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Hey Tanya,


I hope you, your mum and your little angel V are having a great time in Ukraine.

Last time you went, those two weeks in Christmas, you thought about what was once 'us' and decided to end it.

I guess you just got tired and didn't want to work on 'us' any further.

I don't blame you. You fell out of love with me once...and tried, much to our success. But when it happened again, I guess you got tired.


I don't blame you for wanting to end things. I guess you are one of those people who want those feelings of being 'in love' to remain consistent.


I guess I could not help you sustain them long enough for to stay with me. Thus, I released you with sadness and without bitterness.


I hope you and Jamie have a long lasting and healthy relationship.

When you told me how you were flirting with me, I knew how things were going to happen when you came back from Ukraine:

I get an email, you wanna end things, We meet and talk, get closure, you link with Jamie, you are in love with him, you both are together.

And it all happened.


In those 5 seconds I sat silent before you, I saw the whole scenario play out. And as the months passed, it all did.


I wish you all the best my love, even if you are in the hands of another.


I have deleted everything of you off my computers, letters, pics the lot.

The local charity shop were grateful for all the things I gave them. And my heart was relieved ridding myself of your gifts.


I still have that photo of you and V you gave me 3 years ago. I still love that child like my own. I hope Jamie can be the man in her life that I tried to be.


Wishing you all a lovely holiday Tanya.


I know in time you will forget me. Considering your poor memory, I believe you have already.



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Someone nice from the church took me out to dinner tonight and we talked. They recommended that I put my cards on the table and talk to you. Said we were too old for games and I should just let you know where I stand. I want to, but I don't know if the timing is right. I need to wait on God's timing. I know there will be a time that we should speak, but not sure if I need to wait for you to initiate it. This person I talked to said that you were just as scared of me as I am of you and that no one is going to talk to *anyone* if someone doesn't make a move. I know that, but what if I talk to you and you blow me off? This person said to just take a chance. The worst that can happen is you hate me or don't care about me and I end up having to go to a different church. And quite truthfully, that may not be the worst thing ever. I was considering going to another church anyway if you are going to be there all the time. The fact that you stopped coming made me decide to stay, but now that you're back, it may be time to take a break for at least a few weeks on Sundays until I can re-center myself.


What I want you to walk away (or hopefully not walk away) with, knowing from me----

a. I do care about you and believe I love you

b. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions and didn't let you explain yourself when I dumped you

c. I would like to hear your explanation for why you cancelled our date and whether or not you had feelings for your girlfriend while you were still with me.

d. I would like to know, are you truly happy with her? Is she what you want? If so, I will try to be happy, but she is not a believer, so I have to admit I'm not happy about that.

e. I'm sorry I was so judgmental. We all have our problems.

f. I am in therapy now, working on my trust issues among other things. I regret distrusting you so much.

g. You might think I just loved you in the Christian way, and I did, but I felt in love too and would have married you. You were working on the things. I wish I would have just been more patient.

h. When you said I was your true love and I denied it, well, I am sorry. You seemed really embarrassed. I should never have done that. I only thought I could love one person---my ex fiance--and I was scared. But I did love you--or I wanted to. I just couldn't trust.

i. I still think about you and miss little things...especially holding hands in church. I won't forget how content I felt with your hand in mine every Sunday, especially when we would squeeze each other's hands after special messages. It meant the world to me. I also won't forget how we played pool sober while everyone else drank and you sat on my lap and I held you from behind, with our matching crosses and cartoon shirts. There is so much more I can think of. Thank you.

j. Although I miss your friendship and hope we can actually be friends someday, I can't right now. I actually feel more than friendship towards you. So trying to pretend like you're just a friend won't work.

k. I would get back together, but I'd want you to come to therapy with me and by yourself. We could only make it work with therapy and God!

l. I can't fight over you. Whatever reason you are with your gf, you are with her, so I am not going to get into cat fights or whatever. I've never been in this situation before. I'm not the kinda person who goes for taken men. Takeness actually turns me off and pushes me away. In fact, I broke up with you because I thought you cheated on me with her. But it doesn't change my feelings. And I didn't give you a chance to defend yourself. Still, you are with her now regardless. So I can't do anything about it. You can, but that is really something you have to decide.

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Even though everything you did still pains me terribly

I really reallyyy REALLY want to just talk to you right now

But I know I can't

N this is for the best



But it's just so hard to accept the fact we aren't anything to each other anymore.

I love you.

I will always love you.


Broke up with you more than a month ago.

Is it sad that I cry about you daily?

What happened to the girl that did not cry over relationship problems?

Oh she went away... after she met you.

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We were supposed to go see John Mayer at the Hollywood Bowl tomorrow. It was going to be great. I got us great seats and paid quite a few $ to get us those seats, since I wanted us to have a good time.


Instead, I'll probably be spending it in Santa Barbara, either with my sister or on my own. I sold those tickets just weeks after we broke-up.


You probably won't even realize it's tomorrow.

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Hey B,


Don't know why you told me you have my book. Couldn't you have just brought my book to church? I mean you even told N that you have my book, so it wasn't just a little thing on your mind. What's the big deal? It is a little pamphlet that I don't even need. I'm wondering if there is a reason why you brought that up instead of just bringing me the book. Also, I'm not sure what you wanted me to say in response to that. I mean, did you think I should go all the way to your house to pick it up when you could have easily put it in your Bible bag? I told you that you could keep it, then you said nothing else.


Just kinda wondering what your motive was there. Just a matter-of-factual thing for you to talk about?


Well anyway, that was last week. You're on my mind. Probably making out with your gf today. Don't want to think about it. No, not at all.

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Just missing my best friend right now, well.. the one I thought you were.

Us being together seems something so far away, so cloudy, like it never happened. Only the sadness and loneliness left as proof it was real. Never thought it will end so soon or this way. Sometimes I think you`re blind... You dont deserve to hear me say it, but I love you.

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V is gonna forget me, but I will accept that as a fact.

The same way I know that your poor memory will erase me from your mind also.

As I fade, new memories of experiences with Jamie will replace them...as swiftly as he replaced me.

It is a comforting thing in a sad sort of way, cos perhaps you may then forget the pain of us breaking up after all that effort. Then again, I guess you have already forgotten about that as well.


So, from an unknown dude in London, I hope you, V and your mum are having fun in Ukraine.


Love you all.



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At my art show last night there were so many attractive women I couldn't count them. All I could think about was you...and the vow I took to be your husband. I always envisioned you at my shows once I became successful.


It hurts like a mother * * * * er to think you don't find enough value in me to try things one more time, differently, with the man I have become...not the man I was a year ago.


Through all of this, for some reason, I love you still. I always will. This hurts.

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Today I tied two rocks together, to symbalize our lives

and threw them, in the ocean..

Now on that ocean floor they're coasting, til they stop rolling..so far

and all so noone will miss them....

To the point that noone would even believe that we existed..

I know that may sound twisted....

But my neglect is killing me, I feel so guilty....

Please, have faith if you feel me....


Though you probably felt blue, and you'll do what you must do.

I hope you know, I woulda hand the skies to you...

I'm so embarrassed by mankind, to let their weapons shine...so stoopid

Do they not know you're about to fly high....away..


(The wings that God will give you one day, I'm not jealous, I just cant take this.

From all your words I had to hear, the only thing I ever feared...was this day,

and having to say...)


While your here, I wanna tell you somthin'....is that I loved you girl...yeh

And I wish we could run...into the sun....and never come back*


Goodnight Bella*....wherever you are....


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