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45 days without hearing a word from you? I thought we were going to remain friends. You acted like you wanted to still remain friends. But now 45 days have gone by with no contact whatsoever? That's saying something to me, that's different from what you said.

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I miss you so much. I wish I hadn't pushed you away so much.. i'm so sorry... can you ever forgive me? I don't want to feel guilty anymore... i'm tired of it and i'm tired of being sorry constantly. Please please please find it in your heart to forgive me someday.. please. I still want to be with you... as pathetic as that sounds, i really really do. i miss you. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry.

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I miss you like crazy. you where my first love and you hurt me so much. I still dont understand, why you did the things you did, why you treated me so badly. I miss the guy I fell in love with, the guy who shared everything with me, who wanted the same things i did, who made me smile just by looking at me. You hate me now, you found someone else. your fine and im not. and i resent you so much for that. something happened in my family and it has been so hard not contacting you, so hard.

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Hey babe,


I never thought I’ll end up being the “safe” option. I don’t know, maybe it was the way you loved being naked in my arms while we made love, maybe it was the way you pulled my hair and kissed my neck while in an empty pub at 1am, maybe it was your text I keep reading over and over again “I brag about you to all of my friends, you are the sexiest man alive.” All of these just days before we broke up.


I was never a good liar, so you’ll know this is the truth: I really hope someone is able to ignite all those butterflies in your stomach. Don’t ever lose that light from your eyes and that beautiful smile of yours.


Love you!

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oh how i miss you... today has been so hard. going out to dinner now but i really don't feel like being social. its sucks, i want to pull myself out of this mood because i know you would be the social butterfly you always are. you haven't let this affect you so why should i. i'm feel like such a stuck record poor me, blah blah blah. snap out of it already

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Why did you dump me cold after 3 months & all the nice times we shared? Our families even liked us. You threw me away just to go back to your ex gf who left you to marry another man. You told me you were over her when we met. So, now that she is divorced, she decides she wants you back despite her knowing you were dating me, so you dump me just like that to run back to her? I just don't get it. Today is your b'day. I am NOT wishing you anything cause I'm still so angry & it just hurts too much. It's been seven weeks since you dumped me & you haven't said a word to me. Like I never even existed. We shared deep conversations, so many common interests, & intimacy together. How could you??????

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i've had a couple of drinks and have come home feeling pretty good about myself, i was out with friends just enjoying myself not worrying about what you were doing. so right now, while i feel good i want to write something positive, so thankyou for letting me go and allowing me the chance to find myself again, to be genuinely happy, for the first time in over a year! isn't that crazy, i stayed with you unhappy for so long quite simply because i loved you so much, but i wasn't me.

Now even though its still going to take awhile im so glad that im going to be able to be me again, i am fun and happy to be around, i really am! haha i can be social and fun, i am a good person, i am

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Sweet Pea. I miss you so very very much. I've been waiting and waiting for you to reach out to me, even though I know you will not, since you told me to never contact you again. I miss your smile. I miss your laughter. I miss your contact. You are so close, yet so very far away. But I know there is nothing that I can say or do to bring you back to me. I have already tried everything possible, and you have just continued to push me away. I will always love you.

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I'm sad because you say you don't love me, you told me to move on. You broke my heart, but in the end I know as horrible as I feel now (like wanna jump a cliff) I know I am the one that will fall in love again with someone else and be happy, you will lose this one and live with regret but this was your choice!

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sweet pea. I miss you so very very much. I've been waiting and waiting for you to reach out to me, even though i know you will not, since you told me to never contact you again. I miss your smile. I miss your laughter. I miss your contact. You are so close, yet so very far away. But i know there is nothing that i can say or do to bring you back to me. I have already tried everything possible, and you have just continued to push me away. I will always love you.


Whose your Sweet pea and how long have you been contacting her?

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How do I wish to change thee? Let me count the ways.


I wish you weren't so stupidly picky about your stupid food. And self-righteous about it to boot.

I wish you'd put your money where your mouth is. Thanks for telling me all that stuff you thought I wanted to hear.

I wish you weren't so emotionally scarred. By some girl you dated a decade ago.

I wish you didn't take me for granted.

I wish you realized that I was worth fighting for.



I wish I hadn't given so much of myself to you.

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I feel like you've ruined a very innocent part of me. I don't know if I'll be able to trust or love someone unconditionally like I did you. I hope you feel ashamed of yourself. I'm so sick of doing the right thing by people & ending up hurt. I hate that you think our relationship wasn't worth saving. I hate your be-spectacled balding head. I hope you get your heart broken one day.

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I'm a kind, loving person who can love misunderstood folk. I have a good sense of humor. I'm loyal, honest & trustworthy. I'm genuine and down to earth. I'm nurturing, good with kids. I have confidence in the bedroom and am not ugly. I'm intelligent and self aware (although awfully self depricating & unsure of my line of work). You said you didn't see yourself marrying me and that our relationship wasn't right or some other bull. Dude, your the one that's actually a mad immature man child who can't see what he has. Maybe we're not right for each other. Maybe you will find perfection. I know I will because I know how to forge a proper relationship. You are not God. I love you unconditionally and know you have to do what's best for you but I have to do what's best for me & that is love for who I am and remember that person in the dark times. You've wasted 6 years of my life. 6 YEARS. I hope you have enough empathy to feel guilty & ashamed. It makes me feel sick that I slept by your coward side every night for 3 years. You need to grow a pair of balls.

