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I want to marry him tomorrow

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So I've only been with my guy for 4 months, but we've known each other (worked together) for just over 2 years. He has made me smile and has made me happy every day of those 2 years, and now that we are dating it's even more incredible! I can't shake this feeling that I want to be married to him so bad. He mentions marriage every day, he says little things about us getting married and how he can't wait and stuff. He is serious, he's introduced me to his parents and he said he would only introduce the girl he will marry to his parents, so that was a huge thing. He's never been in love before me, but has been in love with me for a long time so I am pretty sure he knows what he wants. We were talking the other night and he says in a year, we'll be married. I am so anxious, I've never felt like this about a guy before and I'm 29 years old. I just feel like I need to curb this anxiety about wanting to do it so badly. I am so scared that things are going to go wrong and it won't work out. He wants me to move in with him in a few months. I feel like things are too good to be true. I know we are still in the honeymoon stage, but it's different because I've known him so long. I don't know what I'm looking for here other than I need to know how to keep cool until he one day pops the question.

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Take your time. He is telling you a year? and he wants to move in soon. You are already moving fast. Relax and enjoy this. Just be with him. Love him. Enjoy every moment. The future is coming (and fast) just let it come.


Do you really want to rush it? This time that you both will talk about for the rest of your lives?

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My cousin got engaged after dating and knowing her now husband for 3 months. They've been married a year and a half now and have a daughter who was born in March. I was worried that maybe they had rushed into things and did all the major milestones while they were still in the honeymoon stage, but they seem so genuinely happy with each other and the life that they created in the blink of an eye. My point is that sometimes, you know what's best for you. I don't see the point in getting married right away either, but I'm not going to be a buzzkill

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