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People who don't want kids = wrong?

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I don't ever want to have kids. If I ever do change my mind about the issue, I will adopt, I will not give birth.


I absolutely hate it when people tell me "Oh, you'll change your mind when you're older." What a stupid assertion. Nobody can tell me what I, or anyone for that matter, will want in 10 years. Maybe I actually have very legitimate, strong reasons for not wanting to have kids that can't just be waived away, no matter how old I am.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with people who decide not to be parents.

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I think people (and I have a good feeling it's mostly women) that attack you for not wanting kids is because of their own insecurities. They felt inadequate and incomplete without children in their life and they are jealous that you don't need children to feel adequate.

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I would rather have someone know their wants and not wants...then to have a child they didnt want, and raise it in a less then desirable circumstance. I would think if you only had children b/c you felt you should...you will always resent them.

childless people are not that unusual in this day and age, anyway...

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I had a client today tell me "oh I used to say I never wanted kids either and then I had my son, so you'll change your mind". She didn't say it as judgmental or even as matter of factly, but just that I'll change my mind b/c she did. 3 times we've had this conversation. I don't know how to explain it to people that I don't want another human to grwo in me. I'm not annoyed with her for telling me yet again that I'll change my mind, but I don't understand how it's so hard to comprehend that a person doesn't want kids.

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I get told that I'll change my mind all the time. It would only be possible if I had a complete personality transformation. When I look into the future and imagine myself being a mother, I can see myself horribly depressed and tired, with a destroyed body and a screaming, demanding kid. I imagine that all fun I could possibly have had would be flushed down the toilet.

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