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Okay... What just happened?


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Basically, my girlfriend just started ranting and raving at me due to a text i sent her. This one:


"I'll make sure we get to see each other in the week then. x"


I was just wondering if anyone would find this text message offensive? I, for the life of me, can't figure out what would cause this response:


"What do you mean you'll make sure. I'm not forcing you to see me. You know what, don't text back, I can't be f***** to argue with you, do me a favour and don't text back."


What did I do exactly? I want to ask her if there was anything up with her but then she may just get even angrier because I text her.


Help, anyone?

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Not really, nothing big. We haven't argued for weeks, it's been amazing until this.


You've only been together for a month but you've already been having arguments? That doesn't sound good...did you date for a long time before you became official?

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You've only been together for a month but you've already been having arguments? That doesn't sound good...did you date for a long time before you became official?


I guess they would have argued at 2 weeks then?


She doesn't sound like she's very nice to you, dude.

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She doesn't sound like she's very nice to you, dude.


Seriously. She kinda flew off the handle there, when all she needed to do was ask what you meant if she was unclear about the tone of your text.


I agree with the others - call her and clear it up. And while you're at it, I don't think it would be out of line for you to say, "In the future if I've said something to upset you, let's try to work it out together instead of letting it escalate."


Keep us posted.

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I think she just showed you he chick crazy card, hon. That was nuts of her!


You were being a good guy, saying you would definitely make time to see each other, and she goes off?



No kidding... talking or TEXTING that way to you after only being with you for a month is so not cool. This girl sounds a little nuts. If she can talk to you this way already, what is going to happen in a few more months when she gets comfortable with you?

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