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Today has been a horrible day... Its only been 16 days, but its been killing me today. I dont know what your doing for NYE, but I know that you wont be with me. All those plans were blasted out of the water. Stinks, since you accepted 2 weeks ago. Just for my plans to go bust... Something tells me that you are going to text me tonight, even though you havent responded to our back and forth emails in the last 7 days. Something tells me that something has switched. Even though YOU broke it off with me, YOU were the first to initiate contact, and you held on. How could you do this? I know our timing was off since the start, but did you have to do this during the holidays? I feel like you wrecked so many plans, now I face all this alone.


Tonight im on the floor weeping and hoping to get you out of my system. Im already starting to come to, and it feels good to let out a good cry. Someday I hope not to cry tears over you. I will start this New Year without you and know its meant to be. I will begin resist the inevitable. I WILL still go out tonight and celebrate. Hopefully I'll celebrate you out my heart..... I will just pick up my S*** and keep walking without you.

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Why did you have to be such a selfish, lying, backstabbing b*tch?? I really would have liked to have wished you a happy new year. It sucks things ended so ugly. As much as it was going to kill me breaking up, I really wish we could have stayed civil and friendly. Ah well. I hate you. Tonight was fine, I didn't get any sadness or twinges of pain knowing you were out with him. I was dreading NYE for weeks, but meh, no biggie. I'll be completely over you soon enough, I think about you less and less these days. But I still hope you die of an overdose.

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I miss you B....I'm so sorry for what I did. I really hurt you, didn't I. You're finally mad. Who knows if you'll ever move beyond the anger but if you do, bet it will be straight to acceptance. You won't want me back. The best I can hope for is friendship--and I'm not sure I want that.


Sorry I totally messed up. I forgive you for what you did too. As much as this hurts, it's better we're not together and dragging it out.

Happy New Year babe.

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You know I adore you. Always have, probably always will. I had a cliched "from accross a crowded room" moment when I first saw you. The problem is: you didn't have the same experience. You grew to love me, after I pursued you, and I've carried that insecurity ever since - the idea that I wasn't good enough, at first. Not pretty enough, not talented enough, not lovable enough. Perhaps I let that seep into my interactions with you, and made you feel like you were settling.


You probably were. I've loved you for more than twelve years; you recently told me you've been "faking it" for a long time. No exact time-frame, of course, and that just makes me doubt everything we had together. The holidays with snorkeling and cocktails, sleep-ins on the weekends, listening to you playing the guitar, you bringing me coffee every morning: I miss all of that. I miss you. I can believe this is where life has brought us, when eighteen months ago you asked me to marry you. Why did you bother? Was it pressure from your family, to make the relationship "official" after so long? Were you faking it back then too?


It seems so incredibly unjust that two people in a relationship can be in such different places emotionally. My heart is still breaking, and you're already gone - three months, for the record, although it was clearly longer ago in your head.


I know you didn't want to hurt me, and I know you're hurting too. I know you held off doing this because you were afraid of my reaction, and you didn't want to admit failure either. You're an incredible man, and I just can't be angry. Everyone keeps telling me I should be - including your friends, by the way, who don't understand what happened either! - but I just can't muster the ire. I love you, and I want you to be happy. I'd rather you were happy with me, but life doesn't always turn out the way we want. I could feel you pulling away over the last twelve months, and it was awful. Neither of us should have to live that way.


I hope 2011 is a better year for both of us. In my heart I also long for reconciliation, but I also know that may well be impossible now. You may or may not rediscover your feelings for me, but I'm not sure I can recover from this.

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Happy New Year T!


I hope you and V and everyone else close to you have a great new year.

I have to admit, I am somewhat dreading seeing you and your new guy at the reunion this month.

I'll survive it. At least I will be seeing a lot of old friends.

I am sure that will top everything.



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Happy friggin' new year. I was hoping a week ago to spend last night with you, drinking and eating cream puffs, but no. You had to conveniently break my heart before having to, I suppose, suffer through another night with me.


I did drink last night. I did have fun, and managed to laugh at the TV I was watching, and dulled my pain a bit. I still cannot look at or eat anything you liked, though I can eat small meals. And this pain in my chest I'm hoping will kill me, but you wouldn't know about it anyway. Tomorrow if I live I'm going to battle my hair and finally brush it out, but it's not like you'll think it's beautiful and soft and all that line of BS you fed me for at least half a year.


