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I hate that i think about you, i know i shouldnt but sometimes i cant help it. All i want to do is forget you existed. I keep going from missing you so much to dont even give a crap about you. I dont want to think about the past its already gone, i dont want to think of a future with you its not even there. I need to think of just here and now this current moment.


I know going NC with you will be better for me in the long run. If i stayed your friend, everyday id hurt more and more and more and more more more. Till eventually id be a crappy friend to you or ill phase to NC anyways.

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i just want a chance for both of us to work together to fix this marraige,, we have 2 peopleful kids and they love us both so much, is it fair to them. we have spent 25 great years together and we are still best friends as you say it. I love you immensely and you do too. You know it but you are just not sure what you want to do. marriage is a work in progress all our lives. my and your friend tell me that you are not worth it but they dont know you. You are lost and not happy within so you feel like ending the marriage. I hope you find yourself soon and realise that we are great together. I love you

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I knew you would say good morning again, T. I rolled around in bed for ten minutes or so contemplating what I should do. It felt like an eternity. But I finally did it, I said good morning back. Again. We had a decent conversation but then I realized what I was doing. I need to stop. You need to go. I still don't have the courage to tell you this. Please go away.




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I am not sure I am using the correct forum. But right now I don't really don't care. Your funeral is tomorrow and your mom said that I should not attend. Your dying makes me open my eyes. I should have been there for you: even when you were ill. I didn't come see you in the hospital and I found other interests when you were transported to hospice and now you are gone. I can no longer contact you and my heart is breaking. I should have been a better friend to you.

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***, I understand that you were going through some rough times (I think). Can't we just work it out? That's what people in a relationship do...they work things out. Not everything is happy go lucky all the time. We had more fun times than bad, we just had one disagreement. Most couples fight all the time! I was the perfect girlfriend, and perfect ex girlfriend! I've given you no drama and we both helped each other deal with what was going on in our lives. SO WHY DID YOU BREAK UP WITH ME???? You said you wanted to take a break and I just think about "us", why didn't I listen instead of pushing you to say more...

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Why are you always findings ways to invade my life? I want to move forwards. Why do you have to work with B? Why do you have to speak to him? I know I kinda suck at choosing to like someone you work with but I'd kinda hoped you didn't communicate. You guys weren't really friends before we broke up. You didn't care. I'm jealous. I'm jealous you get to spend time with him. I'm frustrated I cannot cut you out of my life. I frustrated you don't care that I am moving on. I'm egotistical and I want you to care about those 6 1/2 years.

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You'll text me in the morning again, T, and this time I really just want to tell you. I really want to tell you that I can't talk to you anymore, that I need time to heal. I wish this were easier, that you would just not say anything in the morning, and I can just get over you. Just like that. Things were so much simpler before.




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Hey ancient ex with the new wife

Some chick in our home city is posting on line that she was dating you, starting the month we broke up and ending by default the weekend of your wedding. She clearly thought you two had something, though she says now it was all about the sex and it was gross sex too. Wow, we had mind blowing perfect sex. Why did she only get gross sex?

W-T-F is up with you??

So that means, at current count-to-date, sexting me, having actual sex with her, and planning your wedding all at the same time? Oh, and feigning conflicted emotions with me, and she says you seemed to care about her and broke up more than one household... ? Huh? So was your downtown GF married too or something?


She says she will ruin your military career. I wonder.


What a sad sad destructive heap of trash you are.


Oh, you're right. I am flattered that you waited until we broke up to take up with her. How sweet of you.


_@$*(%& you.

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Hey you,


Haven't really talked to you inawhile. We had the long talk about making the effort to be in each other's lives still. But you're busy with school so that understandable. A little hello would've been fine.


I feel like you were avoiding contact today, or maybe that was me I don't know haha. I'll try harder next time. You're still on my mind most of the time but it's slowly going away. I wonder if you ever think about me? Haha as if you have time to. I've been doing a lot of things for myself lately. A lot of people think I have too much time on my hands but I'm happy so who cares right? I'm reading, working out, eating a little healthier, and making crafts. I kind of wish we were closer friends but that wouldn't be helpful, would it now?


