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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Almost 4 weeks ago I broke up with you in haste. I was so overwhelmed and frustrated. The death of your mother 2 months into our relationship totally changed the dynamic of our relationship and we were forced to become serious way too fast. I loved you but I didn't want that to happen. Relationships that get serious and comfortable quick fizzle out just as fast. We were headed that way. That combined with the change in your attitude after your mom died pushed me to ending it. I didn't want to but I felt you needed time so soon after your mom's death to grieve without have to worry about sustaining a new relationship. I felt like we needed time to step back and regroup. I regret it but felt like it needed to be done. I miss you and love you and hopefully when you step out of the haze from the loss of your mother, you will see I did this for us. I want to be with you. More than anything. Hopefully we can start over fresh someday soon



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Today I went to the CNE. As a prize, they are giving away stuffed minions. Every time I saw someone holding one my heart ached a bit more. I want to reach out to you so bad but you ignored me when I last tried 9 days ago and when you were gone for 12 days. It's not about me or "us" right now. It's about you grieving the death of your mother. I hope space and time apart will bring us back together again . I miss you terribly

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Broke up yesterday. He said he needs a "nice long break". HE needs a nice long break from ME??!! He treated me like crap at times and took no accountability. Why am I so heartbroken when I should be relieved?? Couldn't even go through one day of NC. Texted him a few minutes ago "Please can we not do this? I don't want to fight with you"...Can't believe this is how we ended up. Hurts like hell.

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I realized this morning that I am starting to forget about you. You cross my mind less and less.

I had such an awesome weekend and I feel happier than I have felt in years! If I ever felt this happy when I was with you, I don't remember it. I guess that hind sight is 20/20.


I hope that you are feeling happy again and that you have started figuring out your "stuff".

I just wish that we could forgive each other and have peace between us.

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...you sound bitter still


I deleted that for a reason (or tried to delete it until you decided to quote it and comment on a thread not "really" meant for such comments). I am not really bitter, but I just felt like free writing how I felt this morning. And I felt like she mistreated me and does not deserve my friendship. The woman sent me a pic of some boy she was going on a date with and bragged to me about him after spending a romantic intimate weekend with me away at a resort and telling me she felt like she wanted to be my wife. And since she's a raving narcissist, she has no understanding of why that would hurt someone she was intimate with for over two years prior to that weekend. I know she would NEVER say she was sorry or wrong and take actual responsibility for her actions. In her mind, I should have been happy for her and not felt like she was throwing me away. Why would she even send me that pic to begin with?


She deserved to be erased from my life, which is what I did.


At this point, I don't give a frogs fat butt about her. I guess that I just woke up. And after being treated like an actual person by my current girlfriend, it sort of pisses me off a bit that I let my ex do that to me. Feel foolish for even allowing her to hurt me like that. She really wasn't worth it.

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I hate you so damn much it's unreal, do you have any kind of idea of what you put me through and still are putting me through? When you left for someone else didn't a tiny part of you not think how much you'll end up hurting me?


No you didn't, you're so selfish.

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Sometimes, it still hurts. You leaving, it really hurts when I think about everything from the start. I hit the lowest I have ever hit in my whole life.


You've hurt me more than anyone else has and I didn't want the person who hurts me the most to be you.

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She sounds like an insecure woman who needs constant validation (fake hair, boobs, etc. multiple men). Don't let them get to you like that. I know it's easier said than done. Trust me. What you need to understand is that the opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference. By still being angry, you are still caring in a sense which goes completely against you not giving a "frogs fat butt" about her. Stay strong. Stay positive.


I broke up with a guy about 15 months ago after being with him for almost 2 years and he was somewhat of a commitment phobe. Told me he was in NO way ready to get married. Lo and behold 1 year after our break up I found out he was engaged and guess what? I felt not a SINGLE thing towards the news. No anger. No sadness. Nada. That's how I knew I was fully over him

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Posting here is pointless as I just sent you a text but I wanted to say so much more than the "Thinking about you. Hope you're OK" you received. What I wanted to say is "hope I could be there for you in your time of grieving but I can't comfort you the way you can get from someone who actually knew your mom. Miss you terribly. I think about you constantly."

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Never said I hated her. I don't. I just meant its more clear to me now that she wasn't worth the pain and hurt. And i don't want to be her friend since he doesnt deserve it. It's been about 4 or so months. I'm pretty much over her. But that doesn't mean that I want her as my pal. You have to earn that spot and she hasn't done that.


Sorry but just because I'm here posting for the first time in a while about how I can now see how bad she was for me, doesn't mean I'm bitter or care about her. She could be having a threesom with the last three ex-presidents for all I care. I don't care if she was married or not or getting salamead daily by the jersey shore cast. I seriously couldn't care any less about that stuff. In fact, I'm sure she's being coxmaned right now as I type this. That said, I was quite the coxman tonight and I was cooked dinner (for once, I almost always do the cooking in relationships lol) and my girl gave me left overs for lunch tomorrow which I might have to eat in my sleep by mistake tonight it was so damn good lol.