You may be hurting as much as me. You might not be. You might be having fun playing your worthless video games and trying not to wonder whether I'm thinking of you. Yes, I'm thinking of you. And it's hurting me far more than you may ever know.


I was hoping over my vacation that you would contact me, tell me you made a mistake, and beg for forgiveness. I see that I should never have started hoping, and I know what I would have said. You hurt me, and never loved me. So why should I put my trust in you? You're the one who fought for my love, who was crying and saying how I never would came around.


I came around, and you threw my love back in my face once you realized it didn't suit you. I wonder if we really are so different, I would have done the same to you the second you started showing who you really were to me. You're a jerk, plain and simple, who puts his own happiness first and to heck with everyone else. You'd even lie to convince yourself you're happy. Let me ask you this, are you happy now that you've destroyed me? And don't say it'll make me happiest in the end, DO I LOOK HAPPY? I'm crying daily, or trying not to cry, and my life is a complete mess, thanks to you.


I wonder if you'll even bother to respond back if I start talking again. But I do know one thing. I will not throw myself at your feet and beg for you to love me. I hate you for making me this weak, for ruining my happiness. I know I said I wouldn't hate you, but I guess I was wrong.


So happy freakin' new year, and thanks for causing me this pain.

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I miss you. I miss you so much its kinda painful. Texting yesterday calling me having that casual Happy New year chat it was strange. And everytime we do talk I feel like I wind up pouring my heart out to you like a fool telling you I will always love and miss you and all I get back is a you too or an aww. I feel like you pitty me. That hurts worst. I've poured my heart out to you since before christmas for me to get it smushed over and over. Hurts a lot. You don't know how bad I want to call or text you right now. But I feel like all ill get is your pitt and it will make me feel worse. Guess you've moved on. I kinda feel you have. You feel different towards me. Colder. It hurts. And when I texted u at mid night I figured I'd hear SOMETHING back from you today. I was drunk but I said no matter what this day nye will always be special to me because of you. Hope 2011 is good to you. That would have been our 1 year. I kno u knew but still I needed to say it.


And nothing back all day. I don't know why I expected more. I'm hurt but gotta get through it. Hurts that you moved o when I really can not let go. I want you still and that's the worst part.

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Lol, I just wanted you to know your the first ex i tried to kill in my dreams and almost succeeded until I woke up, THREE TIMES. And if I could predict your life in the next decade is you being the drunk you are but 100x worse never committing to anyone but beer and liquor. Have fun with that! Im so glad the new year is hear, feels like a new chapter, good riddance. Gotta get me a fresh new pair of J's now.

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I miss you so very much KC.

How is everything with you? I'm pretty confident that you're doing better than I am since I haven't heard from you at all in 4 days. Generally speaking I've been ok. I can carry on with my daily tasks without the thought of us interfering too much, but there are moments when I go into episodes of depression.


I've been trying to keep myself busy with work, my hobbies, and my friends. But I can only work a limited number of hours at work, video games get boring after about an hour or two, and my friends aren't always available. I've gotten used to hanging out with you at least 4 times a week, and these moments of loneliness are getting under my skin.

What hurts the most is that I honestly thought we had something good going on for the both of us, but you had already begun to move on even before the break up. Your family was so nice to me and we had plans of moving in together one day with our sugar gliders. This is probably wishful thinking but I would love to turn all these plans and dreams that we had into reality.


You told me one of the reasons why you ended it is because you needed to become more comfortable with yourself, and that your feelings changed for me. I truly hope that you find that comfort this new year, and I will be waiting for you to contact me in some way. This is probably another wishful thought but if your feelings for me grow back, I will gladly take you back in my life and do whatever I can do make the relationship into an everlasting one. My facebook, phone number, and email address will not change anytime soon.

But if you never decide to talk to me again, at least I'll be in a better place. In the meantime, I will be attempting to make new friendships and meet new people.


With love,


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p.s. It's been 4 days since NC and it's been insanely hard not to contact you in any form.

Do you miss me at all, or am I the hopeless romantic? I would love to hear from you. But if you've really moved on, then I guess I should continue with my NC battle.