I was day dreaming about my next boyfriend. I have stupid fantasies. But I know the next one will be so much better.

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I'm sorry, T. I didn't mean to lose my temper tonight. What was supposed to be the start of an NC, turned into me letting out all that hate for myself and all my anger. You probably won't text me good morning after all I said tonight and I know I should be glad that I don't have to deal with you anymore, but I still feel sad that I lost someone that actually cares about me. Trust me, I wish it could have gone another way, but this is probably the best even for you.


From the bottom of my honest heart, T, I do hope you take care. Don't lose yourself like I did. Please.


Thank you for being so kind, for being there for me. Not many people are.




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My ex boyfriend broke up with me to mature.. Help!

It's been 18 days now since we broke up.. There's no absolute third party.. He still loves me but he thinks he needs to mature and said he was always dependent to me.. He said he has no time for dating and want to focus on himself and business.. But why he can't be with me while changing himself? Why can't he mature while in the relationship? Why he needs to break up with me? He cried to me when I told him to take care of himself and said thank you, he's still crying until he dropped me to my place and hugged me.. He said he was tired of arguing and it's not because of me, but because of him.. I've been NC since the breakup because I respect that he needs space and time alone and also for me to heal..

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Wow talk about progress...

Today I saw you drive by, which is weird cause you live on the OTHER side of town so I have no clue why you were on my side. But it was your car for sure, and not sure if you saw me or not, but I THINK you could have possibly since your car suddenly ZOOMED by very quickly.

Well I thought about it about 1 min, and then I got caught up in the gym, in my friends, and life. and then like 10 hours had past and I realized...I had not even thought of you, I did not wonder or care who you were with or anything at all.

This is almost as long as we've ever gone...............in a few weeks it will be the longest..............i know you're furious at me judging by the crap you're talking about and posting with your friends.....

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Need to vent. Gah, this still hurts. I was feeling OK until today. Seriously, when am I going to feel over you? Its been 20 days now.


You walked into the canteen today. I was sitting chatting to the girls. You got your coffee and walked straight back out again. I know we are never getting back together, I know we would never work, but it still hurts that you are obviously avoiding me. Let me guess, you are doing it for my own good? You're doing it because you have a new girlfriend? Who knows why. I just wish we could be civil. I wish that you avoiding me wouldnt hurt so much. Friends are too much, I know. But being in the same room shouldnt be so stressful.


I miss you.

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Dear exes, men who never ranked high enough on the commitment scale to be exes, flings, hotties that didnt want me and hotties that did, men who were bad for my mental health, and that particular man who never ranked as anything but a great story, and random married man, I forgot about you, why on earth did you make a pass at me??


Thank you all.


The last several years - wow.


And now I am here.


Couldnt have done it without you. Wouldnt want to be you. Dont want to have you.


Who I will be now has been formed as a result of my experiences with you and I am smarter, better, more targeted as a result.


Daxmn it was good, worthy of a trashy novel and multiple rounds of drinks with the girls. Woo hoo! Some of it was worth paying for. And now, I am out the door and onto my next life.


See ya.

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Hey Josh, why did you ignore me? I don't understand whether we're going to stay friends or not, I still want you in my life x


But its hard because I feel if we ever got back together I'd go back to feeling unsure. I don't know, I just want closure over us. Why did we split up? What was the real reason. Are you seeing someone else?

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I am not sure I am using the correct forum. But right now I don't really don't care. Your funeral is tomorrow and your mom said that I should not attend. Your dying makes me open my eyes. I should have been there for you: even when you were ill. I didn't come see you in the hospital and I found other interests when you were transported to hospice and now you are gone. I can no longer contact you and my heart is breaking. I should have been a better friend to you.


This is heartbreaking. Sorry to hear this. ): xx

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