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When I was a kid I was a romantic, always loyal, always devoted and always trustworthy. I heard about couples who cheated and I said to myself, I will never do that when I grow up. I will love my wife and nothing will make me cheat on her. When I finally grew up, life became less black and white and more complex, especially after marriage. I cheated on my wife and did it in such a horrible way that I no longer recognized who I had become.


I am here to let anyone who is seriously considering cheating to think again. Once you have crossed over, there is no undoing what you have done and karma will come around to bite you. If you are a normal person with feelings, you will probably eventually take on your own pain and guilt on top of the pain that you cause your friends and family. Does this make you a bad person, no, but it does make you miserable and I can guarantee that for the large majority of cheaters, your life will fall apart. It may not be immediate but you will surely end up with some of or all of this fallout: destruction of trust, loss of the marriage and divorce, loss of friendship, loss of self worth, loss of your affair partner and your spouse, emotional injury to your family including your children, financial repercussions and an uterly empty life.


The universe has a way of exacting revenge on us for those that we hurt, and if you choose to go outside your marriage while you are still in it, even if the reasons you are doing so may be valid, you will be dealt a harsh slap of reality and karma will get you.

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yes, karma always catches up.....so now i try to live my life always working on getting good karma points in my life.... i.e. transcending any bad karma that i still have to live in my life by balancing it out and getting good karma points from doing good to people...genuine good


life is full of experiences, don't waste the lessons

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I try to live my life the best that i can...i like to go by the old rule do to others as you wish to be done to yourself. I do believe in karma...maybe a little too much lol I have the worst luck of anyone I know and I always ask myself what I did in the past to have this happen to me lol Karma WILL find you

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Typically, if someone feels the need to cheat on someone and follows through.... They don't buy into romantic notions like karma.


Kind of a generalization


Cheaters aren't a species. It is possible that they have different religions, races, beliefs, and even different shoe sizes, believe it or not.

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  • 5 months later...

Its a nice thought that karma, poetic justice, etc. will catch up to you. Two things though:


1) If its true, why are so many of us cheated on (or have other negative events befall us) for no apparent reason? Where is karma then?


2) The same religion that came up with karma also came up with reincarnation. My belief is that Hindu 'priests' saw too many people leaving this life while never having karma circle back. Or as in #1, bad things happening to apparently good people. And so multiple lives are a necessary thing in order for karma to work.


Best to live as if this is our only life and to be the best human being we can, treating others and we would like to be treated. This can be informed by religion, philosophy and plain common sense. But waiting for karma? No thanks.



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It may not be immediate but you will surely end up with some of or all of this fallout: destruction of trust, loss of the marriage and divorce, loss of friendship, loss of self worth, loss of your affair partner and your spouse, emotional injury to your family including your children, financial repercussions and an uterly empty life.



This is not karma. These are just the consequences of the decision.

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While I'd like to believe in the idea of karma, I just can't. I've seen so many sick and disgusting people get away with some of the most heinous acts you can imagine that it makes it impossible for me. And I'm not talking about just cheating either.


The truth is there are a lot of bad people in this world who will prey upon good people. They look at kindness as weakness and things like loyalty as a punchline. If you've ever dealt with people like that you know what I mean. They see the world like they are hunters and the rest of the world is their prey. Sadly, a lot of these types are masters of manipulation and mimicking normal human emotions so they're damn near impossible to spot until it's too late.

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I think this is a nice post. 20 years ago I got my Karma for cheating on someone. We were not married. The I met someone I was so in love with. I suffered years with an abusive husband who cheated on me. I tell everyone it was because of what I did in my past. I straightened my life up. 10 years later I find someone I love. This person has now cheated on me. I feel I got paid back for mine 20 years ago. Now the person that cheated on me will have to deal with the Karma. I never cheated on him because I loved him. I made sure that if it ever happened to me that I would not have that bad Karma to come back on me in my next relationship. I can honestly say I never did it. When I found out he was cheating I did nothing, said nothing. I left. I didnt turn to anyone for comfort (no other man). He will have to deal with this hurt he has put on me. Ill get over it. Karma will come back to bite him.

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I believe in karma. I have just been cheated on recently. But I do not see that as karma coming back at me. I think that when it comes to karma, you cant right what you do in the past. But something that you do in the past will come back to haunt you. If she did something bad, that will come back to get her. But One time i got into an accident where my brother and i should have both been dead, we both survived with basically no injuries, Thats where i believe karma came into my favor. That telephone pole should have been laying right where we were both sitting. When my wife was diagnosed with cancer and told that she probably would not be able to carry a child, we tried. She has so many complications that really she should not have had him , it happened. She went into the hospital and almost lost him.



I am a moral person , and since the day that i made the decision to be with her for the rest of my life, god gave me the strength to make things work with my wife. Right now any other man would me living in a * * * * ty apartment reconsidering his life. I have started into the process of forgiving my wife. I honestly dont know how i can do that, to have the want to make things work. I have had the strength to get through the hard parts and not get fogged about what happened. Now i think that karma is going to get her. And my fear is that its going to get her with cancer again. I know that some people here are going to think im just some crazy person, but even after what happened , i do fear for my wife that bad health will hit her and i think that its going to be a deal of karma. I always do everything with the idea of karma in the back of my mind.

Newton states

For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction

This kinda works in karma's way. Its a proof in the scientific world

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In my experience, this post is so true. I've never been the cheater. But I've suffered horrid pain of being cheated on by multiple partners. And in every instance, they've suffered so much worse than me, even though my suffering was so severe I wouldn't have thunk it possible.


There is a difference between the cheaters that hide it, and those that don't. The poor souls that think they are following their heart, but are really following their penis.


I've never been with a cheater that tried to hide it. Thank god. Sadly, I only know this because so far, every long term relationship I've been in they've cheated (thought they had feelings for the other woman), told me, and then lost me. And then were completely and utterly crushed.

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The 'harvest' of cheating really is uncanny. As they say: "Crime never pays". Cheating doesn't either. Just think of Tiger Woods and those golf clubs...It has a way of 'boomeranging' at some point.


Better to just be faithful and you can live with yourself...


If you feel stuck in relationship, find a way to get out without using cheating as a tool to get out. It works out a zillion times better...Very interesting thread...

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I know a girl that cheated, so much. When her husband went to work she brought men in the house and had sex with them. She was so wrong to him. She ended up kicking him out of the house, said he was abusive. Well the night she got married, she spit, consomated the marriage with another man. Wouldnt really sleep with the one she married, called him names. When he cashed his paycheck and went to sleep she would take the money, sometimes giving it to other men. She would meet men on the internet, tell him she was going out of town to see her sister, and then sleep with these men while he was sending her money to get by on. She ended up with cancer. He ended up dying. So how did he get his. I can see how she got hers but how did he get his? Now she cries and says she wish he was there because she has no one to take care of her now that he is gone? K if Im the one who never cheated in 7 years and he has, why is he sitting up happy, with someone, not lonely. He cheated on me, put me down and then asked me to move so he could move her into our home. Where is the karma here. I am the one depressed, doing bad and alone.

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