Sorry got off track there


The point is that my experience with the girl I'm with now has caused me to really see how f'ed up she was with me. And how unhealthy our relationship was. All in all, I hope she finds someone and lives a happy life. But it won't be with me in it. That's for sure.

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IDK if you hate me or not, the look in your eyes when you look at me I can tell you still want me in your life IDK how you can just be friends with someone you fell in love with. It's not something I can do, you know we are good together even though we had quite a few arguments there was never any shouting or name calling we were mature about it. We both said we wanted to make this work but I guess I want to make this work more then you which pains me inside, we've both been through the same with alcoholic parents and being abandoned. We understand what it feels like and we can help each other heal those wounds, it hurts cause no matter how hard I try I can't see myself finding another girl like you. You have many flaws you can be highly emotional, you can over react, you feel like nothing you do is ever good enough, you are insecure about your body, you are extremely stubborn and you are a broken girl to name a few. But despite all of those flaws you are perfect in my eyes I look past them because I am so madly and deeply in love with you I can't help the way I feel. I have flaws to yes I know I'm not perfect I can be emotional, clingy, needy at times, feel unwanted at times to name a few but you.


From the moment we met I felt instant attraction to you and you told me the same, we talked about a future and all that jazz said you saw your future with me. We use to be so close everything seemed so perfect. You told me you wanted this to be the best relationship I have been you wanted to make me happy everyday for the rest of my life. Unrealistic but I still liked the sound of it. Sure we argued and said we would work on it but I always felt like you never really tried hard enough. If it was true love you wouldn't want to lose this what we have/had that's why I tried so hard it's not that I'm desperate it's because I don't want to lose this because I am sure that we are meant to be together for better or worse I love you and I always will. My life had no path or clarity until we started talking you make me want to better myself for you and us. Before we met I was just living life in a daze just getting by, then I found you and the haze was lifted and I knew what I wanted in life and it was you.


You know how they say there might be parallel universes out there with clones of us and each one has a different version of our life in some subtle way, well I believe that in every universe we are together in everyone cause we are meant to be together. IDK if we will get back together I just know if you give me one last chance we can make this last if we just try a little harder. You want space to heal and get better with yourself I will try and give that to you in hopes that you realize I truly did care. My heart may be broken but you're the girl with the glue gun that can fix my heart.


I can only hope that it is true what that say that true love will find away back.

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Well, it's been over a month now. I asked you over text to just say it if you didn't want to be with me anymore. After you did, I asked if you thought we at least owed it to each other to say goodbye, and if you would at least call me and say it's over, or say no if you weren't going to call, and you never said anything. Literally nothing after that, for 5 weeks now. Now I can only think that our two years together was a big mistake. I never should have asked you out in the first place. You were a mistake, and a waste of my time not because things didn't work out(which isn't the part I care so much about), but because you were a liar and coward in the end, and instead of confronting me as an adult, you chose to run away and hide.


I can only feel now that you never actually cared about me at all. You only cared about yourself. You only cared about your (sometimes racist) opinions. You only care about what people can do for you, even your own family you've been unnecessarily mean to. You're angry and it's honestly a good thing you're not around to project your anger onto me any more and act like I'm the one with a problem.


For my own benefit, I started unfriending and washing you away on various social networks, and deleted your phone and email out of my contacts as the weeks passed. I have told myself not to initiate any more contact, as I've left the ball in your court, and you have my phone number and email if you ever mean to contact me. If you ever try to speak to me again, you must answer for your lies and your cowardice before I'll have anything else to do with you.

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I hope you accept this invitation from my heart. The last thing I want is for us to be apart. I know it’s my fault for the harm that’s been done. I’m asking for the chance to prove I am the one. I can’t take it back, that I do know. That wasn’t who I am I will prove it and show. I can say I was scared but it wasn’t of you. I was scared of my past and should have knew. Instead I hid my fear deep inside. While you left your heart open wide. I should have known there was no need to be scared. My life was with the perfect person for it to be shared. You have my heart and I don’t want it back. You are the one who got me back on track. If the time comes and you can find it in your heart I will be ready for a new start. I’m writing you this poem from my heart to yours. I just want you to know that I'm all yours.

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Even though you're in an emotionally rough spot right now it doesn't compare to what you've put me through the past 2+ weeks. I've had a freaking mental break-down from which I've completely recovered from, and while I cry a good two times a day, I just want you to know that it is going to pale in comparison with what Karma has in store for you for your lies. While I would someday like to work things out, I don't think I want to be around when the consequences of your cowardice/disloyal behavior comes smacking you in the face like a ton of bricks. You ruined my life, I will get it back, and I hope you receive a monumental dose of what you've dished out to me.


I went to the edge of the earth and walked the fires of Hell to be with you and show you how much I love you. You repay me with lies and faithlessness. Your lack of character is astounding.

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I think of you less each day. In fact I post this only to help me stay on track.

It's very weird you were my whole world 7 years, but the last couple weeks without you have been awesome. I honestly can say, I don't miss you. And me just trying to date for once in my life, it's helping. Yeah I've fallen down and failed already, but I pick myself back up brush the dirt off my jeans and I try again.

