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weird Conversation about me being on the pill


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I had a weird conversation about me being on the pill with my bf.


we fooled around for a bit, i gave him a BJ, but there was a little bit of stuff on him etc and he said he better have a shower...and then said "cos i dont want a kid right now"...and i said "huh" (keep in mind this was like 1am) and he said "well your not on the pill".


i am on the pill. He's never asked. if anything i would have thoght he'd asume i was, not asume i wasn't.


And when i told him i was, his response confused me. he said "what? how long have you been on that for".... i roughly guessed (its only been a feew months). Too which he responded with that why was on the pill if i wasn't having sex. I tried to explain that its not something u can stop and start.


i went on it for 'the possibility' i might be intimate with someone down the line, i'd be prepared and my body will have gotten used to the tablet and so will i.


Is this a weird response for a guy to have? it was almost like he didn't want me to be on the pill with his questioning and the way he asked things.


you dont have to be taking the pill and having sex with someone. it helps many things for girls, but i dont think theres any point in telling him that...


what would you think?

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Some guys are a little clueless about that stuff. I was on the pill for ages even though I was single. My period is regular, I don't turn into a psychopath once a month and yes, it's always nice to have a backup, because no method of contraception is 100%.


He probably just doesn't know any better. The pill can also be prescribed for people with skin problems. There's a whole host of reasons to take it.

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I would say it sounds like a couple of things. One, he's young and perhaps inexperienced. How old is he?


Two, I wonder if he's looking through your stuff. How would he know you're not on the pill unless he's looking. Does he do that? Is he generally secure in the relationship or a bit insecure?

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Sounds as though he needs a complete biology lesson!


Just how is having a shower going to stop you getting pregnant?


As for him questioning when and if you're on the pill, I think you just need to gently explain to him that it is your job to look after your body and if you and your doctors feel that the pill is right for you, then the pill it is. When you started taking it has really nothing to do with him.


However, now that you're both getting physical, I do think and frank and open conversation about sex and protection might be the way to go.

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I agree that he sounds pretty clueless and a little immature. He needs to brush up on his sex education. Besides that, you're doing the right thing by taking care of yourself and making sure there are no unwanted pregnancies. He should be pleased about that and impressed - not throw the 20 questions at you. At least you're showing you're being responsible.


How long have you two been together?

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he's just ur average guy that likes to think that u wernt sleeping with anyone immiediately before him, or that ur not promiscuos or whatever. already being on the pill would be like carrying condoms around in ur purse... ur prepared ready and willing and it basically makes them think (or perhaps realise) that ur good to go.


i'm not surprised by ur boyfriends reaction, sometimes guys are a bit like captain cook, they pitch their flag on a new destination and like to think they own it. he should be able to understand that u just keep it that way but he might still interpret it as u just keep urself in the clear for getting ur groove on.

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Like mentioned, some guys are clueless.


There was a time when I was taking my pill, and my guy's friend had made a comment of "Looks like someone is getting lucky today..."

So, its obvious that some guys just don't know how it works, and how you need to take it daily, not just when you decide to have sex that night, or whatever.


I think he just needs a basic education of this thing.

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