Too bad you thought I was some kind of controlling person or something! I let you have more freedom than any girl would, BELIEVE ME, I let you get away with murder pretty much. I wanted you to be happy. I knew you kept slipping away from me

Hey, you, I love you It's ok we didn't work out. Because real love means, you want the other person to be happy

Unlike how I hated my mean ex so much and wanted him MISERABLE..................................................................................................................................................................

I love your heart, I want you happy

He was evil, I want him miserable...capish?

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