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Eating me up inside, don't know what I should do and I need guidance.


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Ok so without getting into too many details, I have a problem: my emotions for a girl I can't have -- quick explanation, because she has a boyfriend which she's unhappy with but stuck with him for specific reasons that are irrelevant, and at the same time as she is my good friend's ex girlfriend from 3 years ago and he wants her back -- have consumed my every thought and I can't shake it no matter what I do. She's just that amazing and I'm down and depressed that I can't have her.


Please, please someone tell me, do I just come out and tell her how I feel regardless of the fact that it could blow up in my face (you know, cause she's my good friend's ex girl from years ago.) Because for all I know, she could be "the one," or do I turn and seal the cap on the bottle and place it in a cool, dark place in hopes of forgetting it (which we all know doesn't work, because it just comes back to haunt you again eventually) which is what I always do? Keep in mind, I never take risks and I've been trying to change that and force myself to take more, but I don't know if this is a risk worth taking at this time. If she's the one and I pass it up, I've lost; I'll never know.


I really need some feedback here, it's eating me up inside.

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this is the boundary line i dont think u want to cross.. to much drama u know.. its prob best to try and move on or something.


Yeah, yeah see that's the thing, I know it's a line I don't wanna cross because it could cost me a friendship, but how am I supposed to ignore the feelings? I feel like I have to express my feelings to her, otherwise it's gonna bottle up like everything else, and that's what I want to avoid. Part of the reason I even posted this is because I hope that having some discussion about it will help. And I kinda hate talking to friends about this stuff too much because I don't want them to see how insecure I really am. I have zero confidence in myself when it comes to women.

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