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I know he's out hooking up... while I sit at home...


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... I'm so bummed. He's able to have one-night-stands and not think twice about it. I'm pretty sure he's out tonight, living it up drinking and looking for his next chick. I know I shouldn't care and I should be glad that he's no longer in my life, but this is so hard! I'm so mad, so sad, so jealous. It feels as though he's being rewarded for his bad behavior. I just hope one day it hits him. The pain he's caused, the words he can't take back.... but I know it'll never happen. He's a narcissist and everything he does is great... and he's always happy. Why can't I just be happy? Instead, I'm lonely and miserable. I almost feel like I should've cheated when I had the chance (because I did have a chance to), but I guess that would've just made me just as disgusting as he is.... I don't know.

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I feel the same exact way as you! I'm lonely, I feel like I meant NOTHING to her, while she goes off and has sex with this random guy and tells me about it (as if she was trying to make me jealous and hurt about it!!!!) She broke up with me for the dumbest reasons...she pretty much made a judgment that random one night stands meant more to her than our relationship. Makes me feel so good about myself...I really hope she realizes how much she's sucked even though she could care less about how I feel and is sooo happy with her life

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We all have the chance to cheat on the people we are with. But why do we not take the opportunity? Its because we have some very important values in us. The value of respect. The value of loyalty. The value of trust. The value of dignity. The value of Honesty. The value of integrity.


So what if he is going around doing that? He doesnt have any of those prime values. Instead of being upset, think about what you can give one very lucky guy. All the above and the love and affection that you can give him.


So dont be upset or unhappy, be very excited because you have the qualities to make some lucky man out there very happy. And in turn, there is a man out there with the qualities that will make you very happy too


I hope this helps .......

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Looks like a couple of candidates for an STD if you ask me.


Don't worry...every dog has their day!



I like this!! I'm sat here feeling the same, but angry... just hope the sad bug doesnt hit me... saying that I'd just be content if I could go to sleep!

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tbh I've done the hooking up thing twice (but I was the dumpee) after the break up. Depending on how raw it is, if it's a rebound hook up it just makes you feel like * * * * the next day..I've not done a non-rebound hook up but I can imagine it really won't be that great. You don't get any emotion out of it. Before I met my ex I used to be mentally * * * * ty, but when I fell in love it changed everything. Now the idea of emotionless sex outside of a relationship seems boring and pointless. Trust me, hook-ups are NOTHING, especially compared to being intimate with someone who you have feelings for. They're * * * * ., and exist to make lonely singletons who are scared of relationships (like me now) feel momentarily better when they're at a low

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freeindeed: I get those moments too. As far as I know, my ex didn't cheat, but he is a free spirit and can't handle his emotions so he has sex to deal with them. My mind goes crazy sometimes, because I can just see how he would be having one night stands in order to get over me and try to move on and not feel the pain....I just have to be aware of when I start thinking this way and try to shut it off...he can have as much empty, meaningless sex as he wants - gross - I know I'm better than that, nor do I deserve that from someone like him....and YOU need to remember that too!

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