I still love you hun, and I don't think that'll ever change. So I need to learn how to love you and move on at the same time.

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I really never want to be your friend after I take this time apart from you to heal. I know I said I would come back after I was healed but I am never coming back because I have realized you really have never been a true friend to me. We never started out as friends and never have been, so why start now. You have been so selfish..after breaking up we end up FWB's then that stops last month but you still keep calling me everyday, texting me everday and asking to hang out. You tell me you want me as your best friend. I can't do that.. I tried. Then when I tell you I want a break to heal you tell me if you go away to heal to never come back cuz it's too hard for you! What about me!?


You call me on your way to dates and tell me you are going on a date and that you might want to meet up with me after the dates to have a drink! How do you think this makes me feel? My dad dies two weeks ago and you say I'm your best friend but you won't even lose two hours sleep to come hang with me the night he died! The next night I ask you to hang with me and you say you can't cancel you date cuz you feel bad! Really!? What kinda friend are you!? Your not. You are selfish and self absorbed. It's all about you and what you want. You don't want me but you can't let me go either. You want everything on your terms. Screw you...I am so glad I finally go up the nerve to cut you off 2 days ago. You will never hear from me again.


I sent you a very nice email asking for space to heal and that I would be back after I was healed. What do you do...not respond and delete me from facebook and tell my friend F him I will be over him in 2 days. Any real friend would have given me the time to heal if the valued the friendship. You only care about your needs being met, you don't care what I need. You are so selfish. I understand you may be hurt that I needed time but what do you expect? I can't sit here and watch you date other guys. You expected too much from me.


So goodbye for life. I don't ever want or need a friend like you. I am very hurt by the way you handled my request but whatever. It just makes it easier to move on.

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Oh why won't you love me... I know it's useless to pine and moan and groan but I simply cannot bear this... everything reminds me of you. Everything. You want to remain friends, all those dumb**** excuses on why it wouldn't work... how can you care for me and hurt me in this way. All I ever wanted was to be loved in return... you threw it back at me. And now, the weak person I am, tripped on your profile and saw you online the site you swore you'd never return to. Are you pulling some other girl along, telling her she's beautiful and how much you love her, while I sit here and cry?


You said you don't want to return to meebo. Fine, whatever, no clue why you wouldn't besides the rant that probably made you cry. But what's with the "if" we ever talk again? My last response to you was a definite, you just need to give me space... and what's this WHEN you get a new boyfriend. Sure, you'll probably feel nothing, you don't give a flying crap. But WHEN? It's an if at best. I'm so sick of men like you... I fall in love, foolishly believe everything you tell me, and then find out you never really loved me, just found me out to be a friend. You took me in while i was weak, grieving because of some other boy who I also should have known better, he was gay and would never love me either. Then to do this.. after I told you how hard it is for me to trust, let alone love. I should have never accepted the invite, never gotten to know you, and I'd be much happier now. I'd be better off without you, at least I'd be over gay boy.


You want my happiness? BS with a side of F you. You want YOUR happiness, and because i'm too ugly, too neurotic, too demanding of a decent relationship, for you to ever be happy. I bet the real reason things went south since November is because you realized this, that pretty people like you deserve no uggos. You're so selfish, and here's a little pointer.


My best friend, who i love dearly and is a better friend than you ever will be, thought you looked plain. She's honest to a fault and I almost screwed things up with her because of you. i probably have screwed things up, all i wanted to do was talk to you, and be happy.


Yeah, there were too many reasons why it wouldn't work. Yeah, you wanted to stay in your precious hometown and you didn't have EVERY single freaking thing in common with me. How about giving me a real reason, please. Not one that was pulled from your arse in an attempt to justify what you've done. Was it another girl? Was it the realization that I'm ugly as heck? Don't say that breaking up with me was hard for you and that you *had* to get over it, it's been 9 FREAKING DAYS. You either are lying or never gave a crap about me.


