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The good in me is disappearing.

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And what is it about the #3's that make you approach them for friendship, and not the #1's or #2's? Is it because you feel more comfortable with them or have more similarities?

I know growing up I was no Zak Efron and would generally hang out with the #3 crowd. Being older now and have grown into my looks I'm surrounded by more #1 and #2 type friends. However, I enjoy the company of my #3 friends more so than the rest as we are more close. Just my 2c


More similarities, more comfortable, they feel like "home" to me. I love how modest they are. Helps me get away from the #1s and #2s I have to deal with usually

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More similarities, more comfortable, they feel like "home" to me. I love how modest they are. Helps me get away from the #1s and #2s I have to deal with usually


Well try not to think of guys in terms of only just 1's 2's 3's ect. There are over 3 billion guys out there and each and every one of them are unique. Sure there may be similarities, but there are guys out there who are not only attractive but can be intellectual and down to earth as well.

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More similarities, more comfortable, they feel like "home" to me. I love how modest they are. Helps me get away from the #1s and #2s I have to deal with usually




If 3's feel like home, why would you want to be interested in a place which feels different from home?


There's no place like home right?

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