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I know this won't matter to you at all, but I am beginning to hate you and not just a surface hate...a DEEP inner hate. You were so awful to me in so many ways...sure you could be fun, but in the end...those times were few and far between! I played my part, sure...but I was NEVER mean and cruel and would have never left you in the situation you left me in...you are so selfish and inconsiderate!!! It's always been about you and how YOU feel...nobody else...including our son!


I haven't talked to you for 4 days now...and in that short amount of time...the words you said to me really hit home and made me realize it is over...for good...forever. And as the days are passing...I am feeling better and stronger...and remembering how you really were...and it makes me hate you and in the same sense feel sorry for you, as you won't be any different with another...same guy different girl...hopefully she heeds the red flags, as I should have done.


Thank you...I would have never ended this toxic relationship...the poison (you) have been removed...and I am moving on...you didn't destroy my belief in love, as I will have it again, only healthy and mutual. I will finish my degree and keep bettering me...you will be where you are right now...doing the same things at 40 years old...pathetic!


You got what you wanted...I am gone...moving on...and you may not realize it yet...but this was your biggest mistake and my biggest blessing!

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i cant im sorry i just cant not at the moment your not worthy of my feelings at present and your not worthy of knowing how badly dumping you has made me feel!it was all fine before and then you changed and turned into the gf from hell and treated me soooo badly you were my first time of dumping which i can never forgive you for NEVER and baby you know how badly the others have treated me!you really done a good number on trying to screw my head up but what can i expect you lernt from the best your mum was a master at guilt trip your ex's were always so cold and mean and emotionless towards you so with me i guess i was your release to see how it must of felt for them to be in such control!

the only difference was you mistook kindness,attentiveness,caring,devotion,love,sensativity,trust as a weakness baby its not a weakness there my best strengths im always going to have them and you know you have lost me the best thing that has and will ever happen to you!!! you said i was too clingy and needy and when i said no im not i just like being with you is that such a crime you just smirkly laughed and turned away,you know what rowan hunny who is going to have the smirk last?coz now ive left you i know i will deffinately have a clean conciounce from this i walked away with some pride you threw yours out the window when you began being a b/itch towards me so you know what enjoy your christmas without me please i wish you the best in your life your a (sorry for the language) c;unt rowan so please go f-uck yourself one last time just for me just hope the next guy gets treated better then the shyte you have tried with me i do hope you have realised exactly what it is youve lost with me and i hope it eats at you inside for many years because dont forget rowan i can read you i do know you and i know it will you may not show it but you know!


if you ever decide to turn your life back around and get your act together again i hope you meet the nicest guy in the world and he brings back to you that amazing smile you had when we first met and hoep you have an amazing life with him take care row row this is me trying to let you go in this message i doubt it will work but worth a shot aye

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So there it is...........


I broke down in the kitchen last night and S had to come out and comfort me.


I am still in love with you, I miss you like crazy and just wanna hold you. Admitting this to S instead of just shouting at the moon and talking to myself on one of my walks has been liberating.

I wish I knew what I was supposed to do??????

I know right now, if ever, you are not coming back but that doesn't stop me feeling the way I do and I've never felt this way about anyone. I guess, in a way, you were my first true love. Who knew?

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It blows my mind that I am still in this place - feeling so broken-hearted without you. I'm really surprised that I loved you so deeply - more than I ever knew. I guess it hurts because I know that you have reduced what we had to very little for your own "coping." You have already moved on and are not giving much thought about me or us... It seemed so simple for you to chalk it up as a good thing that wasn't meant to be. All of this I'm certain is for your own self-preservation, because I know deep-down you feel differently about it. I know it. You will just plow through all of this because you just don't have a place for it in your life now - and I guess I can understand that to an extent. I just wish there was something I could say or do to make you see that I never would have hurt you as he did. I fell in love with you and made the choice to love you because of who you are - I saw the beauty that is nestled in your core person. The beauty that you don't even see in yourself. It's so hard for me to move on when my heart knows no other home. There is no other place my heart would rather stay than with you, but that can't be. So, I'll continue to process all of this and it will probably take me some time - as these things tend to do for me, but I'll get there. I wish there was a way for me to send you joy and comfort through the air to fill your heart. It's funny because I am so angry with you, yet I understand it. I'm trying to let that anger subside and flow away - it's really more about me than you anyway. You were a gift and I hope I truly feel that way someday soon.

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So you're online today, yes you're being blocked! It doesnt matter to you anyway .I really want to talk to you but you never contact me on IM. How rude ! I want to tell you I miss you more than I should. You;re going to say you miss me too, but I'm smart enough to tell thats all lies. You don't miss me... you moved on. I am probably the last thing in your mind right now. Merry Xmas to you, and have fun skiing. I know by next year I'll be be gone from your life, your mind especially. I feel so down, especially on my self esteem. Thanks, you left me when I'm at my weakest.

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Wow, I hope you and your boyfriend choke on egg nog as he meets your completely useless and dysfunctional family, maybe that will scare him away. I'm glad you want redemption that would give you the peace you need to move on with your new healthy relationship. Sometimes all I want is revenge so go bleep yourself and your need to see me and my family. I don't see you anymore, I see something cold and ugly and you will never change so stop acting so sweet and leave me and my family alone. Merry Christmas!!!

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Hello, I dreamt about you last night. I dont remember what happened? You kept telling me to move on..It's so strange. I woke up middle of the night and I knew you just got off work, heading home. Can you tell me if you're seeing someone else ? My guts are telling me you are but you denied it. I miss you. Why can't we have open communications ?