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Whose your Sweet pea and how long have you been contacting her?


I will start a proper thread about her, when I find the energy. But to be brief, my sweet pea is my next door neighbor. 3 months after I moved here we fell deeply in love, and spent 9 months together, sharing each other's space. We were meant to be together, or so we thought. She rented a room out in her house on July 1st to a lesbian couple. The following day she dumped me. Not that she is sexual with them, but they are now her best friends. I am left in shock and disbelief, as my best friend, lover, and life companion is 100% absent and ignoring me, telling me to never contact her again, as she cooks, barbeques, laughs, and plays with her new best friends. I am in prison. I am in hell.

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I will start a proper thread about her, when I find the energy. But to be brief, my sweet pea is my next door neighbor. 3 months after I moved here we fell deeply in love, and spent 9 months together, sharing each other's space. We were meant to be together, or so we thought. She rented a room out in her house on July 1st to a lesbian couple. The following day she dumped me. Not that she is sexual with them, but they are now her best friends. I am left in shock and disbelief, as my best friend, lover, and life companion is 100% absent and ignoring me, telling me to never contact her again, as she cooks, barbeques, laughs, and plays with her new best friends. I am in prison. I am in hell.



OMG Im so sorry you must be betrayed that's the oddest thing I've ever heard there has to be something else and it was just a coincidence about the lesbian couple

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To my loser ex-boyfriend:


You're such a ****ing *******. I can't believe all the stupid **** that came out of your stupid ass mouth, and I held my tongue because I loved you. But you're one of the dumbest people I've ever met...


You saw a 90s Honda Prelude one day and just because it had a Ferrari emblem, you thought it was a Ferrari. You tried to tell me that Ferrari requires buyers to own a pre-owned Ferrari before buying a new one because they don't want just anyone driving a new one. You think your mom is possessed by demons. You think God talked through you one night. You claim to have read the bible twice, but you don't know **** about the bible. You think you'll get rewards in heaven because you financially support your dad. You didn't know how much air to put in my tires. The first night we met, you went the wrong way on a one-way. You think you can cook, but I could barely get down half the stuff you made. Your guacamole was nasty. You thought you can't sell a car or house until you've literally paid it off. You think the gov't has cures for diseases, but doesn't release them, so they can control the populations. You told my aunt you're a geologist, but you're just a temp AutoCAD monkey. You told the company you have a degree, but you don't. You lie constantly and feel no shame. You played baseball in high school and didn't know what bottom of the ninth means. Your brother hits himself when he's mad, and you think that's normal. You're a grown man who says "I have to go poop". You said you wanted to be the president of your home country. You doggie paddle when you swim. You continue to wear boxers with gigantic tears in them. You always smelled down there, even after you showered. You didn't pay a single bill the entire time we lived together. You used to tell people you're gonna be a millionaire. Yet you can barely make it to your next paycheck. You wanted to steal the landscaping rocks from the townhome we were gonna rent because you thought they were worth hundreds of dollars. You smack your food, and you eat like you haven't eaten in days. You thought it was the "smartest idea ever" to start growing pot. You've had fungus on your toenails for years and just recently decided to look into it.


The list goes on... but I loved you through ALL these shortcomings, I supported you financially, I was one of the very few people who had your back, and I listened to your problems more than anyone. I was there for you when you dropped your classes, got fired from your job and failed at your at-home business. But you treated me like ****. You lied to me, led me on, used me, abandoned me. Shame on you and screw you. I hope Karma bites you in the ass.

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I met my best friend the other day (the one you asked to her face if she needed contraceptive advice which is hypocritical cause you're mum had you at 17). It was so good to see her. I felt like a part of me was coming back to me and I felt comfortable. I've missed her a lot. She's a beautiful person.


After that, I felt so right. That you are an immature man child who needs to grow up & stop thinking that 'a woman can't tell you what to do'. No she can't but if you step out of the situation and listen to her opinion. I'm so confused because this isn't you is it? As I told you on the phone, to which you took great offense, I don't know you anymore. Has the past 6 years been a lie? I miss the person I thought you were. I miss the pets, although I didn't want them initially I loved them while you got bored with the budgies. Story of my life. If you come back I don't know if I can forgive you & that tears me apart

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You contacted me yesterday and said you loved me and that there's no getting around that. I love you too, but I'm honestly not sure what to do, I haven't gotten laid in a couple months and I'm really getting tired of the no sex thing. Every time I wanted to have sex you denied me. I can't live my life constantly being rejected by someone who would rather jack off then have sex with me. How long can I live no being satisfied/ I don't know what to do. Do I go back, to someone who is abusive but I love him? To someone who rejects 99% of my sexual advances? I am in love, but will I really be happy? can I ever find a man I will be happy with again but who desires me sexually?

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