I'm going out this weekend and I am going to take a boat out on the lake...it reminds me of who I was before I met you.

I was a fun, carefree happy girl and you destroyed my smile the last 7 years, I never smiled, I was a sad sick nervous wreck

you made my hair fall out from stress you made me break out- you made me sick I was constantly sick for 7 years

I would drop things around you and be clumsy because of your severe abuse


I get to work out again soon, and I can spend time doing that in the evenings now and you are not there to tell me no. You are not there to tell me that I have to revolve my entire life around you 24/7

It's rather nice spending money on myself right now, instead of on you


I hope you miss me, only because karma bites...

I dont want you to contact me though, it makes it easier, I dont want to hear from you


I would curl up in the bathtub crying every week for 7 years over the abuse and hell you put me through

I never knew if you would kill us when we were asleep

Idon't get yelled at by you now, I don't have you threaten me with your fist

You are not around to brag anymore


You can't hurt me anymore always bragging about your work, how much money you make, all your hot co workers and all the women customers you got all the time that you flirted with and checked out

That doesn't hurt me anymore, I don't care because you are not mine...


I want the simple things in life now. A man to hold my hand when we go out, who will be a gentleman for me, and who will cuddle me hard at night! Something YOU never did...

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I am proud of how I've picked myself up following our break up. Where I am now and where I was are miles apart. If you had told me that I would of gone back to work I'd have thought you crazy. But I did & I will get through my first year.


I am bloody minded. I did not want to be missing our relationship a year on. I do not want to be querying, still, what is wrong with me and how our uni friends could marry whereas you didn't want that with me. I am lonely. I do miss you. I miss our life together still. I do miss Mango + Marvin. I still notice things that relate to you with fondness & love. Is that habit? I miss our silly little routines together. I miss how every night you would hold me while we went to sleep. It tears me apart to think that all those things I really appreciated about you & us weren't appreciated by you. I wanted to enjoy my time with you but you did not want that with me. Do you ever think of me? I know you 'only love me as a friend' now but am I cast out of your consciousness forever? You really did break my heart. I hate that you still make me cry. I hate that I want to hug you. I hate you.

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Still hurt and pitied. You still had feelings for her, my gut always told me but I ignored it because I was the "insecure" one.



But she's really nice, and smart, and 'beautiful'.


I was just sex, the pretty girl, nothing inside.


I never want to see you again, I just want to move on and love myself. I never want to see you, even when I am so happy.


Why do people do mean things and hurt people.

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Babe, I just want to let you know, the reason I deleted you from fb two days later after picking up my stuff is because seeing you online, seeing the pictures really made me feel like . I didn't want to see you but at the same time I don't know why you took it as me breaking up or us just ending it. The way you responded made it sound really easy as if you were waiting for it. I know I made mistakes, we both have however I thought we would both overcome this. I never bullted you when it came to me finding a job, you know this. I've been trying my ass off especially dealing with a full time school schedule. I know I moved in too early. I didn't think about this, I was in love mode in a sense and kind of lost myself with you.


Maybe the space is good for us for now..but I really want to know if there is any chance of us making this work or if this is truly over. I still want to make this work. I don't want to give up with us. Anyway, I just wanted to clear the air.

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What helps me the most, is faking that you ever existed

Like, if you were alcohol and I was an addict- I cut you off cold turkey

I don't go by places that remind me of you

I dont hang out with people if we hung out together with them

I wont even go anywhere for food that reminds me of you

I wont watch any shows or movies that remind me of you

I am missing out on my FAVE SHOWS right now I can't think of you look at you

My phone did some updates and brought up some pictures of you from the past that I thought were gone

It's very odd, it was like observing a stranger

I had 0 feelings, not love, not hate

I need to stay focused it's hard to write on here sometimes


But I have to remember things about you that were bad


You stopped holding my hand

You would not cuddle with me

You yelled and screamed at me, shook your fist in my face

You spit on me, you pulled my hair, you slammed me into walls and furniture

You slammed me into the floor

You pummeled me with your fists into the carpet

You never said thank you when I gave you money every day for food and gas

You boasted about your job

You boasted about how great you are

You boasted about how women all wanted you

You boasted about how young you assumed you looked, how great of qualities you had

You came home daily telling me of other women, you compared me to other women

You checked out girls and eye screwed them every second,every chance you could like a pig, you never respected me

If a hot guy came around you would pinch my arms, twist my skin, drag me away from that area and stare him down

God forbid I did something like that to you

You screamed at me if I ever used self check out at the store

You screamed if the house was not IMMACULATE literally every second of the day and night, IMMACULATE not even one tiny faintest of crumbs or I'd be punished


You would give me a small kiss in the morning, and then you would walk out of my life for the day---you did not want to talk to me or text me or tell me you thought of me


Those are some things but I can't really spend any more time on this right now because


The past is the past...and all i have now is the present

This present moment to live, breathe to appreciate and to enjoy

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