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heya beautiful look im really sorry for how (dont know how to put this in my terms without using a swear word and got a warning for manipulation of wording) fecies ive been towards you in this break up,i know you feel bad and your missing me because you told me yourself when we spoke on facebook.


i really do hope you have an amazing christmas gorgeous and i do really hope one day the most amazing guy comes along and sweeps you off your feet and gives you the world and the stars.

i just want you to know i dont hate you for the way you were at the end of the relationship.it was bad yes,but i dont hate you.

i can see know that you were distancing yourself from me to protect yourself from being to hurt and still wernt over bazz and when he contacted you it brought back alot of memories for you and i guess thats what it was that you couldnt share with me so because you couldnt be open you closed off and withdrew.


its ok rowan i understand how hard things can be sometimes maybe in another time aye?different circumstances things may of worked out (im sitting here in tears writting this,its not tears of sadness tho theyre tears of love for you and what you ment to me in the times we shared tears of meeting someone so great as you)


i know you believe in fate and one day maybe fate will decide to bring us back together again but until that time i just want you to know i dont blame you for anything.i understand and i mean that!your the only person i shared my soul with when we kissed so you know you were special to me!next time you try to do that it will be different and wont work the same as what it did with me because its not me.

and your always going to hold apart of my breath in your body forever the same as i will you.

i want to thank you for giving me courage and bringing my smile back and making me feel special when we were together.

im going to be ok from now on gorgeous and i really hope you are aswell if i could hold you head in my hands and kiss you under the stars one last time just to say goodbye i would but i know that wouldnt do either of us any good.


i wish you the best in your job and the very best in life and hope you get a promotion soon and hope you manage to find a place to live instead of going back to your mums you know she guilt trips you all the time and drags you down because she is down herself.

look after your little bro he's gunna be a really cool guy (he's already a cool kid so it only goes to show he will be a cool guy and tell him to get a girlfriend he's 13 already hehehe).take care of gail and andrew aswell theyre really nice people they took me in with open arms and treated me really well the short time i knew them,i have alot of time and respect for them for that.


if i was there i would kiss away the tears now and give you a massive hug and tell you everything is going to be alright whilst you cry on my shoulder.


you have my number and email and facebook account and msn if you ever need someone to speak to,feel alone,need a hug or just some one to fall asleep on snuggled in.

take good care of yourself babe xxxxx


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I thought you would always be by my side and I by yours.

I thought that when my love was true, yours would be too.

I thought that true love conquered all.

I thought that love forgives.

I thought that we were invincible, that we could work anything out.

I thought my expectations were not too high.

I thought, I thought, I thought

I was wrong...............so I have to move on

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It's funny. I thought of you today, of course, but I've also been thinking about Brian from church and the fact that I get to see him on Sunday in fellowship group. Having him to think about is nice and takes some of the pain away that I'd be spending on you. I still miss you and it's sad to think you're sharing your first Christmas with your new girlfriend, but hopefully by next year, I'll be sharing Christmas with my new boyfriend...or fiancee! I'm looking forward to getting married and starting a family and any new guy in my life is going to know that I'm only going to spend a year or so courting this time, not seven. We are going to pre-marital counseling and that's it. I know where I stand now and am confident I can get a good man because I have developed much more self-respect this year than I ever have! It may not seem like it yet because I still have work to do, but I also know that I can do all things through God and that there ARE good men out there. You tried to make it sound like no one was better than you and other guys wouldn't be like you. Yeah, they're probably better! You were good, but next time I will have a man who honors and respects me, otherwise I'm the one to end it.


Thanks for giving me a backbone!

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I have to admit that I am so hurt. Never before have I felt this hurt to this degree. I think it's not fair that I completely blame you for this pain. I know most of it is due to my own anger and frustration with myself. I realize now that I let you use me. I should have seen it - possibly did, but still tried to believe in you. I hate that the last words I ever said to you were "I love you." I hate that you said them too. I don't love you. You don't deserve any of my attention at all. I hate that I am feeling this way, but understand that it is more because of me than you.


You are truly the weakest, lowest, scum of the earth. You played with me like a cat plays with a toy. You lied to me. You cheated me. You fooled me. You did all of this for your own benefit. You did this because of your fear of being alone. You were so very right, I deserve better. You disgust me for what you are and what you do to others. You keep holding your head up high, but I know it, I know it clearly. You are a fraud. You are a miserable human being who is not and never will be capable of love. You will do nothing to accept wrong in yourself or to make changes in yourself. You will continue this cycle with others. I feel so sorry for your next victim.


I know how you operate now. You seduce and pull people into your web. You trap them then suck the life out of them. You want the adoration and to have other fixated on you - all the while, you offer no real love in return for what you take.


I will try very hard to forgive you - for my sake, but right now, I hope you receive the what you have dealt tenfold. I hope the pain in your heart that exists now grows to an unbearable point. I want you to feel more than the pain I feel. I want your emotions to take you into the depths of hell. I hope your personal situation makes you miserable everyday. I hope your financial situation deteriorates even further than it already has. I want you to be left with nothing material. I want you to be left with no hope.


To do as you have is far worse than anything I have experienced in any past relationship. Cheating does not even come close to your folly. I am so angry with myself for wanting you to hurt, but you need it. You need to be stripped of everything you are now and maybe then you can be rebuilt into a human being.

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