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Thank you for holding my hand through my miscarriage, and thank you for leaving me a week later. You are an a hole for ever hitting me, and you are stupid and selfish for ever keeping my friends away. You held me like you would never let go, and now you are over it and moved on. I hate you for ever having told me forever, and I hope that you end up miserable. I want you to look at me 5 years from now and saw, "wow I should have never let you go." This was the worst decision you have ever made. You will never find anyone better, and I hope you spend the rest of your life working a minimum wage job. I hope you stay fat, and I hope that you bald prematurely.

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I am back again. I am so angry! NC for a month. a solid, scary month.

you are self centered. i hate your laugh. all you do is watch t.v all day. you have had sex with 25 people and you are only 19! gross. all of your friends are freaks. i will miss your little brother though. he is the coolest guy ever. you are a sarcastic * * * * up, and i hope that u die in a gutter.

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As much as i want to, and i know i want to text you on the holidays i don't want to. And i'll damm my self if i was to.


I say to my self what about your birthday, then i have trouble remembering how old you are, knowing full well that you'll be 21 in April. damm my self, i know i should, but until i can prove im worthy of you, your parents will * * * * * , and you won't see me improve.


Bad enough i can't stand the fact your parents call me all those names, i more so want to prove their asses wrong, as hard as that has been.

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I never thought I could love again and you showed me that. I miss you so much, and I'm scared I will never find that again. I wanted to tell you Happy Birthday. It has been a month that we've been broken up, but I still feel like it was just yesterday we were in each others arms. Its hard trying to forget you. You never gave me the closure I needed. I'll always love you

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aaah..how I miss our silly ways. There's only faith driving me now. I still remember so much. I know you tried in your own way. I may be arrogant but I really wonder how it is ok with you, how will you sleep with someone else. I feel like I'll forever miss you. Strange how far away we are now..

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Where do I start.


It aches. I pretend like its not there. But my god it hurts. In some ways it feels exactly like that first day. Im lying on my floor. Its dusk out the window. Its so beautiful, it takes my breath away. So many of these moments I missed while I was with you. I've put I will always love you on. Cheesy right? The words are so beautiful though. Ive wanted so much to reach that place with you. I know in my heart its the only way I will ever really be happy. Ive never been one for hatred and revenge. It seems such a waste of energy to hate someone, it acheives nothing, anger acheives nothing.


I love you. Its so overwhelming to feel that, and know that its true. I doubted us, I doubted you, for too long. But I know that doesnt mean that we should be together. Ive heard people say if you love each other thats all you need to stay together. That is such bull * * * * to me. It is so much more than that, and such a hard place to understand.


Right now, I feel i am coming out from such a selfish place. That even last week, I would have entered into a relationship with you, based sheerly on the fact that I miss you and love you. I would have done that knowing the pain it would cause us both to visit that place again.


I know now that letting go does not mean to stop loving. I think a part of me will always care. You have such a future ahead of you. You had these insecurites about your job, but I know that it will work out for you. I know it wont always be fair, I know your going to find the next year of your life probably one of the toughest you will ever face. And I wish so much that I could be there with you. But we both know I had my chance. I said and did what I felt at the time. It was cruel, and it was heartless, and it wasnt fair. But to tell you it was all okay would be to lie to you.


Its all such a mess bub. I think Im getting somewhere and my thoughts contradict themselves.


I just hope, beyond anything, screw my happiness, screw what I want and need and feel, I just hope you know I loved you. So deeply. Its etched in me, and I have no idea if it always will be, but it seems pretty permanent for now.


Im crying. For the first time. Not just tears, im really crying.


And then something happens, like right now. And I know who should be here. I know who belongs, and I know who makes that ache in my heart ache a little less, and it isnt you. I love these lyrics, theyre about growing with a child but they mean so much to me.

"I realise what life is all about. Its hanging on when your heart has had enough, its giving more when you feel like giving up"


Isnt that what we do? Were bruised and battered and scared, and we hold on. We survive. And we fall again. We pick ourselves up, and then again were broken. Its just life. For understanding this and a million other things I think I owe you a massive thankyou and a hug. But I guess this is all I can do for now, forever really.


I wrote maybe then, then I wrote probably then I wrote forever. It is forever. Even if we talk were never going back, id never let you close to me and im sure you feel exactly the same way. Sometimes these realisations shock me but tonight its just acceptance.

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What is going on? Are you playing games now? I disappear and suddenly you decide you want contact? After telling me for 3 months this is for the better and that we should go our separate ways, now it seems you want to keep reminding me of you. Without fail, you try to contact me roughly every two weeks. You continue to let yourself in the house when I'm not here. Were you in here again today? Please stop. Either say you want to work on this with me or disappear. I can't continue doing this. This isn't right.

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Leave me alone A. You have done enough. We will never be friends and we will never get back together. I don't ever want to see you again. You are so selfish. You think you can have everything you want. After 2 and a half years, you think you can dump me for some unsure ugly teenager, but keep me as a friend, get one last hug, give me the stupid scarf that you never finished knitting for me for Christmas. What about what I want? You can keep the scarf and you can stay out of my life. I would have done anything for you, but now it's too late and you will never have my love again.

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