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I had a thought- Opinions wanted please

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Last week I had a huge fight with my ex. We both said some mean things and I have been thinking about it every since. I feel so bad for the things I said to her. She doesnt even want me to email her anymore.


Well, I want to apologize to her, but saying it in email will just piss her off even more. Sending flowers or a card won't send the message.


I was thinking about hiring a plane with a banner to fly around her work next week. With a message saying something like, "*name*, I'm sorry, please forgive me. Love me."


What do you think?

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Forget the banner. Thats not such a good idea.


Have you ever heard of a phone? If you have, maybe try using it to call her and say something like "I'm sorry, lets get together for a coffee and talk, I want to work this out".


It can work wonders.


Good luck

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It doesn't matter if you have to leave a message on her VM. Leave a thousand messages, a hundred thousand...until she gets the point that your sorry and wish to speak with her and work it out.


You already know this...wy haven't you done anything about it yet???


Get on with it!


Best Wishes



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Well, I've convinced my self and after talking to a few people, the air plane thing is probably not a good idea.



I'll just give this thing some time and see what happens. If I stil feel this in a month or two, then maybe I'l give her a call.

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hey aha, what about NO CONTACT? You've apologized and tried to tell her how you feel, she's not paying you any attention, so leave her alone for awhile. Let her wonder what you're up to. Why did you stop calling? Why haven't you tried to talk to her? Let her wonder. Hell, the other isn't working.

So it's time to try something new. Let her miss you. Let her calm down some. It will give you time to step back and take a look at why you said something that obviously hurt pretty bad. Are there issues here that need some work? I hope this will work for you. Good luck.

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Yeah, the no contact is the best way to go. I knew about it, but, I didnt follow it and now i'm paying for it.


I have tried to talk to her, but, she won't respond to anything. That should tell me something right there.

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