This time of day makes me cry the hardest. I always, always called you at 4:55 on the dot right after you left for work. But since you trainwrecked our relationship I guess I will never hear your voice again, never greet you with a kiss on the days you stopped by to see me. I will never look into those green eyes that reminded me so much of home and think that as long as I'm with you, I have no reason to kill myself and pray I find home. But you are a false home, a false paradise who betrayed and tricked me into believing I was meant for here... and the saddest fact is, I wouldn't be happy even if home existed, because no guy there would want to even so much as look at me without fear and loathing and hatred. I'm the ugly stepsister, witch and evil woman who slayed a thousand men in stories, I will NEVER be happy if fate has anything to do with it. I'm seriously contemplating killing myself at this time, I just can't do it every day, knowing that whispered rumor is true, knowing that everyone DOES hate me, knowing that my life is a pathetic empty shell.


I hope at least you do realize that you will NEVER find a girl who's exactly like you. Otherwise I weep for my gender, how could they sink so low? And even if you do find someone just like you, didn't you originally say you were "glad we were different" and that it wouldn't work out if your fear was real and I was just like you? And sitting around at the computer all day isn't going to get you squat either. I'm sorry I helped you with anything, scum like you don't deserve it... you deserved nothing I gave you out of love. I hope you flunk out of college. I hope you never find true love or happiness. I hope you see that without me, you're nothing-jack squat, a pathetic smearing of fecal matter from the arse of a real man.


You broke my trust, my heart, and everything. So what else am I supposed to do but hate you for making me feel this pain?

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I wish you would look inside yourself and see all of the chances you had to be the man that you could be that's hiding in you. We would have been epic if you could have just opened up to me, but instead of honesty you always chose a lie and to hurt me behind it while hiding behind another lame excuse. Instead of putting me before you, you put a guard up and protected your selfish desires and motives. True love isn't selfish, true love is blind, true love is doing anything because you can't bear anything else. True love is running away at 4 am to vegas and getting married. True love is staying up all night watching the sunrise because you don't want to close your eyes.. the reason you don't want to close your eyes is because real life is better than a dream. It is not going on POF with my picture to find a new * * * * to have sex with and fill the void of me. Because if you really loved me, no * * * * could fill your void. It would make the pain worse. I hope that one day you know true love, and confront all of the mistakes you made with me, because until you do, you will never know true love. So no matter how much I'm hurting from all you threw away, you would be the one in the most pain in the end. This isbecause everything means nothing without love. And your money can't buy that kind of happiness.

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Took you back after you were unsure of our relationship. Took you back after you cheated on me. Accepted you wanted to be single while you went on your world travels. Now you come back and value your freindship with your ex you cheated on me with more than what we had together. Told me you loved me and that you would have spent the rest of your life with me. Thanks for the false hope. Thanks for wasteing my time. Thanks for the double standard. And thanks for making me realize that your not that wonderful. Thanks for helping regain my self esteem, the small portion of self respect that I have left inside. I appreciate the fact that I can be alone at night now. Alone without you. I've finally been able to separate my emotions, stand back and look at what you have done to me over the last 2 years. Not fair, loving or caring. Goodbye K.W Stop texting me.

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You broke my heart twice. All because YOU don't know how to open your heart to love.

You're more interested in material things a practical stuff that really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things.

You let me down and insulted me by being with someone within weeks of us breaking uo the first time.

You don't know HOW to feel!!!

You're emotionally blocked. That's why you're unmarried with no children.

You were too busy worrying about your future that you ruined your present.

How could I have been so foolish to want someone as cold and unloving as you?

Good bye!

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I need you. I can't make it through the day without you. I'm scared and alone and just wanting to beg you to come back, to say you love me, to say it'll be okay. I can't bear their criticism right now without bursting into tears. I know today will be the hardest, going back to class and all. But it makes it ten thousand times harder knowing you're gone.


Please, if you have any care for me at all, post something, anything saying that it'll be okay, that my day will go okay. You say you'll be there for me when I've gotten over you... be there for me now. I need someone and you just don't understand... everyone hates me. i hate me. You're the only one who loved me, saw me for me, and pulled me from a depression just like this one. I may be ugly as heck, and needy, but that's just who I am and if I hear anyone at class tell me so I swear I won't even live through today. I'll just jump from the third floor stairway and hope i hit my head going down and die instantly.


I can't do it please, just come back... I miss you so much and I need you to contact me, even if it's to say that I can do it, that I'm not worthless and friendless and fat and ugly.

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